VPAT - Information Technology Industry Council (original) (raw)

The ITI Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (ITI VPAT®) is a free template that translates accessibility requirements and standards (e.g., in Section 508 and other legal frameworks) into actionable testing criteria for products and services. Users should test their products and services against each section of the VPAT and use the template to document results. Once completed, the VPAT® with documented testing results is referred to as an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) that details the accessible features of the tested product or service.

The Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR), based on a completed ITI VPAT®, is the leading global reporting format for assisting buyers and sellers in identifying information and communications technology (ICT) products and services with accessibility features. The VPAT includes the leading ICT accessibility standards: Section 508 (U.S.), EN 301 549 (EU), and W3C/WAI WCAG.

ITI remains committed to maintaining the market relevance of the VPAT. We will continue to assess and respond to global developments in ICT accessibility standardization, as appropriate.

The VPAT is offered free of charge. Membership in ITI is not required to use the VPAT. Please note, however, that the VPAT name and report form are ITI registered service marks, and should not be altered without the express written permission of ITI. Also, the notation ® should be used in conjunction with the name and report in accordance with established guidelines.

VPAT® Version 2.5 (November 2023)

Consistent with the original VPAT, version 2.5 provides a column for recording conformance to each provision of a standard or guideline relevant to a product or service. Manufacturers or venders declare the degree of conformance using one of four conformance levels: supports; partially supports; does not support; or not applicable. Note that, in a previous update of the VPAT, “partially supports” replaced “supports with exceptions.” This change was made at the request of representatives of the U.S. Access Board. Version 2.5 also includes a column for providing a more detailed explanation for each reported conformance level.

ITI has four editions of the VPAT, enabling ICT manufacturers and vendors to create Accessibility Conformance Reports focused on the standards relevant to specific markets and contract requirements:

See VPAT links below “Template Quick Links”.

Please note that there are different versions of WCAG included in different editions of the VPAT. This occurs due to the version of WCAG included in those standards.

All four editions of the VPAT contain:

PLEASE NOTE: While a VPAT can be an essential aid in assessing the availability of ICT products with accessibility features, it is important to note that, even in cases where a product conforms to relevant standards and technical specifications, an end user may still encounter difficulties utilizing it due to the nature or severity of their disability. On the other hand, a product that may not fully conform to all technical requirements may still be perfectly accessible to an end user who has a disability, but does not need a particular accessibility feature, e.g., a large-button telephone handset for an individual with a hearing disability.

While there may not be a perfectly accessible product, many can still be used effectively and efficiently by most people with disabilities. ITI has developed a paper offering recommendations on how ICT purchasers can utilize VPAT-generated Accessibility Conformance Reports to sort through such matters. Please see the document entitled “Reporting Conformance to ICT Accessibility Standards.”


What is the difference between a VPAT and an ACR?

A version of the VPAT which has been completed for a specific product is an ACR.

Who should fill out a VPAT?

The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) is likely the best source to conduct the testing necessary to complete the VPAT.

Where are VPAT templates located?

All VPAT templates are available at the top of this page: ITI’s VPAT webpage In the “resources” box, select the version you would like to download.

Does ITI review or approve VPATs?

No, ITI does not review or approve VPATs. ITI provides the VPAT templates as a free resource for anyone to use. We provide extensive instructions and training slides/videos on our website regarding how to complete the VPAT. VPATs shouldn’t require a third party review—the product/service owner who completes the VPAT will likely have the most accurate information about the unique features represented on the VPATs. This is always something you can choose to do as part of an extra compliance check, but is not required. (Caveat: If you are completing a VPAT in response to a government or other solicitation, follow the specific directions receive in the solicitation, which may require a third party audit or review as part of its terms. If you have any questions about what is being required, ask the entity that issued the solicitation for clarification).

Is there a VPAT certification?

No, there is no VPAT certification—you complete the VPAT as the product-owner to demonstrate the accessibility of your products.

Do resellers fill out the VPAT or do vendors of the solution fill out the VPAT?

Either party can complete the VPAT. Check with the vendor/OEM if they are better suited to provide this information.

I have completed the VPAT, what do I do now? Where do I submit it?

There is no submission process for the VPAT. Once you have completed a VPAT, it is known as an “accessibility conformance report,” or ACR. You are welcome to provide the ACR to anyone or to post it publicly on your website as evidence that you have tested your product/service against the VPAT criteria. Other than that, there’s no certification or conformance logo required or even available to those who have filled out the VPAT.

How can I get VPAT “certified”?

There is no certification for VPAT. The VPAT stands for “Voluntary Product Accessibility Template.” It is a template that companies can use that breaks down the criteria and standards for testing the accessibility of a given product. There is no “pass/fail” scale for determining whether a product is accessible or inaccessible. Rather, the various criteria on the VPAT will give a holistic picture of the specific accessible features provided by the tested product or service. Ideally, a user should be able to view the information entered into your VPAT (which, when completed, is known as an accessibility conformance report or “ACR”) and understand the level of accessibility of your courses. You are welcome to make the completed VPAT (ACR) available on your website or upon request to demonstrate your efforts to conform with WCAG standards.

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