WIPO – IP Justice (original) (raw)
IP Justice Statement to WIPO General Assembly July 2022
IP Justice submitted the following statement to the 63rd WIPO General Assembly, which was held 14-22 July 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland: IP Justice Statement Issues Raised: Proposed Broadcast Treaty Domain Name & Country Names Issue Intellectual Property Waiver for COVID-19 Vaccines and Medicines IP Justice's Statement at the WIPO 63/GA was drafted by Solveig Legoupil.
IP Justice Participates at WIPO Committee on Development Meeting
From November 20th to 26th, 2021, IP Justice participated in the World Intellectual property Organization (WIPO) Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP)’s Twenty-Seventh Session. The WIPO General Assembly established CDIP in 2008 to convene all WIPO member states, NGOs/IGOs, and observers such as IP Justice to discuss intellectual property (IP) transfer and address the [...]
IP Justice Statement at WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property’s 27th Session
IP Justice Statement at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP)’s Twenty-Seventh Session (20-26 November 2021) IP Justice urges the WIPO to provide more easily understandable resources for identifying available inventions in the public domain. For the public to have greater access to the public domain inventions, they have [...]
International Civil Society Sends Letter to WIPO Over China’s Rejection of Wikimedia Foundation
IP Justice and 54 other international public interest organizations signed a letter letter of concern to the Member State Delegates at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) after the application for "observer status" requested by the Wikimedia Foundation was twice rejected by China during WIPO General Assemblies. The civil society letter called on country delegations to [...]
IP Justice Statement at WIPO General Assemblies 2021
I am representing IP Justice, an international advocacy organization on internet regulation and digital governance. I urge the delegates to reject the WIPO Broadcast Treaty and adopt Limitations and Exceptions provisions. Imagine when big broadcasting companies own the learning materials in school, and that broadcaster will own the contents created by artists. The Broadcast Treaty [...]
IP Justice WIPO Broadcasting Treaty Policy Brief
Summary The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Broadcast Treaty had a long journey of two decades of negotiation on the WIPO table. U.S. delegates proposed a most recent draft at the Standing Committee of Copyright (SCCR 38) in 2019, and the last SCCR 41 Agenda asks for comments on possible next steps for the Broadcast [...]