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COLLADA Schema Version 1.4.1 (June 23, 2006) Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 The Khronos Group Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Khronos is a trademark of The Khronos Group Inc. COLLADA is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. used by permission by Khronos. Note that this software document is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, with ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. enable-xmlns The COLLADA element declares the root of the document that comprises some of the content in the COLLADA schema. The COLLADA element must contain an asset element. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_animations elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_animation_clips elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_cameras elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_controllerss elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_geometriess elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_effects elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_force_fields elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_images elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_lights elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_materials elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_nodes elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_materials elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_physics_models elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_physics_scenes elements. The COLLADA element may contain any number of library_visual_scenes elements. The scene embodies the entire set of information that can be visualized from the contents of a COLLADA resource. The scene element declares the base of the scene hierarchy or scene graph. The scene contains elements that comprise much of the visual and transformational information content as created by the authoring tools. The instance_physics_scene element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA physics_scene resource. The instance_physics_scene element may appear any number of times. The instance_visual_scene element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA visual_scene resource. The instance_visual_scene element may only appear once. The extra element may appear any number of times. The extra element may appear any number of times. The version attribute is the COLLADA schema revision with which the instance document conforms. Required Attribute. The xml:base attribute allows you to define the base URI for this COLLADA document. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/ for more information. An enumuerated type specifying the acceptable morph methods. An enumerated type specifying the acceptable node types. This type is used for URI reference which can only reference a resource declared within it's same document. An enumerated type specifying the acceptable up-axis values. An enumerated type specifying the acceptable document versions. The InputGlobal type is used to represent inputs that can reference external resources. The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the input connection. Required attribute. The source attribute indicates the location of the data source. Required attribute. The InputLocal type is used to represent inputs that can only reference resources declared in the same document. The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the input connection. Required attribute. The source attribute indicates the location of the data source. Required attribute. The InputLocalOffset type is used to represent indexed inputs that can only reference resources declared in the same document. The offset attribute represents the offset into the list of indices. If two input elements share the same offset, they will be indexed the same. This works as a simple form of compression for the list of indices as well as defining the order the inputs should be used in. Required attribute. The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the input connection. Required attribute. The source attribute indicates the location of the data source. Required attribute. The set attribute indicates which inputs should be grouped together as a single set. This is helpful when multiple inputs share the same semantics. The InstanceWithExtra type is used for all generic instance elements. A generic instance element is one which does not have any specific child elements declared. The extra element may occur any number of times. The url attribute refers to resource to instantiate. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an external resource using an absolute or relative URL. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The TargetableFloat type is used to represent elements which contain a single float value which can be targeted for animation. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The TargetableFloat3 type is used to represent elements which contain a float3 value which can be targeted for animation. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The IDREF_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of ID reference values. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute. The Name_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of Name string values. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute. The bool_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of boolean values. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute. The float_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of floating point values. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute. The digits attribute indicates the number of significant decimal digits of the float values that can be contained in the array. The default value is 6. Optional attribute. The magnitude attribute indicates the largest exponent of the float values that can be contained in the array. The default value is 38. Optional attribute. The int_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of integer values. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of values in the array. Required attribute. The minInclusive attribute indicates the smallest integer value that can be contained in the array. The default value is –2147483648. Optional attribute. The maxInclusive attribute indicates the largest integer value that can be contained in the array. The default value is 2147483647. Optional attribute. The accessor element declares an access pattern to one of the array elements: float_array, int_array, Name_array, bool_array, and IDREF_array. The accessor element describes access to arrays that are organized in either an interleaved or non-interleaved manner, depending on the offset and stride attributes. The accessor element may have any number of param elements. The count attribute indicates the number of times the array is accessed. Required attribute. The offset attribute indicates the index of the first value to be read from the array. The default value is 0. Optional attribute. The source attribute indicates the location of the array to access using a URL expression. Required attribute. The stride attribute indicates number of values to be considered a unit during each access to the array. The default value is 1, indicating that a single value is accessed. Optional attribute. The param element declares parametric information regarding its parent element. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the parameter. Optional attribute. The type attribute indicates the type of the value data. This text string must be understood by the application. Required attribute. The source element declares a data repository that provides values according to the semantics of an input element that refers to it. The source element may contain an asset element. The source element may contain an IDREF_array. The source element may contain a Name_array. The source element may contain a bool_array. The source element may contain a float_array. The source element may contain an int_array. The technique common specifies the common method for accessing this source element's data. The source's technique_common must have one and only one accessor. This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Required attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. Geometry describes the visual shape and appearance of an object in the scene. The geometry element categorizes the declaration of geometric information. Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement, properties, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids. The geometry element may contain an asset element. The geometry element may contain only one mesh or convex_mesh. The geometry element may contain only one mesh or convex_mesh. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The mesh element contains vertex and primitive information sufficient to describe basic geometric meshes. The mesh element must contain one or more source elements. The mesh element must contain one vertices element. The mesh element may contain any number of lines elements. The mesh element may contain any number of linestrips elements. The mesh element may contain any number of polygons elements. The mesh element may contain any number of polylist elements. The mesh element may contain any number of triangles elements. The mesh element may contain any number of trifans elements. The mesh element may contain any number of tristrips elements. The extra element may appear any number of times. The spline element contains control vertex information sufficient to describe basic splines. The mesh element must contain one or more source elements. The control vertices element must occur exactly one time. It is used to describe the CVs of the spline. The input element must occur at least one time. These inputs are local inputs. The extra element may appear any number of times. The extra element may appear any number of times. The p element represents primitive data for the primitive types (lines, linestrips, polygons, polylist, triangles, trifans, tristrips). The p element contains indices that reference into the parent's source elements referenced by the input elements. The lines element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into individual lines. Each line described by the mesh has two vertices. The first line is formed from first and second vertices. The second line is formed from the third and fourth vertices and so on. The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset and set attributes. The p element may occur once. The extra element may appear any number of times. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of line primitives. Required attribute. The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute. The linestrips element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into connected line-strips. Each line-strip described by the mesh has an arbitrary number of vertices. Each line segment within the line-strip is formed from the current vertex and the preceding vertex. The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset and set attributes. The linestrips element may have any number of p elements. The extra element may appear any number of times. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of linestrip primitives. Required attribute. The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute. The polygons element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into individual polygons. The polygons described can contain arbitrary numbers of vertices. These polygons may be self intersecting and may also contain holes. The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset and set attributes. The p element may occur any number of times. The ph element descripes a polygon with holes. Theere may only be one p element. The h element represents a hole in the polygon specified. There must be at least one h element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of polygon primitives. Required attribute. The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute. The polylist element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into individual polygons. The polygons described in polylist can contain arbitrary numbers of vertices. Unlike the polygons element, the polylist element cannot contain polygons with holes. The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset and set attributes. The vcount element contains a list of integers describing the number of sides for each polygon described by the polylist element. The vcount element may occur once. The p element may occur once. The extra element may appear any number of times. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of polygon primitives. Required attribute. The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute. The triangles element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into individual triangles. Each triangle described by the mesh has three vertices. The first triangle is formed from the first, second, and third vertices. The second triangle is formed from the fourth, fifth, and sixth vertices, and so on. The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset and set attributes. The triangles element may have any number of p elements. The extra element may appear any number of times. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of triangle primitives. Required attribute. The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at the time of instantiation. Optional attribute. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and shading results are application defined. The trifans element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into connected triangles. Each triangle described by the mesh has three vertices. The first triangle is formed from first, second, and third vertices. Each subsequent triangle is formed from the current vertex, reusing the first and the previous vertices. The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset and set attributes. The trifans element may have any number of p elements. The extra element may appear any number of times. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of triangle fan primitives. Required attribute. The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute. The tristrips element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into connected triangles. Each triangle described by the mesh has three vertices. The first triangle is formed from first, second, and third vertices. Each subsequent triangle is formed from the current vertex, reusing the previous two vertices. The input element may occur any number of times. This input is a local input with the offset and set attributes. The tristrips element may have any number of p elements. The extra element may appear any number of times. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The count attribute indicates the number of triangle strip primitives. Required attribute. The material attribute declares a symbol for a material. This symbol is bound to a material at the time of instantiation. If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and shading results are application defined. Optional attribute. The vertices element declares the attributes and identity of mesh-vertices. The vertices element describes mesh-vertices in a mesh geometry. The mesh-vertices represent the position (identity) of the vertices comprising the mesh and other vertex attributes that are invariant to tessellation. The input element must occur at least one time. These inputs are local inputs. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Required attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The lookat element contains a position and orientation transformation suitable for aiming a camera. The lookat element contains three mathematical vectors within it that describe: 1. The position of the object; 2. The position of the interest point; 3. The direction that points up. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. Matrix transformations embody mathematical changes to points within a coordinate systems or the coordinate system itself. The matrix element contains a 4-by-4 matrix of floating-point values. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The rotate element contains an angle and a mathematical vector that represents the axis of rotation. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The scale element contains a mathematical vector that represents the relative proportions of the X, Y and Z axes of a coordinated system. The skew element contains an angle and two mathematical vectors that represent the axis of rotation and the axis of translation. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The translate element contains a mathematical vector that represents the distance along the X, Y and Z-axes. The image element declares the storage for the graphical representation of an object. The image element best describes raster image data, but can conceivably handle other forms of imagery. The image elements allows for specifying an external image file with the init_from element or embed image data with the data element. The image element may contain an asset element. The data child element contains a sequence of hexadecimal encoded binary octets representing the embedded image data. The init_from element allows you to specify an external image file to use for the image element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The format attribute is a text string value that indicates the image format. Optional attribute. The height attribute is an integer value that indicates the height of the image in pixel units. Optional attribute. The width attribute is an integer value that indicates the width of the image in pixel units. Optional attribute. The depth attribute is an integer value that indicates the depth of the image in pixel units. A 2-D image has a depth of 1, which is also the default value. Optional attribute. The light element declares a light source that illuminates the scene. Light sources have many different properties and radiate light in many different patterns and frequencies. The light element may contain an asset element. The technique_common element specifies the light information for the common profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support. The ambient element declares the parameters required to describe an ambient light source. An ambient light is one that lights everything evenly, regardless of location or orientation. The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light. The color element must occur exactly once. The directional element declares the parameters required to describe a directional light source. A directional light is one that lights everything from the same direction, regardless of location. The light’s default direction vector in local coordinates is [0,0,-1], pointing down the -Z axis. The actual direction of the light is defined by the transform of the node where the light is instantiated. The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light. The color element must occur exactly once. The point element declares the parameters required to describe a point light source. A point light source radiates light in all directions from a known location in space. The intensity of a point light source is attenuated as the distance to the light source increases. The position of the light is defined by the transform of the node in which it is instantiated. The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light. The color element must occur exactly once. The constant_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance. The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation. The linear_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance. The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation. The quadratic_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance. The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation. The spot element declares the parameters required to describe a spot light source. A spot light source radiates light in one direction from a known location in space. The light radiates from the spot light source in a cone shape. The intensity of the light is attenuated as the radiation angle increases away from the direction of the light source. The intensity of a spot light source is also attenuated as the distance to the light source increases. The position of the light is defined by the transform of the node in which it is instantiated. The light’s default direction vector in local coordinates is [0,0,-1], pointing down the -Z axis. The actual direction of the light is defined by the transform of the node where the light is instantiated. The color element contains three floating point numbers specifying the color of the light. The color element must occur exactly once. The constant_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance. The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation. The linear_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance. The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation. The quadratic_attenuation is used to calculate the total attenuation of this light given a distance. The equation used is A = constant_attenuation + Dist*linear_attenuation + Dist^2*quadratic_attenuation. The falloff_angle is used to specify the amount of attenuation based on the direction of the light. The falloff_exponent is used to specify the amount of attenuation based on the direction of the light. This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. Materials describe the visual appearance of a geometric object. The material element may contain an asset element. The material must instance an effect. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The camera element declares a view into the scene hierarchy or scene graph. The camera contains elements that describe the camera’s optics and imager. The camera element may contain an asset element. Optics represents the apparatus on a camera that projects the image onto the image sensor. The technique_common element specifies the optics information for the common profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support. The orthographic element describes the field of view of an orthographic camera. The xmag element contains a floating point number describing the horizontal magnification of the view. The ymag element contains a floating point number describing the vertical magnification of the view. It can also have a sid. The aspect_ratio element contains a floating point number describing the aspect ratio of the field of view. If the aspect_ratio element is not present the aspect ratio is to be calculated from the xmag or ymag elements and the current viewport. The znear element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the near clipping plane. The znear element must occur exactly once. The zfar element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the far clipping plane. The zfar element must occur exactly once. The perspective element describes the optics of a perspective camera. The xfov element contains a floating point number describing the horizontal field of view in degrees. The yfov element contains a floating point number describing the verticle field of view in degrees. The aspect_ratio element contains a floating point number describing the aspect ratio of the field of view. If the aspect_ratio element is not present the aspect ratio is to be calculated from the xfov or yfov elements and the current viewport. The znear element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the near clipping plane. The znear element must occur exactly once. The zfar element contains a floating point number that describes the distance to the far clipping plane. The zfar element must occur exactly once. This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques. The extra element may appear any number of times. Imagers represent the image sensor of a camera (for example film or CCD). This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques. There is no common technique for imager. The extra element may appear any number of times. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The animation element categorizes the declaration of animation information. The animation hierarchy contains elements that describe the animation’s key-frame data and sampler functions, ordered in such a way to group together animations that should be executed together. The animation element may contain an asset element. The animation element may contain any number of source elements. The animation element may contain any number of sampler elements. The animation element may contain any number of channel elements. The animation may be hierarchical and may contain any number of other animation elements. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The animation_clip element defines a section of the animation curves to be used together as an animation clip. The animation_clip element may contain an asset element. The animation_clip must instance at least one animation element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The start attribute is the time in seconds of the beginning of the clip. This time is the same as that used in the key-frame data and is used to determine which set of key-frames will be included in the clip. The start time does not specify when the clip will be played. If the time falls between two keyframes of a referenced animation, an interpolated value should be used. The default value is 0.0. Optional attribute. The end attribute is the time in seconds of the end of the clip. This is used in the same way as the start time. If end is not specified, the value is taken to be the end time of the longest animation. Optional attribute. The channel element declares an output channel of an animation. The source attribute indicates the location of the sampler using a URL expression. The sampler must be declared within the same document. Required attribute. The target attribute indicates the location of the element bound to the output of the sampler. This text string is a path-name following a simple syntax described in Address Syntax. Required attribute. The sampler element declares an N-dimensional function used for animation. Animation function curves are represented by 1-D sampler elements in COLLADA. The sampler defines sampling points and how to interpolate between them. The input element must occur at least one time. These inputs are local inputs. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The controller element categorizes the declaration of generic control information. A controller is a device or mechanism that manages and directs the operations of another object. The controller element may contain an asset element. The controller element may contain either a skin element or a morph element. The controller element may contain either a skin element or a morph element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The skin element contains vertex and primitive information sufficient to describe blend-weight skinning. This provides extra information about the position and orientation of the base mesh before binding. If bind_shape_matrix is not specified then an identity matrix may be used as the bind_shape_matrix. The bind_shape_matrix element may occur zero or one times. The skin element must contain at least three source elements. The joints element associates joint, or skeleton, nodes with attribute data. In COLLADA, this is specified by the inverse bind matrix of each joint (influence) in the skeleton. The input element must occur at least twice. These inputs are local inputs. The extra element may appear any number of times. The vertex_weights element associates a set of joint-weight pairs with each vertex in the base mesh. The input element must occur at least twice. The vcount element contains a list of integers describing the number of influences for each vertex. The vcount element may occur once. The v element describes which bones and attributes are associated with each vertex. An index of –1 into the array of joints refers to the bind shape. Weights should be normalized before use. The v element must occur zero or one times. The extra element may appear any number of times. The count attribute describes the number of vertices in the base mesh. Required element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The source attribute contains a URI reference to the base mesh, (a static mesh or a morphed mesh). This also provides the bind-shape of the skinned mesh. Required attribute. The morph element describes the data required to blend between sets of static meshes. Each possible mesh that can be blended (a morph target) must be specified. The morph element must contain at least two source elements. The targets element declares the morph targets, their weights and any user defined attributes associated with them. The input element must occur at least twice. These inputs are local inputs. The extra element may appear any number of times. The extra element may appear any number of times. The method attribute specifies the which blending technique to use. The accepted values are NORMALIZED, and RELATIVE. The default value if not specified is NORMALIZED. Optional attribute. The source attribute indicates the base mesh. Required attribute. The asset element defines asset management information regarding its parent element. The contributor element defines authoring information for asset management The author element contains a string with the author's name. There may be only one author element. The authoring_tool element contains a string with the authoring tool's name. There may be only one authoring_tool element. The comments element contains a string with comments from this contributor. There may be only one comments element. The copyright element contains a string with copyright information. There may be only one copyright element. The source_data element contains a URI reference to the source data used for this asset. There may be only one source_data element. The created element contains the date and time that the parent element was created and is represented in an ISO 8601 format. The created element may appear zero or one time. The keywords element contains a list of words used as search criteria for the parent element. The keywords element may appear zero or more times. The modified element contains the date and time that the parent element was last modified and represented in an ISO 8601 format. The modified element may appear zero or one time. The revision element contains the revision information for the parent element. The revision element may appear zero or one time. The subject element contains a description of the topical subject of the parent element. The subject element may appear zero or one time. The title element contains the title information for the parent element. The title element may appear zero or one time. The unit element contains descriptive information about unit of measure. It has attributes for the name of the unit and the measurement with respect to the meter. The unit element may appear zero or one time. The meter attribute specifies the measurement with respect to the meter. The default value for the meter attribute is “1.0”. The name attribute specifies the name of the unit. The default value for the name attribute is “meter”. The up_axis element contains descriptive information about coordinate system of the geometric data. All coordinates are right-handed by definition. This element specifies which axis is considered up. The default is the Y-axis. The up_axis element may appear zero or one time. The extra element declares additional information regarding its parent element. The extra element may contain an asset element. This element must contain at least one non-common profile technique. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The type attribute indicates the type of the value data. This text string must be understood by the application. Optional attribute. enable-xmlns The technique element declares the information used to process some portion of the content. Each technique conforms to an associated profile. Techniques generally act as a “switch”. If more than one is present for a particular portion of content, on import, one or the other is picked, but usually not both. Selection should be based on which profile the importing application can support. Techniques contain application data and programs, making them assets that can be managed as a unit. The profile attribute indicates the type of profile. This is a vendor defined character string that indicates the platform or capability target for the technique. Required attribute. Nodes embody the hierarchical relationship of elements in the scene. The node element may contain an asset element. The node element may contain any number of lookat elements. The node element may contain any number of matrix elements. The node element may contain any number of rotate elements. The node element may contain any number of scale elements. The node element may contain any number of skew elements. The node element may contain any number of translate elements. The node element may instance any number of camera objects. The node element may instance any number of controller objects. The node element may instance any number of geometry objects. The node element may instance any number of light objects. The node element may instance any number of node elements or hierarchies objects. The node element may be hierarchical and be the parent of any number of other node elements. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The type attribute indicates the type of the node element. The default value is “NODE”. Optional attribute. The layer attribute indicates the names of the layers to which this node belongs. For example, a value of “foreground glowing” indicates that this node belongs to both the ‘foreground’ layer and the ‘glowing’ layer. The default value is empty, indicating that the node doesn’t belong to any layer. Optional attribute. The visual_scene element declares the base of the visual_scene hierarchy or scene graph. The scene contains elements that comprise much of the visual and transformational information content as created by the authoring tools. The visual_scene element may contain an asset element. The visual_scene element must have at least one node element. The evaluate_scene element declares information specifying a specific way to evaluate this visual_scene. There may be any number of evaluate_scene elements. The render element describes one effect pass to evaluate the scene. There must be at least one render element. The layer element specifies which layer to render in this compositing step while evaluating the scene. You may specify any number of layers. The instance_effect element specifies which effect to render in this compositing step while evaluating the scene. The camera_node attribute refers to a node that contains a camera describing the viewpoint to render this compositing step from. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. Bind a specific material to a piece of geometry, binding varying and uniform parameters at the same time. The bind_material element may contain any number of param elements. The technique_common element specifies the bind_material information for the common profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support. The instance_material element specifies the information needed to bind a geometry to a material. This element must appear at least once. This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques. The extra element may appear any number of times. The instance_camera element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA camera resource. The instance_controller element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA controller resource. The skeleton element is used to indicate where a skin controller is to start to search for the joint nodes it needs. This element is meaningless for morph controllers. Bind a specific material to a piece of geometry, binding varying and uniform parameters at the same time. The extra element may appear any number of times. The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an external resource using an absolute or relative URL. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The instance_effect element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA effect resource. Add a hint for a platform of which technique to use in this effect. A platform defines a string that specifies which platform this is hint is aimed for. A profile defines a string that specifies which API profile this is hint is aimed for. A reference to the technique to use for the specified platform. Assigns a new value to a previously defined parameter The extra element may appear any number of times. The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an external resource using an absolute or relative URL. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The instance_force_field element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA force_field resource. The instance_geometry element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA geometry resource. Bind a specific material to a piece of geometry, binding varying and uniform parameters at the same time. The extra element may appear any number of times. The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an external resource using an absolute or relative URL. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The instance_light element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA light resource. The instance_material element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA material resource. The bind element binds values to effect parameters upon instantiation. The semantic attribute specifies which effect parameter to bind. The target attribute specifies the location of the value to bind to the specified semantic. This text string is a path-name following a simple syntax described in the “Addressing Syntax” section. The bind_vertex_input element binds vertex inputs to effect parameters upon instantiation. The semantic attribute specifies which effect parameter to bind. The input_semantic attribute specifies which input semantic to bind. The input_set attribute specifies which input set to bind. The extra element may appear any number of times. The symbol attribute specifies which symbol defined from within the geometry this material binds to. The target attribute specifies the URL of the location of the object to instantiate. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The instance_node element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA node resource. The instance_physics_material element declares the instantiation of a COLLADA physics_material resource. This element allows instancing physics model within another physics model, or in a physics scene. The instance_physics_model element may instance any number of force_field elements. The instance_physics_model element may instance any number of rigid_body elements. The instance_physics_model element may instance any number of rigid_constraint elements. The extra element may appear any number of times. The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an external resource using an absolute or relative URL. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The parent attribute points to the id of a node in the visual scene. This allows a physics model to be instantiated under a specific transform node, which will dictate the initial position and orientation, and could be animated to influence kinematic rigid bodies. This element allows instancing a rigid_body within an instance_physics_model. The technique_common element specifies the instance_rigid_body information for the common profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support. Specifies the initial angular velocity of the rigid_body instance in degrees per second around each axis, in the form of an X-Y-Z Euler rotation. Specifies the initial linear velocity of the rigid_body instance. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The extra element may appear any number of times. This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques. The extra element may appear any number of times. The body attribute indicates which rigid_body to instantiate. Required attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The target attribute indicates which node is influenced by this rigid_body instance. Required attribute This element allows instancing a rigid_constraint within an instance_physics_model. The extra element may appear any number of times. The constraint attribute indicates which rigid_constraing to instantiate. Required attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_animations element declares a module of animation elements. The library_animations element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one animation element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_animation_clips element declares a module of animation_clip elements. The library_animation_clips element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one animation_clip element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_cameras element declares a module of camera elements. The library_cameras element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one camera element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_controllers element declares a module of controller elements. The library_controllers element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one controller element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_geometries element declares a module of geometry elements. The library_geometries element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one geometry element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_effects element declares a module of effect elements. The library_effects element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one effect element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_force_fields element declares a module of force_field elements. The library_force_fields element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one force_field element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_images element declares a module of image elements. The library_images element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one image element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_lights element declares a module of light elements. The library_lights element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one light element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_materials element declares a module of material elements. The library_materials element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one material element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_nodes element declares a module of node elements. The library_nodes element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one node element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_physics_materials element declares a module of physics_material elements. The library_physics_materials element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one physics_material element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_physics_models element declares a module of physics_model elements. The library_physics_models element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one physics_model element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_physics_scenes element declares a module of physics_scene elements. The library_physics_scenes element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one physics_scene element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The library_visual_scenes element declares a module of visual_scene elements. The library_visual_scenes element may contain an asset element. There must be at least one visual_scene element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. When a transparent opaque attribute is set to A_ONE, it means the transparency information will be taken from the alpha channel of the color, texture, or parameter supplying the value. The value of 1.0 is opaque in this mode. When a transparent opaque attribute is set to RGB_ZERO, it means the transparency information will be taken from the red, green, and blue channels of the color, texture, or parameter supplying the value. Each channel is modulated independently. The value of 0.0 is opaque in this mode. When a surface's type attribute is set to UNTYPED, its type is initially unknown and established later by the context in which it is used, such as by a texture sampler that references it. A surface of any other type may be changed into an UNTYPED surface at run-time, as if it were created by , using . If there is a type mismatch between a operation and what the run-time decides the type should be, the result is profile- and platform-specific behavior. The per-texel layout of the format. The length of the string indicate how many channels there are and the letter respresents the name of the channel. There are typically 0 to 4 channels. RGB color map RGB color + Alpha map often used for color + transparency or other things packed into channel A like specular power Luminance map often used for light mapping Luminance+Alpha map often used for light mapping Depth map often used for displacement, parellax, relief, or shadow mapping Typically used for normal maps or 3component displacement maps. Typically used for normal maps where W is the depth for relief or parrallax mapping Each channel of the texel has a precision. Typically these are all linked together. An exact format lay lower the precision of an individual channel but applying a higher precision by linking the channels together may still convey the same information. For integers this typically represents 8 bits. For floats typically 16 bits. For integers this typically represents 8 to 24 bits. For floats typically 16 to 32 bits. For integers this typically represents 16 to 32 bits. For floats typically 24 to 32 bits. Each channel represents a range of values. Some example ranges are signed or unsigned integers, or between between a clamped range such as 0.0f to 1.0f, or high dynamic range via floating point Format is representing a decimal value that remains within the -1 to 1 range. Implimentation could be integer-fixedpoint or floats. Format is representing a decimal value that remains within the 0 to 1 range. Implimentation could be integer-fixedpoint or floats. Format is representing signed integer numbers. (ex. 8bits = -128 to 127) Format is representing unsigned integer numbers. (ex. 8bits = 0 to 255) Format should support full floating point ranges. High precision is expected to be 32bit. Mid precision may be 16 to 32 bit. Low precision is expected to be 16 bit. Additional hints about data relationships and other things to help the application pick the best format. colors are stored with respect to the sRGB 2.2 gamma curve rather than linear the texel's XYZ/RGB should be normalized such as in a normal map. the texel's XYZW/RGBA should be normalized such as in a normal map. The surface may use run-time compression. Considering the best compression based on desired, channel, range, precision, and options If the exact format cannot be resolve via other methods then the format_hint will describe the important features of the format so that the application may select a compatable or close format The per-texel layout of the format. The length of the string indicate how many channels there are and the letter respresents the name of the channel. There are typically 0 to 4 channels. Each channel represents a range of values. Some example ranges are signed or unsigned integers, or between between a clamped range such as 0.0f to 1.0f, or high dynamic range via floating point Each channel of the texel has a precision. Typically these are all linked together. An exact format lay lower the precision of an individual channel but applying a higher precision by linking the channels together may still convey the same information. Additional hints about data relationships and other things to help the application pick the best format. For 1D, 2D, RECT surface types This choice exists for consistancy with other init types (volume and cube). When other initialization methods are needed. Init the entire surface with one compound image such as DDS Init the entire surface with one compound image such as DDS Init mip level 0 of the surface with one compound image such as DDS. Use of this element expects that the surface has element mip_levels=0 or mipmap_generate. Init the entire surface with one compound image such as DDS Init all primary mip level 0 subsurfaces with one compound image such as DDS. Use of this element expects that the surface has element mip_levels=0 or mipmap_generate. This sequence exists to allow the order elements to be optional but require that if they exist there must be 6 of them. If the image dues not natively describe the face ordering then this series of order elements will describe which face the index belongs too Init each face mipchain with one compound image such as DDS This element is an IDREF which specifies the image to use to initialize a specific mip of a 1D or 2D surface, 3D slice, or Cube face. The common set of initalization options for surfaces. Choose which is appropriate for your surface based on type and other characteristics. described by the annotation docs on the child elements. This surface is intended to be initialized later externally by a "setparam" element. If it is used before being initialized there is profile and platform specific behavior. Most elements on the surface element containing this will be ignored including mip_levels, mipmap_generate, size, viewport_ratio, and format. Init as a target for depth, stencil, or color. It does not need image data. Surface should not have mipmap_generate when using this. Init a CUBE from a compound image such as DDS Init a 3D from a compound image such as DDS Init a 1D,2D,RECT,DEPTH from a compound image such as DDS Initialize the surface one sub-surface at a time by specifying combinations of mip, face, and slice which make sense for a particular surface type. Each sub-surface is initialized by a common 2D image, not a complex compound image such as DDS. If not all subsurfaces are initialized, it is invalid and will result in profile and platform specific behavior unless mipmap_generate is responsible for initializing the remainder of the sub-surfaces The fx_surface_common type is used to declare a resource that can be used both as the source for texture samples and as the target of a rendering pass. The common set of initalization options for surfaces. Choose which is appropriate for your surface based on the type attribute and other characteristics described by the annotation docs on the choiced child elements of this type. Contains a string representing the profile and platform specific texel format that the author would like this surface to use. If this element is not specified then the application will use a common format R8G8B8A8 with linear color gradient, not sRGB. If the exact format cannot be resolved via the "format" element then the format_hint will describe the important features of the format so that the application may select a compatable or close format The surface should be sized to these exact dimensions The surface should be sized to a dimension based on this ratio of the viewport's dimensions in pixels the surface should contain the following number of MIP levels. If this element is not present it is assumed that all miplevels exist until a dimension becomes 1 texel. To create a surface that has only one level of mip maps (mip=0) set this to 1. If the value is 0 the result is the same as if mip_levels was unspecified, all possible mip_levels will exist. By default it is assumed that mipmaps are supplied by the author so, if not all subsurfaces are initialized, it is invalid and will result in profile and platform specific behavior unless mipmap_generate is responsible for initializing the remainder of the sub-surfaces Specifying the type of a surface is mandatory though the type may be "UNTYPED". When a surface is typed as UNTYPED, it is said to be temporarily untyped and instead will be typed later by the context it is used in such as which samplers reference it in that are used in a particular technique or pass. If there is a type mismatch between what is set into it later and what the runtime decides the type should be the result in profile and platform specific behavior. A one-dimensional texture sampler. A two-dimensional texture sampler. A three-dimensional texture sampler. A texture sampler for cube maps. A two-dimensional texture sampler. A texture sampler for depth maps. A group that specifies the allowable types for an annotation. A group that specifies the allowable types for effect scoped parameters. The include element is used to import source code or precompiled binary shaders into the FX Runtime by referencing an external resource. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The url attribute refers to resource. This may refer to a local resource using a relative URL fragment identifier that begins with the “#” character. The url attribute may refer to an external resource using an absolute or relative URL. This element creates a new, named param object in the FX Runtime, assigns it a type, an initial value, and additional attributes at declaration time. The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this new param. The semantic element allows you to specify a semantic for this new param. The modifier element allows you to specify a modifier for this new param. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The fx_code_profile type allows you to specify an inline block of source code. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The fx_profile_abstract element is only used as a substitution group hook for COLLADA FX profiles. A self contained description of a shader effect. The effect element may contain an asset element. The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation on this effect. The image element allows you to create image resources which can be shared by multipe profiles. The newparam element allows you to create new effect parameters which can be shared by multipe profiles. This is the substituion group hook which allows you to swap in other COLLADA FX profiles. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. A one-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile. A two-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile. A three-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile. A cube map texture sampler for the GLSL profile. A two-dimensional texture sampler for the GLSL profile. A depth texture sampler for the GLSL profile. value=0x0 value=0x1 value=0x0300 value=0x0301 value=0x0306 value=0x0307 value=0x0302 value=0x0303 value=0x0304 value=0x0305 value=0x8001 value=0x8002 value=0x8003 value=0x8004 value=0x0308 value=0x0404 value=0x0405 value=0x0408 value=0x8006 value=0x800A value=0x800B value=0x8007 value=0x8008 value=0x0200 value=0x0201 value=0x0203 value=0x0202 value=0x0204 value=0x0205 value=0x0206 value=0x0207 value=0x1E00 value=0x0 value=0x1E01 value=0x1E02 value=0x1E03 value=0x150A value=0x8507 value=0x8508 value=0x1600 value=0x1200 value=0x1201 value=0x1202 value=0x1602 value=0x2601 value=0x0800 value=0x0801 value=0x8451 value=0x8452 value=0x0900 value=0x0901 value=0x81F9 value=0x81FA value=0x1500 value=0x1501 value=0x1502 value=0x1503 value=0x1504 value=0x1505 value=0x1506 value=0x1507 value=0x1508 value=0x1509 value=0x150A value=0x150B value=0x150C value=0x150E value=0x150F value=0x1B00 value=0x1B01 value=0x1B02 value=0x1D00 value=0x1D01 A group that defines all of the renderstates used for the CG and GLSL profiles. The glsl_newarray_type is used to creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type. You may recursively nest glsl_newarray elements to create multidimensional arrays. The length attribute specifies the length of the array. The glsl_newarray_type is used to creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type. You may recursively nest glsl_newarray elements to create multidimensional arrays. The length attribute specifies the length of the array. A surface type for the GLSL profile. This surface inherits from the fx_surface_common type and adds the ability to programmatically generate textures. A procedural surface generator. The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this surface generator. The code element allows you to embed GLSL code to use for this surface generator. The include element allows you to import GLSL code to use for this surface generator. The entry symbol for the shader function. The setparam element allows you to assign a new value to a previously defined parameter. A group that specifies the allowable types for GLSL profile parameters. Opens a block of GLSL platform-specific data types and technique declarations. Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method. A static declaration of all the render states, shaders, and settings for one rendering pipeline. Declare and prepare a shader for execution in the rendering pipeline of a pass. A string declaring which profile or platform the compiler is targeting this shader for. A string containing command-line operations for the shader compiler. The entry symbol for the shader function. Binds values to uniform inputs of a shader. The identifier for a uniform input parameter to the shader (a formal function parameter or in-scope global) that will be bound to an external resource. In which pipeline stage this programmable shader is designed to execute, for example, VERTEX, FRAGMENT, etc. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. Opens a block of COMMON platform-specific data types and technique declarations. Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method. The technique element may contain an asset element. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. Creates a symbolic connection between two previously defined parameters. Creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type. Nested array elements allow you to create multidemensional arrays. The usertype element allows you to create arrays of usertypes. The length attribute specifies the length of the array. Creates a parameter of a one-dimensional array type. Nested array elements allow you to create multidemensional arrays. The usertype element allows you to create arrays of usertypes. The length attribute specifies the length of the array. Creates an instance of a structured class. Some usertypes do not have data. They may be used only to implement interface functions. Use a combination of these to initialize the usertype in an order-dependent manner. Use a series of these to set the members by name. The ref attribute will be relative to the usertype you are in right now. Reference a code or include element which defines the usertype Declares a resource that can be used both as the source for texture samples and as the target of a rendering pass. A procedural surface generator for the cg profile. The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this generator. The code element allows you to embed cg sourcecode for the surface generator. The include element imports cg source code or precompiled binary shaders into the FX Runtime by referencing an external resource. The entry symbol for the shader function. Assigns a new value to a previously defined parameter. A group that specifies the allowable types for CG profile parameters. Create a new, named param object in the CG Runtime, assign it a type, an initial value, and additional attributes at declaration time. The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this new param. The semantic element allows you to specify a semantic for this new param. The modifier element allows you to specify a modifier for this new param. Assigns a new value to a previously defined parameter. Opens a block of CG platform-specific data types and technique declarations. Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method. The technique element may contain an asset element. A static declaration of all the render states, shaders, and settings for one rendering pipeline. Declare and prepare a shader for execution in the rendering pipeline of a pass. A string containing command-line operations for the shader compiler. The entry symbol for the shader function. Binds values to uniform inputs of a shader. References a predefined parameter in shader binding declarations. The identifier for a uniform input parameter to the shader (a formal function parameter or in-scope global) that will be bound to an external resource. In which pipeline stage this programmable shader is designed to execute, for example, VERTEX, FRAGMENT, etc. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The type of platform. This is a vendor-defined character string that indicates the platform or capability target for the technique. Optional value=0x1E01 value=0x2100 value=0x2101 value=0x0BE2 value=0x0104 value=0x1E01 value=0x2100 value=0x0104 value=0x8574 value=0x8575 value=0x84E7 value=0x86AE value=0x86AF value=0x1E01 value=0x2100 value=0x0104 value=0x8574 value=0x8575 value=0x84E7 value=0x1702 value=0x8576 value=0x8577 value=0x8578 value=0x0300 value=0x0301 value=0x0302 value=0x0303 value=0x0302 value=0x0303 Defines the RGB portion of a texture_pipeline command. This is a combiner-mode texturing operation. Defines a set of texturing commands that will be converted into multitexturing operations using glTexEnv in regular and combiner mode. Defines a texture_pipeline command. This is a combiner-mode texturing operation. Defines a texture_pipeline command. It is a simple noncombiner mode of texturing operations. The extra element may appear any number of times. OpenGL ES extensions may be used here. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. supported by GLES 1.1 only Two-dimensional texture sampler state for profile_GLES. This is a bundle of sampler-specific states that will be referenced by one or more texture_units. The extra element may appear any number of times. OpenGL ES extensions may be used here. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. value=0x1E00 value=0x0 value=0x1E01 value=0x1E02 value=0x1E03 value=0x150A A group that contains the renderstates available for the GLES profile. A group that defines the available variable types for GLES parameters. Create a new, named param object in the GLES Runtime, assign it a type, an initial value, and additional attributes at declaration time. The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation for this new param. The semantic element allows you to specify a semantic for this new param. The modifier element allows you to specify a modifier for this new param. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Opens a block of GLES platform-specific data types and technique declarations. Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method. A static declaration of all the render states, shaders, and settings for one rendering pipeline. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The type of platform. This is a vendor-defined character string that indicates the platform or capability target for the technique. Optional An axis-aligned, centered box primitive. 3 float values that represent the extents of the box The extra element may appear any number of times. An infinite plane primitive. 4 float values that represent the coefficients for the plane’s equation: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 The extra element may appear any number of times. A centered sphere primitive. A float value that represents the radius of the sphere The extra element may appear any number of times. A cylinder primitive that is centered on, and aligned with. the local Y axis. A float value that represents the length of the cylinder along the Y axis. float2 values that represent the radii of the cylinder. The extra element may appear any number of times. A tapered cylinder primitive that is centered on and aligned with the local Y axis. A float value that represents the length of the cylinder along the Y axis. Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered cylinder at the positive (height/2) Y value. Both ends of the tapered cylinder may be elliptical. Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered cylinder at the negative (height/2) Y value.Both ends of the tapered cylinder may be elliptical. The extra element may appear any number of times. A capsule primitive that is centered on and aligned with the local Y axis. A float value that represents the length of the line segment connecting the centers of the capping hemispheres. Two float values that represent the radii of the capsule (it may be elliptical) The extra element may appear any number of times. A tapered capsule primitive that is centered on, and aligned with, the local Y axis. A float value that represents the length of the line segment connecting the centers of the capping hemispheres. Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered capsule at the positive (height/2) Y value.Both ends of the tapered capsule may be elliptical. Two float values that represent the radii of the tapered capsule at the negative (height/2) Y value.Both ends of the tapered capsule may be elliptical. The extra element may appear any number of times. The definition of the convex_mesh element is identical to the mesh element with the exception that instead of a complete description (source, vertices, polygons etc.), it may simply point to another geometry to derive its shape. The latter case means that the convex hull of that geometry should be computed and is indicated by the optional “convex_hull_of” attribute. The extra element may appear any number of times. The convex_hull_of attribute is a URI string of geometry to compute the convex hull of. Optional attribute. A general container for force-fields. At the moment, it only has techniques and extra elements. The force_field element may contain an asset element. This element must contain at least one non-common profile technique. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. This element defines the physical properties of an object. It contains a technique/profile with parameters. The COMMON profile defines the built-in names, such as static_friction. The physics_material element may contain an asset element. The technique_common element specifies the physics_material information for the common profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support. Dynamic friction coefficient The proportion of the kinetic energy preserved in the impact (typically ranges from 0.0 to 1.0) Static friction coefficient This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. The physics_scene element may contain an asset element. There may be any number of instance_force_field elements. There may be any number of instance_physics_model elements. The technique_common element specifies the physics_scene information for the common profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support. The gravity vector to use for the physics_scene. The time_step for the physics_scene. This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. This element allows for describing simulated bodies that do not deform. These bodies may or may not be connected by constraints (hinge, ball-joint etc.). Rigid-bodies, constraints etc. are encapsulated in physics_model elements to allow for instantiating complex models. The technique_common element specifies the rigid_body information for the common profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support. If false, the rigid_body is not moveable The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The total mass of the rigid-body Defines the center and orientation of mass of the rigid-body relative to the local origin of the “root” shape.This makes the off-diagonal elements of the inertia tensor (products of inertia) all 0 and allows us to just store the diagonal elements (moments of inertia). float3 – The diagonal elements of the inertia tensor (moments of inertia), which is represented in the local frame of the center of mass. See above. References a physics_material for the rigid_body. Defines a physics_material for the rigid_body. This element allows for describing components of a rigid_body. If true, the mass is distributed along the surface of the shape The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The mass of the shape. The density of the shape. References a physics_material for the shape. Defines a physics_material for the shape. Instances a geometry to use to define this shape. Defines a plane to use for this shape. Defines a box to use for this shape. Defines a sphere to use for this shape. Defines a cyliner to use for this shape. Defines a tapered_cylinder to use for this shape. Defines a capsule to use for this shape. Defines a tapered_capsule to use for this shape. Allows a tranformation for the shape. Allows a tranformation for the shape. The extra element may appear any number of times. This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques. The extra element may appear any number of times. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. This element allows for connecting components, such as rigid_body into complex physics models with moveable parts. Defines the attachment (to a rigid_body or a node) to be used as the reference-frame. Allows you to "position" the attachment point. Allows you to "position" the attachment point. The extra element may appear any number of times. The “rigid_body” attribute is a relative reference to a rigid-body within the same physics_model. Defines an attachment to a rigid-body or a node. Allows you to "position" the attachment point. Allows you to "position" the attachment point. The extra element may appear any number of times. The “rigid_body” attribute is a relative reference to a rigid-body within the same physics_model. The technique_common element specifies the rigid_constraint information for the common profile which all COLLADA implementations need to support. If false, the constraint doesn’t exert any force or influence on the rigid bodies. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. Indicates whether the attached rigid bodies may inter-penetrate. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The limits element provides a flexible way to specify the constraint limits (degrees of freedom and ranges). The swing_cone_and_twist element describes the angular limits along each rotation axis in degrees. The the X and Y limits describe a “swing cone” and the Z limits describe the “twist angle” range The minimum values for the limit. The maximum values for the limit. The linear element describes linear (translational) limits along each axis. The minimum values for the limit. The maximum values for the limit. Spring, based on distance (“LINEAR”) or angle (“ANGULAR”). The angular spring properties. The stiffness (also called spring coefficient) has units of force/angle in degrees. The spring damping coefficient. The spring's target or resting distance. The linear spring properties. The stiffness (also called spring coefficient) has units of force/distance. The spring damping coefficient. The spring's target or resting distance. This element may contain any number of non-common profile techniques. The extra element may appear any number of times. The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. This element allows for building complex combinations of rigid-bodies and constraints that may be instantiated multiple times. The physics_model element may contain an asset element. The physics_model may define any number of rigid_body elements. The physics_model may define any number of rigid_constraint elements. The physics_model may instance any number of other physics_model elements. The extra element may appear any number of times. The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element. This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. Optional attribute. constant-strings constant-strings