Karen Human Rights Group (original) (raw)

Fri, 30 Aug 2024

This Short Update describes events occurring in Daw Hpah Hkoh (Thandaunggyi) Township, Taw Oo (Toungoo) District, in July 2024. On July 22nd 2024, the Shar Htoo Waw Team attacked State Administration Council (SAC) trucks on a road between Leik Tho Town and Toungoo Town, in Daw Hpah Hkoh Township. On the same day, after the fighting, SAC soldiers from Kon Nit Maing (7 Miles) army camp arbitrarily arrested two youngsters, including a minor, who were travelling to Toungoo Town, accusing them of being involved in the fighting. The SAC soldiers took the villagers to SAC Infantry Battalion (IB) #39 army...

Fri, 30 Aug 2024

This Short Update describes events that occurred in December 2023 in Kruh Tuh (Kyonedoe) Township, Dooplaya District. On December 28th 2023, combined forces from the People’s Defence Force (PDF) and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) attacked State Administration Council (SAC) troops stationed at the Taung Kyain bridge area in Taung Kyain village tract, Kruh Tuh Township. After the fighting, the SAC fired mortar shells into A--- village, Raw Keh village tract, Kruh Tuh Township, killing an 11-year-old boy and injuring two villagers, including a 13-year-old girl. Later on the same day, the same combined forces from the PDF and...

Fri, 30 Aug 2024

This Incident Report describes an event occurred in Kaw T’Ree (Kawkareik) Township, Dooplaya District. On March 20th 2024, an air strike was conducted by the State Administration Council (SAC) onto G--- village, Noh Poe village tract, Kaw T’Ree Township, killing one villager and injuring three. Saw A--- was travelling with his infant when an aircraft flew over them in G--- village. After hearing the sound of aircraft a second time, he got his child to safety with his wife in a bunker, but he was fatally hit by the air strike. Saw A--- was sent to a local clinic, located...

Wed, 31 Jul 2024

This Situation Update describes events occurring in Tha Htoo (Thaton) Township, Doo Tha Htoo (Thaton) District during the period between February and November 2023, including State Administration Council (SAC) shelling and looting, as well as villagers’ displacement and landmine contamination. During the reporting period, the SAC military conducted indiscriminate shelling at least 25 times, firing 135 mortar rounds. As a result, five villagers died (including two children) and 26 villagers (including nine children) were injured. Livestock was also affected, including 22 cattle killed. Property was also destroyed: 17 houses, four monastery buildings, critical infrastructure, and a car were also destroyed...

Wed, 31 Jul 2024

This Short Update describes events occurring in Htaw Ta Htoo (Htantabin) Township, Taw Oo (Toungoo) District, in May 2024. On May 22nd 2024, State Administration Council (SAC) soldiers from Infantry Battalion (IB) #39 shot at two villagers (including a 17-year-old) on a road in front of their army camp after curfew in A--- village, G--- village tract, Htaw Ta Htoo Township, while they were travelling on their motorbikes. The 17-year-old villager was hit and died immediately. The SAC soldiers arbitrarily arrested, detained and tortured the other villager. During his arrest and detention in IB #39 army camp, the villager was...