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The JewishGen Holocaust Database

JewishGen's Holocaust Database is a unique and critically valuable collection of databases which contain information about Holocaust victims and survivors. As of August 2024, more than 5.9 million records are available in this continually updated collection, which includes Camp Records, Transport Lists, Name Lists, and a multitude of of other record types.

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Component Databases:

The Aufbau Database Names of over 33,000 Holocaust survivors, published in the German-language newspaper Aufbau in New York, 1944-1946. Jews who Resided in Krosno, Poland before 1941Over 2,000 Jews who resided in this Galician town before 22 June 1941. Norway CompilationData on nearly 900 Norwegian Jews, compiled from 11 different sources. Danish Deportees Database Over 400 persons deported from Denmark to Theresienstadt. Arrivals to Buchenwald on Jan 22, 19452,470 new arrivals in Lager II (Buchenwald, Germany). Deaths in M hldorf, Nov 1944 - April 19451,857 persons who died at this forced labor camp in Bavaria. Auschwitz-Sachsenhausen Transfers, 27 Nov 1944356 prisoners on one transport between these two concentration camps. American Military Government Compiled List of Jews987 Survivors and Victims of concentration camps. Buchenwald Death List - Polish Men, 1939An unpublished list of 864 Polish men murdered at Buchenwald before WWII. Silesian Jews in Mixed Marriages, October 1944A list of 73 Jews married to non-Jews in Silesia, compiled by the Nazis. Jews who Died in Berlin, Jul 1943 - Mar 1945Data on 480 Jews who died in Berlin, from Gestapo files. Austrian Jews in Concentration CampsInformation on over 800 Austrian Jews, from various sources. Confederation of Jews in Germany1,662 names from the "Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland" collection. Polish-German Children in Zabiczyn111 children without parents expelled from Germany to Poland in 1938. Jewish Partisans and Fighters of VolynNames of 822 from Partizanim v'Lochamim Yehudim MeiVolhyn L'zichram, 1997. Deportation of Bialystok Children from TheresienstadtNames of 1,200 children deported from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz, 5 Oct 1943. Jews who Died at Dachau after Liberation555 who died in the "Revier" Clinic at Dachau after liberation. Jewish Inhabitants of Krosno, Galicia, Poland3,298 entries, compiled from multiple sources. Dachau Inmates - Possessions upon EntryA list of 2,800+ inmates of Dachau Concentration Camp, and their possessions. Czech Inmates at Bergen Belsen and Theresienstadt610 Czechoslovak Jewish Women liberated in Bergen-Belsen. Czech Inmates at Bergen Belsen and Theresienstadt333 Czechoslovak Women Nationals in Hospitals. Czech Inmates at Bergen Belsen and Theresienstadt445 Czechoslovak Jewish Women at Bergen Belsen who were repatriated. Czech Inmates at Bergen Belsen and Theresienstadt384 Czech Jews still in Terezin on February 5, 1945 Jewish "Training" Centers in Germany1,800 names of Jewish youth, 1934-1938. Germans, Swiss and Austrians Deported from FranceInformation about 825 deportees, 1942-1944. Westphalian Jews and the HolocaustThe fate of over 8,000 Westphalian Jews. German Jews at Stutthof Concentration CampNames of 2,750 German Jews at this concentration camp near Gdansk. Lvov Ghetto Database Names of over 10,000 Jews in the Ghetto of Lwów Poland, 1942-1945. Krak w Ghetto Database Names of over 19,000 Jews in the Ghetto of Kraków Poland, in 1940. Pinsk Ghetto List, 1942Data on over 18,000 Jews in the Pinsk ghetto in late 1941 or 1942. Vilna Ghetto: Lists of PrisonersOver 15,000 Vilnius Ghetto prisoners, from a census of Lithuania in May 1942. The Extraordinary Commission Lists: RigaOver 2,000 individuals residing in Riga who are recorded as having perished at the hands of the German forces, most during 1941. Brest Ghetto Passport Archive Identity papers of over 12,000 people in the ghetto of Brest-Litovsk, from Soviet archives. Sugihara PassportsNames and visa dates of 2,140 (mostly Polish) Jews, who were saved by passports from the Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara in 1940. Kovno Ghetto Cemetery, 1941-1943Transcripts of 881 burials from the register of the_Chevra Kadisha_ of Viliampole Slobodka, Lithuania. Children from Prague 1,216 Jewish children living in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1943-44. Jews Deported from Spišsk Nov Ves, Slovakia Information on 1,054 Jews deported from Spišsk Nov Ves, Slovakia, May 28, 1942. Jews of Szombathely, Hungary, 1944Registration of 3,116 Jews in Vas County, 1944. Jews in Debrecen, Hungary, 19454,000 survivors registered in Hajdu County, 1945. Borislav-Drohobycz Delinquent Water Bills 1941-1942Data on 5,000 residents of Boryslaw and Drohobycz, now in Ukraine. Sachsenhausen Arrivals & Departures, Oct 1940-Jun 1941Data on 5,000 arriving and departing prisoners at this camp, north of Berlin. Temporary Passports for Jews in Germany, 1938-1941Exit passports for 500 persons, from Gestapo files. Dachau Concentration Camp Records Data on 150,000 prisoners, from captured German documents. Jews Deported from W rzburg276 persons deporteed from this town in Lower Franconia. Auschwitz-Stutthof Transfers, 26 Oct 1944500 Jewish men sent to Stutthof, October 26, 1944 Pinkas HaNitzolim I - Register of Survivors Names of nearly 62,000 survivors in Europe, published in 1945. Pinkas HaNitzolim II - Register of SurvivorsNames of nearly 58,000 survivors in Poland, published in 1945. Austrian, Czech, and German Jews in RigaData on 876 forced Jewish laborers in Riga, Latvia. Breslau DeportationsThree transports of 1,845 persons sent to Silesian towns in 1941-1942. Auschwitz Forced LaborersDocuments on 5,310 who entered Auschwitz, including parents' family names and maiden names. Częstochowa Forced Laborers 4,610 prisoners at the Hasag Pulcery labor camp in Częstochowa. Soviet Extraordinary Commission Index to testimonials on over 60,000 Holocaust victims. Pinsk Records from the Soviet Extraordinary Commission Compilation of testimonials about 11,704 Holocaust victims from Pinsk. Galician Forced Laborers from Lvov Data on 1,110 workers, from a collection of the Lviv State Archives. Kolomyya 1939 Kehila Dues Data on 1,271 persons paying Jewish community dues in Kolomyja in 1939. Polish Martyred Physicians Data on 2,465 Polish physicians who perished during the Holocaust. North Bavarian Jews Data on over 7,400 North Bavarian Jews, from the Captured German Records Collection at USHMM. Jewish Survivors listed in a Hungarian PeriodicalNames of 17,931 Hungarian Jewish concentration camp survivors, published in the Hungarian periodical Hirek az Elhurcoltakrol. Refugees from France to BrazilNames of nearly 500 French Jews who were issued immigration visas to Brazil during the Holocaust. Braunschweig Cemetery for Forced LaborersNames of forced laborers who were buried in the local cemetery of Braunschweig, Germany Forced laborers in Borysław and DrohobyczNames of nearly 5,000 forced laborers in these two towns in Lw w province, Galicia, Poland (now Borislav and Drogobych, Ukraine). Ł dź Ghetto Database A record of the 240,000 inhabitants of the Ł dź Ghetto. Ł dź Ghetto - Volume VThe supplemental fifth volume of Ł dź Names, with over 20,000 additional entries. Ł dź Ghetto Hospital DeathsOver 14,000 deaths recorded in hospitals in the Ł dź Ghetto, Nov 1941 thru Jun 1944. Ł dź Ghetto Hospital Illness RecordsOver 5,600 persons with contagious diseases in hospitals in the Ł dź Ghetto, Aug-Dec 1940. Ł dż Transports to ChełmnoNames of 7,168 individuals from Ł dź who were transferred to the death camp at Chełmno, June-August 1944. Hungarian Holocaust MemorialsNames of more than 22,000 martyrs, recorded on Holocaust memorials in 35 communities in Hungary and Slovakia. Sharit HaPlatahNames of 61,387 Jews who survived the Holocaust, published in 1946 in Munich. Surviving Jews in Kielce District2,179 survivors from the Kielce district of Poland. Displaced Persons from Bergen-Belsen to SwedenData on 1,600 DPs from various countries in Bergen-Belsen and moved to Sweden, 24 July 1945. From U.N. documents. T rgu Mureş Deportation List, 1944Over 4,000 Jews deported from T rgu Mureş (Maros-V s rhely) in 1944. T rgu Mureş Ghetto List, 1945Over 2,000 residents of the T rgu Mureş ghetto, as of Jan 8 1945. Transnistria: Jews Receiving and Sending SupportLists of Jews from the Regat (pre-WWI Romania) who sent money to Jews in the ghettos of Transnistria. Jews murdered near Sabac, SerbiaData on over 1,000 members of the Hechalutz Zionist youth group murdered in Zasavica near Sabac (Serbia). Jewish Women who lived in Dortmund, GermanyData on 877 Jewish women who lived in Dortmund, Germany between 1930 and 1943. Polish Children SurvivorsData on Polish children from Dobroszycki's_Survivors of the Holocaust in Poland_. The Tehran ChildrenData on 848 Polish refugee children in Persia, from Dzieci Syjonu, The Children of Zion. Hungarian Jewish KMSZ (Military Forced Laborer) ListList of 4,497 Jews who died while serving in the Munkaszolg lat (Civilian Labor Service) during World War II. Jewish Forced Labor in Berlin, 1941-1943Names of 533 Jews who were forced to work at a factory in Berlin. The Jews of Oradea (Nagyvarad)Names of 1,500 Jews who owned businesses in Oradea, Romania in 1944. Neuengamme VictimsNames of 1,200 victims of the bombing of the ships_Cap Arcona_ and Thielbek in L beck, May 1945. Jewish Refugees in the PhilippinesNames of 1,318 Jewish refugees who received visas to travel to the Philippines during WWII. Mauthausen/Gusen Death BookNames of 38,206 who were imprisoned and died at Mauthausen and/or other nearby sub-camps. Deportees From Beuthen Germany (Bytom Poland)List of 949 Jews deported from Beuthen, Upper Silesia, Germany (now Bytom, Poland) in 1942. Prostějov (Prossnitz) Jewish MartyrsNames of 1,220 Jewish matryrs from Prostějov, Czechoslovakia. Győr Victims at AuschwitzNames of over 3,000 victims from Győr, Hungary, deported to Auschwitz, made by a Jewish communal organization. Jewish Physicians from CzechoslovakiaNames of 1,668 Czechoslovakian physicians who died during the Holocaust, from an unpublished yizkor book manuscript. Jews of D s (Dej) in the Ghettoization of May, 1944List of 3,250 Jewish residents in D s, Hungary (now Dej, Romania), just prior to their deportation, May 3-10, 1944. Deportations from Dorohoi to Transnistria3,200 Jewish families deported from Dorohoi, Romania to Transnistria. Bucharest Jewish Males - Oct 1942Bucharest Jewish Gazette list of 1,594 Jewish males that must report for labor - Oct 1942. Kozienice Ghetto Census (Lista), 1939-19424,023 inhabitants from the census of Jews in the Kozienice ghetto, made by the Jewish Council of Kozienice. Jews From Iaşi who Survived the TransportsList of over 1,600 Jews who survived two transports by train from Iaşi (Jassy) Romania. Kisv rda, Hungary - Records Before Deportation, 19443,516 residents from Kisv rda (Kleinwardein), Hungary ghetto prior to their deportation, April 10-13, 1944. Subotica Jews, Victims of the Fascist Occupation1,993 names of victims from Subotica, now in Serbia. (formerly Szabadka, Hungary, before WWI). Hannover-Ahlem PrisonersNames of 257 prisoners, mostly Polish Jews, who perished in a subcamp of Neuengamme, located in Ahlem/Hannover. Krak w Transport List Names of 6,700 Jews transported from Krak w, Nov 1940 thru Apr 1941. Balta OrphansList of 220 orphaned children in the Balta Ghetto. Balta Ghetto2,817 Jews from the Balta Ghetto, Transnistria, as of 1941. Holocaust Survivors Claiming American CitizenshipApplications of 621 individuals claiming American citizenship, processed in Z rich by the U.S. State Department. French Prisoners in Stutthof Names of 237 French citizens who spent some time in Stutthoff. Balta BatallionList of 507 Jewish men in Batallion 120 - Romanian forced laborers in Transnitria, 1941-1944. Ahlem Hospital Survivors Names of survivors in Ahlem (Hannover) hospital, 1945. Schindler's ListsNames of 1,980 inmates in Oscar Schindler's factories in Plasz w, Poland and Br nnlitz, Czechoslovakia. Cluj Children SurvivorsNames of 1,144 students enrolled in the Kolozsv r Jewish High School, 1940-1944. Będzin Census of 1939Data on 22,167 Jews enumerated in a 1939 census of the city of Będzin (Bendin), Poland. Auschwitz Work CardsInformation on 852 Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz. Lublin Ghetto List - April 1942Names of 4,587 Jews in the ghetto of Lublin, Poland, in April 1942. World Jewish Congress Collection Data on more than 72,000 Holocaust survivors, from the files of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). Polish Medical Questionnaires Data on 2,000 Jewish medical personnel in Galicia and surrounding areas in 1940-42. Răuţel Camp ListingsData on 2,070 Jewish prisoners in the Răuţel camp, in Transnistria. Claims Conference - Hungary Data on 135,544 Hungarian Jews whose names appear in records held in the Central Zionist Archives and Yad Vashem. Claims Conference - Romania Data on 167,815 Romanian Jews whose names appear in records held in the Central Zionist Archives and Yad Vashem. Jewish Refugees in Tashkent Data on 152,000 Jewish refugees from the Soviet Union who were evacuated to Tashkent and other localities in Uzbekistan, 1941-42. The Twentieth Train Records of 567 deportees who boarded a train ambushed on the way to Auschwitz in 1943. Bergen-Belsen to Philippeville, Algeria Data on 200 Jews who arrived at the UNNRA refugee camp in Philippeville, Algeria in 1945. Hungarian Jewish Survivors in Buchenwald Data on 707 Hungarian Jewish survivors from Buchenwald. Who Perished on the Struma? Data on more than 700 Jewish refugees who perished when the Struma sank. Flossenbürg Prisoner Lists Data on 18,334 prisoners interned in the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp. Sarajevo Survivors to Palestine, Dec 1948 1,500 survivors from Sarajevo who went to Palestine, December 1948. Daugavpils (Dvinsk) Ghetto List, 1941 962 residents of the Dvinsk ghetto, 5-Dec-1941. Hungarian Women at Rochlitz 180 Hungarian Jewish women sent to Rochlitz, Germany. Arad Census - 19429,698 names in a census of Arad, Romania, 1942. Ł dź Ghetto Work ID Cards Identification cards for 13,000 workers in the Ł dź Ghetto. Passports of German Jews Passports of 500 German Jews. Mszana Dolna, Poland - 1942 Census Over 1,000 residents of Mszana Dolna, Poland, 15-Jun-1942. Natzweiler-Struthof Camp 34,000 inmates of Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp, in Alsace. Teis-Dâmboviţa Camp Prisoners, 1941 Jews interned in the Teis-Dâmboviţa camp, Sept, 1941. Zagreb Survivor Lists 1,200 survivors from Zagreb, from the Croatian National Archives. Natzweiler Medical Experiments86 Jews murdered in 1943 in Natzweiler-Struthof. Danzig and Polish Refugees in MauritiusRefugees to Palestine interned in Mauritius, 1940. S.S. Astir Passenger ManifestRefugees to Palestine interned in Greece, 1939. Bucharest StudentsStudents in Bucharest used as forced laborers, 1943. Auschwitz-Buchenwald Transports - Jan 1945Two transports from Auschwitz to Buchenwald, 22-Jan-1945 and 26-Jan-1945. Rhodes to FerramontiPersons from Rhodes who were transferred to the Ferramonti Di Tarsia Internment Camp, 12-Jan-1942. Lost Train from Bergen-BelsenThe Lost Train: Bergen-Belsen to Tr bitz, April 1945. Hidden Children in FranceInformation on 4,000 children hidden in France by the Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE). "Jews For Sale": The Rudolph Kasztner TransportsNames of 1,900 rescued Hungarian Jews, 1944. Steyr Forced Labor Records of 1,437 forced laborers transferred to the Steyr work sub-camp at Mauthhausen. Rhodes Lists European refugee Jews who, following their shipwreck, were housed on the Island of Rhodes, and then transferred to the Ferramonti Di Tarsia internment camp in 1942. Lieberose Residents To Sachsenhausen 142 Jewish male prisoners sent to the Liberose sub-camp of Sachsenhausen from Auschwitz. Bergen-Belsen Prisoners Liberated at Farsleben 2,500 prisoners liberated aboard a train from Bergen-Belsen. Miranda de Ebro Prisoners Index of the prisoners held at Miranda de Ebro, the central camp in Spain for foreign prisoners. Baden Jews 730 names of Jews in Baden and surrounding towns who had not been deported as of October 22, 1940. Polish Jewish Prisoners of War Registration Cards Registration cards for 2,939 Jewish soldiers held by the Germans at Wehrmacht camps. The Sinking of the Mefkure Names of 296 passengers from Romania, Hungary and Poland who died on the Mefkure. Mosonmagyar v r Deportations to Auschwitz 395 names of individuals who were transported from Mosonmagyar v r (now Hungary) to Auschwitz. Reichenberg Victims of the Holocaust 896 individuals from Reichenberg (Liberec), now in the Czech Republic, to various camps and their disposition. The Voyage of the Olim (Immigrants) of the Biria 1,086 passengers who traveled from France to Haifa in 1946 on the Biria. Gurs Deportations to Auschwitz-Birkenau 2,007 people deported from the Gurs Internment Camp in the south of France to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Rivesaltes Deportations to Auschwitz-Birkenau 1,664 people deported from Rivesaltes in the Pyrenees-Orientales (southwest France). Cernăuţi, Romania (Chernivsti, Ukraine) Lists 3,968 Jewish residents in Cernăuţi, Romania and the surrounding area, from lists of forced labor, police reports, conversion, emigration, ghetto lists, and registration cards. Lublin: Initial Registration of Lublin's Jews 6,535 records from the registrations of Jews in Lublin in 1939 and 1940. Lublin: Stettin (Szczecin) Jewish Deportation into the Lublin Area Registration of 1,129 Jews from Stettin (Szczecin) forced to resettle in the Lublin area in 1940. Radom Prison Records 1939-44 Files for 14,159 prisoners in the Radom Prison, 1939-1944. Polish Jews Repatriated to Głuszyca after WWII 615 Jews who returned to Głuszyca after the war and were residents there 1946-1950. Klooga, Estonia Forced Labor Camp Prisoners 1944 2,186 Jewish men and women who were held in Klooga, a sub-camp of the Vaivara concentration camp, in July 1944. German Jews Deported from Italy to Auschwitz, 1943-44 228 Jews born in Germany who were deported from Italy to Auschwitz in 1943-1944. Riese and Gross Rosen Prisoners and Transports Records of 4,806 prisoners at Riese and sub-camps, July 1944. Deaths During Deportation from France Names of 7,346 French female deportees for whom "Certificates of Disappearance" were requested. Last Letters from the Ł dź Ghetto Index of 4,022 persons mentioned in deportation appeal letters, May 1942. 1948 Warsaw Survivors List Names of 5,680 Holocaust survivors from Warsaw, as of 1948. Selected Lists from the Jewish Advocate This collection is made up of 1,840 records from three separate lists that appeared in 1944 in the Boston Jewish Advocate, originally published in Boston, MA. Tübingen Medical School Experiments Records of 278 prisoners whose bodies had been used at the Tübingen medical school. Karaganda, Kazakhstan Lists Names of 190 Jews who died at the Karaganda labor camp, or who returned from there in 1946-47. Auschwitz To Hessisch Lichtenau Transport List Records of 1,000 Hungarian women transferred from Auschwitz to Hessisch Lichtenau in September 1944. Gross-Rosen Victims and Survivors Records of 4,843 individuals who were at Gross-Rosen. Women in Flossenbürg Branch Camps 15,842 records of women who worked in sub-camps of Flossenb rg. Mantello El Salvadorian Certificates Records for 2,160 European Jews who applied for papers identifying them as citizens of El Salvador. Lublin Death Incidents Register, 1941-1942 Information from 681 death incident reports from Lublin, November 1941 and January 1942. Sachsenhausen Deaths Registered at the Oranienburg Civil Registry Office Records of 1,504 deaths in Sachsenhausen, from the Oranienburg Civil Registry Office. Równe (Rovno) Victims Killed in the Kostopol Forest Information about 5,166 victims from Rovno, killed in the Kostopol Forest in December 1942. Jewish Partisans in Belarus, 1941-1944 8,451 persons who were members of various resistance groups in Belarus during World War II. Liepāja Holocaust Memorial Wall Names of 6,428 Holocaust victims listed on the Memorial Wall in the Liepāja Jewish Cemetery. Jews in Dresden, 1945 Information on 265 persons who were residing in Dresden or in Dresden prisons as of January 22, 1945. Peruvian Records Names of 671 Jews who emigrated to Peru, from the early 1800's through 1947. Theresienstadt Survivors Sent to Canton St. Gallen A list of 1,226 Theresienstadt survivors who were sent to Canton St. Gallen in Switzerland in February 1945. Mannheim, Germany Community Records, 1940 1,675 records of members of the Jewish community of Mannheim, as of June 1, 1940. Jewish Lawyers in Munich Names of 194 attorneys living in Munich during the 1930s. Neu Stassfurt Forced Labor List Information on 168 male prisoners sent to the Neu Stassfurt labor camp. Paraguay Arrivals A list of 254 Jews who arrived in Paraguay between 1918 and 1935. Baden-Württemberg Lists 1,993 persons included in a number of lists from the Baden and Württemberg areas. The Strange Case of Internal German Deportations Information on 143 Jews who were moved in 1939 from German towns close to the French border to Halle, Germany. Dorosic Forced Laborers Records for 396 forced laborers who died in Dorosic, Ukraine, in 1943. Jewish Arrivals In Switzerland, 1938-1945 Records of 21,730 Jews who arrived in Switzerland between 1938 and 1945. Schneidemühl Detainees Records for 512 people who were detained in or deported from the district of Schneidemühl in 1941. Dutch Police Lists Records of 2,995 foreigners (mostly German Jews) who came into contact with Dutch authorities between the mid-1930s and 1954. Kladavo Transport to Palestine Information on 1,051 passengers from the ship Uranus, which was stopped at Kladovo, Yugoslavia during an unsuccesful voyage to Palestine in 1939. Miskolc (and surrounding towns) Residents Information about 10,831 Holocaust victims from Miskolc and the surrounding towns in Borsod county, Hungary. New Romanian Lists Information on 72,844 individuals, collected from various Romanian lists. Evidence Registers of Jews in Cahul Camp 525 records for Jewish prisoners from the Cahul camp in Romania, 22-Jul-1941. Leova Holocaust Period Records Information on 438 Jews living in Leova before the war, and 118 citizens exiled to Siberia. Dutch Survivor Lists Records of 24,163 accounted for as "Dutch" survivors. Czech Subjects Interned in Mauritius Records of 299 Czech Jews interned on Mauritius, 1941-1945. Piotrk w Trybunalski Ghetto Tax List10,761 records from the tax lists of the Piotrk w Trybunalski Ghetto, 1940-1942. Jews Killed in 1941 in Dubossary Records of 2,984 Jews killed in Dubossary, Moldova/Transnistria, in autumn 1941. The 1933 German Towns Project Jewish inhabitants of German towns in 1933, compiled from town sources by the ITS. 66,182 records from 303 towns. Łódź Deportation Exemptions, Sept 1942 Records of 2,464 Łódź Ghetto inmates exempted from the September 1942 deportations. Prisoners in the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp 29,105 Jewish prisoners of the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp. Keidan Holocaust victims Information about 1,027 Jews from Keidan/Kėdainiai, Lithuania, murdered during the Holocaust. Polish & German Jewish Civil Death Certificates, 1941-1945 2,118 Polish and German Jewish civil death certificates, issued between 1941 and 1945. Jews Deported from Berg, Norway 221 Jews deported from the Berg Internment Camp, near T nsberg, Norway. Kindertransports, 1938-1939 674 children who arrived in England in the Kindertransports. Polish Children to Post-War England 1,397 Polish children who arrived in England after the war. Markkleeberg Prisoners List 1,424 women, mostly Hungarian, transported to Mekkleeberg. Theresienstadt Arrivals List Names of 685 of Markkleeberg inmates reaching Theresienstadt (Terez n) after the death march on April 29, 1945. Dortmund Holocaust Victims 2,078 citizens of Dortmund (Westphalia) deported between 1933 and 1945. Austrian Forced Laborers in Germany 285 Austrian Jews who were held in German forced labor installations in 1939. Opole (Oppeln) Death Certificates Death certificates for 2,118 Jews (primarily Polish) who perished 1941-1943 in areas of western Poland annexed to Germany. Ebensee Survivors 678 Czech men liberated from Ebensee (Mauthausen sub-camp) in 1945. [Sitzendorf Survivors](JG0406%5FSitzendorf Survivors.html) 202 survivors of the Sitzensdorf forced labor camp in Thuringia. Slovak Survivors 776 survivors from eastern Slovakia, compiled in June 1945. [Borszcz w Forced Labor Camp](JG0408%5FBorszczow%5FBorshchiv Jewish Forced Labor Camp.html) 155 individuals who worked at the Borszcz w Forced Labor Camp. Hungarian Jewish Lawyers, 1944 Names of 3,440 Jewish advocates listed in the 1944 edition of the official Budapesti Kozlony. Wallenberg Passport List, Budapest 5,642 Hungarian Jews who received a protective document from the Swedish embassy. Hachshara in Havelberg 124 members of this Zionist youth organization in Havelberg, Saxony-Anhalt. German "Mischlingen" in Nazi Germany: Sitzensdorf 203 mixed-race forced laborers at Sitzendorf concentration camp in Thuringia. Parschnitz Forced Labor Transport 910 female prisoners at Parschnitz forced-labor camp, October 1944. Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland Registration cards for 31,143 Jews residing in Germany, beginning in 1939. [Leova Mayoral Election List, 1937](JG0454%5FLeova Election List.html) 1,929 citizens of Leova, Moldova registered to vote in the 1937 election for mayor. [Lublin, Poland: Seized Property Cards, 1940's](JG0455%5FLublin Property.html) 5,081 records of confiscated Jewish property in the Lublin area. Bernsdorf (Gross-Rosen) Laborers 289 forced laborers in Bernsdorf (Gross-Rosen sub-camp). Wolfsberg-Riese (Gross-Rosen) Laborers 2,960 forced laborers in Wolfsberg-Riese (Gross-Rosen sub-camp). [Polish Refugees to Mexico, 1943](JG0465%5FPolish Refugees to Mexico.html) 1,481 records of Polish refugees that ultimately went to Mexico. Mass Deportation from Moldova, June 1941 Information about 2,517 individuals deported from Moldova by the Soviet authorities in June 1941. Jews in Medzilaborce, Czechoslovakia Information about 824 individuals in Medzilaborce, Czechoslovakia. B k scsaba, Hungary Holocaust Victims This data set consists of 833 entries... Gross Rosen Transport 400 records of transported Jews... Nisko Transports, Oct 1939 Names of 1,298 Jews sent from Ostrava, Czechoslovakia to Nisko, Poland in October 1939. Szeged Deportation Survivors Records of 3,884 deportation survivors from Szeged, Hungary. Szeged, Hungary Survivor List 3,407 records of Szeged deportation survivors Mielec, Poland: List of Jewish residents - August 1940 2,320 inhabitants of Mielec, Poland, dated August 15, 1940. Nowy Sacz, Poland: Forced Labor Municipal Workshops - 1942 An index of 1,345 Jews forced to report for work in the St dtische Werkst tten (Municipal Workshops) in Nowy Sacz in 1942. Nowy Sacz, Poland: Punishment Books, 1940-1942 An index of 1,883 Jews who received punishments, in the form of fines or imprisonment, for various alleged offences in the town of Nowy Sacz, between January 1940 and September 1942. [Rzeszow, Poland: Marriage Certificates 1939-1942](/databases/Holocaust/JG0480%5FRzeszow Marriages 1939-1942.html) 134 Marriage Records from Rzesz w,Poland, from 1939-1942. [Rzeszow, Poland: Registration and ID cards 1919-1942](/databases/Holocaust/JG0481%5FRzeszow Registration and ID Cards 1919-1942.html) Registration and ID cards from Rzesz w,Poland, from 1919-1942, many of them from the Holocaust period, with 101 records. Czudec, Poland: Jewish Birth and Death Records 1939-1942 14 Jewish births and death records from Czudec, Poland from 1939-1942. [Czudec, Poland: Jewish Residents 1940-1942](JG0483%5FCzudec Jewish residents, 1940-1942.html) An index of 1,215 Jewish residents from Czudec, Poland 1940-1942. Stutthof Survivors This database includes 300 female survivors from the Stutthof Concentration Camp. Sered, Slovakia Deportations - 1944 706 deportees from the concentration camp in Sered, Slovakia. Jewish Holocaust Survivors Located in Venice A list of 118 non-Italian survivors located in Venice. The survivors came from various countries, primarily Austria, Poland and Yugoslavia. Riga Transport Survivors This database includes 168 Jews who survived Riga deportations, were sent back to Germany, then, after the war, to Sweden. Polish Jewish Survivors: Lubeck This list contains 146 names of Polish Jewish survivors. Karlsruhe, Germany Survivors This list includes 111 survivors in Karlsruhe, Germany 1946, submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York. Hungarian Women Transport List From Auschwitz to Buchenwald October 14, 1944 A list of 200 Hungarian women sent late in the war from Auschwitz to Buchenwald. Austrian Holocaust Survivors Returned to Vienna A list of 1,753 Austrian Jews returned to Vienna from various concentration camps. The Gardalegen Massacre A list of 248 Jews who were in the Gardalegen, Germany barn burning. Revoked German Citizenship and Property Seizures 1933-1945 This database includes 89,480 total listings comprised of 81,630 records for individuals and 7,850 records for organizations. Polish Survivors Found in Hungary - April 18, 1946 A list of 639 names of Polish Jews found in Hungary immediately after the war. Lublin Marriages (1939-1942) A register of 592 Jewish marriages from the city of Lublin, Poland during the Holocaust period. Selected Jewish Refugee Passenger Manifests A list of 848 Jewish refugees who arrived in Boston in 1940. USC Shoah Foundation - Holocaust Survivor Testimonies This database contains records relating to information from Holocaust survivor audiovisual interviews collected and preserved within USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive . Slovak Jewish Census - 1941 This database includes records relating to 18,238 Jews from Slovak towns prior to the deportations. Rovno, Poland Community Fee Contributions: February 1939 This database includes records relating to 2,686 households in Rovno that paid community fees in Feb 1939. Jewish Children Attending Umberto School #1 - Salonika, Greece This data set includes the names on 157 Jewish Children that attended he Umberto Italian School #1 in Thessaloniki, Greece between the world wars. Traunstein Displaced Persons This database includes 11,659 persons who spent time in the Traunstein Displaced Persons Camp. Sephardic Jews Deported to Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp During World War II This database contains 1,151 Records. Breman Oral Histories 197 testimonies from Holocaust Survivors living in Georgia and Alabama in the USA. Hungarian Speaking Families Who Wanted to Immigrate to Palestine Nearly 8,400 people from Hungarian-speaking lands in present-day Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia and Serbia The Lados List Names of 2,992 Jewish passport holders to whom the Polish Legation and Jewish organizations in Switzerland issued Latin American passports during the Second World War. Italian Displaced Persons Camps Internees Names of 282 individuals. Mirer Yeshivah Students-1937 Names of 45 students who travelled from Germany to the Yeshivah in 1937. Jews from Tunisia who were Murdered in Nazi Forced Labor Camps Names of 68 victims. Jewish Resistance in World War II Bulgaria Names of 272 Sephardic Partisans from Bulgaria (includes link to accompanying book). Victims from Crete, Florina and Volos, Greece 703 records of Holocaust victims from Crete, Florina and Volos, Greece. Prominent Jews in Egypt (1942-1943) This database consists of 189 prominent Egyptian Jews. Treblinka victims from Monastir (Bitola), Macedonia This database consists of 149 family names representing 761 families by surname and 3,354 total family members. Rhodes and Kos (Cos), Greece Deportees This database includes 1,781 Jews deported from Rhodes, and Cos, Greece. Jewish Deportees from Norway during WWII This database includes 768 Norwegian Jews deported during World War II. 1941 Egyptian Directory This database consists of 12,303 listings that cover 3,311 unique surnames. Targu Mures (Marosvasarhely) Students and Teachers Deported to Auschwitz 1944 This database includes 366 students and 10 teachers from T rgu Mures (Marosv s rhely) Students and Teachers Deported to Auschwitz 1944. Auschwitz Medical Test Victims This database lists 161 men and women, from two seperate lists. Ioannina, Greece Holocaust Victims This database includes 1,829 victims from Ioannina, Greece. Sephardic Jews Deported from France During World War II This database consists of 5,204 Sephardic Jews from Algeria, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Greece, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey. Shoah Victims from LaManche, France This database consists of 99 victims of the Holocaust from Manche. French Deportees Who Died During Deportation This database consists of 199 French citizens whose death certificates officially say, "Dead in Deportation" or were corrected from what was previously reported. Salonika (Thessaloniki), Greece Holocaust Victims This database includes 37,529 victims from Salonika (Thessaloniki), Greece. Jews Who Received Haitian Nationality in Absentia This database consists of 130 individuals who obtained Haitian citizenship in May 1939. Urbes Camp Forced Laborers This database consists of 463 forced laborers who worked at the Ubes Camp in 1944. Survivors Returning to Sighet and Maramures 7,281 records extracted from books kept in the Jewish Community Center in Sighet, Maramures, Romania. Jews living in Vienna during the Nazi occupation (1938-1945) This database includes 1,365 records. Westerbork - Victims Deported from the Netherlands This database consists of 101,560 Westerbork victims deported from the Netherlands. Romanian Jews from Bucovina and Bessarabia Deported to Transnistria 2,400 records of Romanian Jews deported to Transnistria. Holocaust Victims from Various Greek Towns 3,365 records of Greek Jews deported during the Holocaust. The Theresienstadt Ghetto Project An index of 43,927 profiles from, with direct links to profiles. La Lista Sanz Briz: Budapest Hungary This database consists of 2,283 records of individuals from three lists of 1) granted passports, 2) provisional passports, or 3) certificates of protection by Sanz Briz. Beit Theresienstadt Index This database contains an index of 162,224 Jews from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark and other European countries, who were imprisoned in the Theresienstadt Ghetto. Jews of Sibiu, Romania, Evicted from their Homes in 1942 This database consists of 137 records of Romanians in Sibiu that were evicted from their apartments or shops. Romanian Medical/Government Dismissed Workersin 1940 This database consists of 292 records of Romanian medical professionals and government workers dismissed from their jobs in 1940. Refugees Interned at Marneffe and Marchin (Belgium) The database consists of 828 records of refugees who spent time at Marneffe between June 1939 and May 1940 and 269 records of refugees who spent time at Marchin between September 1939 and September 1940. Jewish Inhabitants of the Somme (France) Before and During the Occupation Two datasets consisting of 280 records of Jewish Inhabitants of the Somme (France) before and During the Occupation. Danish Holocaust Deaths This database consists of 174 records of individuals from two different sources described in the Background section. Bulgarian Deportation of Jews from Kavala This database consists of 82 individuals deported from Kavala, Greece. Angermunde, Germany Victims This database consists of 43 victims of the Holocaust from the town of Angermunde, Germany. Jews from Piedmont, Italy, who were deported to Nazi concentration camps This database consists of 37 individuals deported from Piedmont, Italy. Budapest Ghetto Name Lists This database contains 2,249 names of Jews who were in the Budapest Ghetto. The Jewish Community of Merano and Bolzano in the Shoah. This database includes 80 Jews born, resident or moved to Meran who were deported between September 16, 1943, to November 1944 to Auschwitz. Jungfernhof Concentration Camp - Riga, Latvia This database, taken from Karen Frostig's "Locker of Memory" website, is a compilation of 5 lists and includes 4,163 records. Jewish Business Registrations in Romania (Transylvania), July-August 1940 The database includes 679 records of individuals and businesses. List of Jewish Survivors from Kolomyya, Ukraine This database includes 823 survivors from Kolomyaa, Ukraine. List of Jewish Yugoslavian War Victims 1941-1945 This database consists of 63,224 names of Yugoslavian Jewish victims. The Arolsen Archives Database The Arolsen Archives Database contains more than 1.5 million records shared by the Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution (formerly known as the International Tracing Service) with JewishGen.