2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories — IPCC (original) (raw)

The 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories was adopted and accepted during the 49th Session of the IPCC in May 2019. It was prepared by the Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) in accordance with the decision taken at the 44th Session of IPCC in Bangkok, Thailand, in October 2016.

The 2019 Refinement was considered in May 2019 during the IPCC’s 49th Session (Kyoto, Japan) and adopted/accepted on 12 May 2019 (Decision – IPCC-XLIX-9 – Adoption and Acceptance of 2019 refinement).

The final volumes are available on the TFI website

2019 Refinement: Overview chapter
2019 Refinement: Glossary
Edits and Errata
List of contributors

Supporting material for the 2019 Refinement

IPCC Expert Meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines (Energy, IPPU, Waste Sectors), Geneva, Switzerland, 29 June – 1 July 2015, Co-Chairs’ Summary
IPCC Expert Meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines (AFOLU Sector), São Paulo, Brazil, 13 – 16 July 2015, Co-Chairs’ Summary
IPCC Expert Meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines: follow-up on specified issues from the 2015 expert meetings, Wollongong, Australia, 25 – 26 April 2016, Co-Chairs’ Summary
IPCC Expert Meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines (Cross-sectoral issues), Wollongong, Australia, 27 – 29 April 2016, Co-Chairs’ Summary
Report of IPCC Scoping Meeting for a Methodology Report(s) to refine the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Decision IPCC/XLIII-8. Update of methodologies on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Decision IPCC/XLIV-5. Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Products, Outline of the Methodology Report(s) to refine the 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
List of selected Authors and Review Editors (containing 190 experts)
List of selected Authors and Review Editors as of 15 March 2019 (containing 187 experts)
Statistics on the nomination and selection of authors

Background information on the development of the 2019 Refinement

The 26th Meeting of Task Force Bureau (TFB) (28 – 29 August 2014, Ottawa) concluded that:

Following these conclusions by the TFB and approval by the IPCC at its 40th Session, the TFI started a technical assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines through an on-line questionnaire survey and four expert meetings in 2015 and 2016. The Co-Chairs’ summaries of these four meetings can be found below in the Supporting Documents section. The technical assessment revealed that there has been abundant new scientific and empirical knowledge published since 2006 which the IPCC should take into account, particularly with respect to data for emissions factor development for some categories and gases. Consequently, the necessity and usefulness of refining the current methodological guidance (e.g. updating default emission factors) has been recognized by TFB. Such refinement will help all UNFCCC Parties use good practice inventory methodologies based on up-to-date scientific knowledge.

Based on the decision of the IPCC at its 43rd session in April 2016, a Scoping Meeting was held to prepare an outline of the Methodology Report to refine the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.

The conclusions of this Scoping Meeting were submitted to the IPCC for consideration at its 44th Session. At this session, IPCC decided (Decision IPCC/XLIV-5) to prepare a Methodology Report with the following title and format:

The overall aim is to provide an updated and sound scientific basis for supporting the preparation and continuous improvement of national GHG inventories.

The 2019 Refinement was not to revise the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, but update, supplement and/or elaborate the 2006 IPCC Guidelines where gaps or out-of-date science have been identified. It will not replace the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. It should be used in conjunction with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.

From the 328 nominations received from governments, observer organizations and Bureau members, 190 experts were selected as Authors and Review Editors by the TFB in accordance with the Principles Governing IPCC Work.

The authors started drafting the 2019 Refinement at the First Lead Author Meeting in June 2017 in Bilbao, Spain. The final draft was considered by the IPCC for adoption/acceptance at its 49th Plenary Session in May 2019.


| | | | | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | | 1st Lead Author Meeting (LAM1) | 7-9 & 12-14 Jun 2017 | | 2nd Lead Author Meeting (LAM2) | 25-28 Sep 2017 | | First Order Draft (FOD) Expert Review | 4 Dec 2017 – 11 Feb 2018 | | 3rd Lead Author Meeting (LAM3) | 10-13 Apr 2018 | | Literature cut-off date* | 25 Jun 2018 | | Second Order Draft (SOD) Government/Expert Review | 2 Jul – 9 Sep 2018 | | 4th Lead Author Meeting (LAM4) | Week of 22-27 Oct 2018 | | Final Draft Government (FDG) Review | 28 Jan – 25 Mar 2019 | | IPCC Panel Adoption/Acceptance | 8-12 May 2019 |

* As to peer-reviewed papers, those accepted by the journals by 25 June 2018, even if not yet published, can be used in the 2019 Refinement. As to non-peer-reviewed documents, those made publicly available by 25 June 2018 can be used.