KEGG DRUG: Ticlopidine (original) (raw)

Entry D08594 Drug
Name Ticlopidine (INN);Ticlopidin-Puren (TN)
Formula C14H14ClNS
Exact mass 263.0535
Mol weight 263.79
Class Blood modifier agent DG01950 Antithrombotic agent DG01712 Antiplatelet agent DG01808 Thienopyridine DG01809 P2Y12 receptor antagonist DG01808 ThienopyridineMetabolizing enzyme inhibitor DG01634 CYP1A2 inhibitor DG02892 CYP2B6 inhibitor DG01933 CYP2C19 inhibitor DG01645 CYP2D6 inhibitor
Remark Same as: C07140ATC code: B01AC05Chemical structure group: DG00156Product (DG00156): D01028<JP>
Efficacy Anticoagulant, Platelet aggregation inhibitor, Purinergic receptor P2Y12 antagonist
Comment Thienopyridine derivative
Target P2RY12 [HSA:64805] [KO:K04298]
Pathway hsa04611 Platelet activation
Interaction CYP inhibition: CYP2C19 [HSA:1557], CYP1A2 [HSA:1544], CYP2B6 [HSA:1555], CYP2D6 [HSA:1565]
Structure map map07049 Antithrombosis agents
Brite Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification [BR:br08303] B BLOOD AND BLOOD FORMING ORGANS B01 ANTITHROMBOTIC AGENTS B01A ANTITHROMBOTIC AGENTS B01AC Platelet aggregation inhibitors excl. heparin B01AC05 Ticlopidine D08594 Ticlopidine (INN)Drug groups [BR:br08330] Blood modifier agent DG01950 Antithrombotic agent DG01712 Antiplatelet agent DG01808 Thienopyridine DG00156 Ticlopidine D08594 Ticlopidine DG01809 P2Y12 receptor antagonist DG01808 Thienopyridine DG00156 Ticlopidine D08594 Ticlopidine Metabolizing enzyme inhibitor DG01634 CYP1A2 inhibitor DG00156 Ticlopidine D08594 Ticlopidine DG02892 CYP2B6 inhibitor DG00156 Ticlopidine D08594 Ticlopidine DG01933 CYP2C19 inhibitor DG00156 Ticlopidine D08594 Ticlopidine DG01645 CYP2D6 inhibitor DG00156 Ticlopidine D08594 TiclopidineTarget-based classification of drugs [BR:br08310] G Protein-coupled receptors Rhodopsin family Purine / pyrimidine P2RY12 D08594 Ticlopidine (INN)Drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters [br08309.html] Drug metabolizing enzymes D08594Drug groups [BR:br08330] Blood modifier agent DG01950 Antithrombotic agent DG01712 Antiplatelet agent DG01808 Thienopyridine DG00156 Ticlopidine DG01809 P2Y12 receptor antagonist DG01808 Thienopyridine DG00156 Ticlopidine Metabolizing enzyme inhibitor DG01634 CYP1A2 inhibitor DG00156 Ticlopidine DG02892 CYP2B6 inhibitor DG00156 Ticlopidine DG01933 CYP2C19 inhibitor DG00156 Ticlopidine DG01645 CYP2D6 inhibitor DG00156 Ticlopidine
Other DBs CAS: 55142-85-3PubChem: 96025278ChEBI: 9588PDB-CCD: TIC[PDBj] LigandBox: D08594NIKKAJI: J11.390E
KCF data ATOM 17 1 C8x C 19.4600 -17.2200 2 C8x C 19.4600 -18.6200 3 C8x C 20.6500 -19.3200 4 C8y C 21.9100 -18.6200 5 C8y C 21.9100 -17.2200 6 C8x C 20.6500 -16.5200 7 C1b C 23.1000 -19.3200 8 N1y N 24.2900 -18.6200 9 C1x C 24.2900 -17.2200 10 X Cl 23.1000 -16.5200 11 C1x C 25.5500 -19.3200 12 C8y C 26.7400 -18.6200 13 C8y C 26.7400 -17.2200 14 C1x C 25.5500 -16.5200 15 C8x C 28.0700 -19.0400 16 C8x C 28.9100 -17.9200 17 S2x S 28.0700 -16.8000BOND 19 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 4 2 4 4 5 1 5 5 6 2 6 1 6 1 7 4 7 1 8 7 8 1 9 8 9 1 10 5 10 1 11 8 11 1 12 11 12 1 13 12 13 2 14 13 14 1 15 9 14 1 16 12 15 1 17 15 16 2 18 16 17 1 19 13 17 1