JSTOR Access Initiative - About JSTOR (original) (raw)

The JSTOR Access Initiative program provides free or reduced-fee access according to a tiered system. It offers unlimited access to a collection of all archival journals and primary sources on JSTOR:

Title list (xlsx)

Archive Journal collections

Primary Source collections

Tier 1

Tier 1 institutions in the JSTOR Access Initiative program receive free, unlimited access to a collection of all archival journals and primary sources on JSTOR.

Tier 2

Tier 2 institutions in the JSTOR Access Initiative program receive unlimited access to a collection of all archival journals and primary sources on JSTOR for a small yearly fee of $500.

Tier 3

Tier 3 institutions in the JSTOR Access Initiative program receive unlimited access to a collection of all archival journals and primary sources on JSTOR for a small yearly fee of $2,000.

Steps to participate

  1. Submit your IP information.
  2. Download, print, and sign the Institutional Participation Agreement for the JSTOR Access Initiative.
  3. Scan and send your agreement to support@jstor.org.

For more information, please contact us.