Typology of 12 complementary dialogue modes essential to sustainable dialogue (original) (raw)

Challenges to Comprehension Implied by the Logo of Laetus in Praesens


essential to sustainable dialogue

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Tentativeadaptation and development from related tables on Typology of 12 complementary strategies essential to sustainable development, and on Characteristics of phases in 12-phase learning / action cycles -- both derived fromArthur Young's Geometry of Meaning (1978). See commentary on learning cycles inCycles of dissonance and resonance and below. See also alternative table based on clustering strategies and values.

Dialogue modes

12-fold Pattern of complementary dialogue modes
. "Positive" Identifying Associating Recognizing Responding Intending Engaging Acting Effecting Changing Implementing Ensuring Sustaining Maintaining .
. Symbol A B C D .
Knowledge Comprehension Framing Scoping Clarification ("head") 1 A1 [L] Making points Enunciating principles Stating credo Getting facts "straight" Establishing positions Fact-finding Mutual information Consulting B1 [L/T] Developing line of argument Adaptive accomodation of other perspective Selective exclusion of points Rhetoric C1 [L/T2] Initiating new line of argument Opening new dialogue front D1 [L/T3] Controlled dialogue Self-reflexive dialogue Facilitated dialogue Verification of condition of the other Accepting uncertainty M0L
Concern Involvement Participation ("heart"; "how do you feel about that?") 2 A2 [ML] Making points to which affective meaning is attached Points of significance Mutual sensitizing Speaking from the heart Sticking points B2 [ML /T] Expression of concern Dialogue momentum Adversarial discourse Emotional identification with line of argument C2 [ML/T2] Persuasive force of dialogue Framing collective action Determining dialogue processes Accepting authority Ruling D2 [ ML/T3] Consolidating variety of tendencies Patterning incompatibles Holding together Managing disagreement Buffering Redistributing tensions ML
Grounding Praxis ("walking the talk"; "guts"; "being there") 3 A3 [ML2] Affirmation of belief Confirmation of worldview Recognition of common ground Demonstrating meaning thru practice Living principles Celebrating differences Mutual endorsement B3 [ML2/T] Collective resolution New commitment Deciding moment in dialogue Moment of recognition of larger pattern C3 [ML2/T2] Readjusting beliefs in face of new understanding Change of mind Conversion D3 [ML2/T3] Sustainable dialogue Applied transformative insight Empowering dialogue Self-organizing dialogue ML2
. T0 T-1 T-2 T-3 Dim.
. "Negative" Denying Misrepresenting Forgetting Desensitizing Tokenism Lip-service Irresolution Demonizing Malpractice Exploitation Domination Mismanaging Disempowering Misallocating Non-complying
. Psychological functions Sensing (Touch) Feeling (Sound; Rhythm) Seeing (Sight) Intuiting (Smell; Taste) .


Rows: These distinguish between the 12 dialogue types based on (1) knowledge of issues, (2) concern for issues, and (3) "being there" -- where the issues are hurting.

Columns: These distinguish between the 12 dialogue types based on (A) acknowledging issues, (B) responding to issues, (C) acting on issues, and (D) sustaining action on issues.

Each of the 12 dialogue types has a vital function. The challenge is that their complementarity is not necessarily recognized. Certain dialogue types are easily neglected, notably those in Row 3 and those in Column D. Because of its lower "dimensionalty", it tends to be easier to engage in dialogue A1, for example -- which is coded with the lightest colour in the table.The current challenge is to give meaning and force to dialogues of type D3, that correspond to sustainable dialogue -- which is coded the darkest in the table.

The colour coded diagonals suggest a pattern of progressive engagement towards sustainable action "on the ground":

Diagonal variants: There are various diagonals across the table:

Negative variants of each dialogue type necessarily also exist. These are suggested by column labels at the foot of the table.

Meeting participation: It is also fruitful to see each of the 12 dialogue types as reflecting the complementary views that need to be expressed at an archetypal strategic "roundtable" (Camelot style). The specific relationships between each such view have been tentatively explored in an earlier study on Toward a New Order of Meeting Participation(https://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs/contract.php) that charts the Shadowy Roundtable Hidden within every Meeting. This endeavours to show how the seemingly "external" issues tend to be reflected in the different behaviour styles of meeting participants -- and the need for a new kind of participant contract to move beyond such constraints.

Torus representation: As implied above, the Row 1 dialogues can also usefully be considered as bordering the Row 3 dalogues -- by rolling the table into a cylinder. Similarly the Column A dialogues can also be considered as bordering the Column D dialogues -- by connecting the ends of the cylinder to form a torus. It is on the surface of this torus that the connectivities between the dialogue types might be more appropriately comprehended. A possible representation of this structure, appropriately coloured, has been developed as a hypersphere to illustrate Arthur Young's insights (http://www.hypersphere.com/hs/abouths.html)

Individual action: The relevance of the above typology can also be explored in relation to individual or community group dialogue. The status of a "New Year's Resolution" with respect to personal sustainable development is then clarified -- and demonstrates the nature of the challenge for international organizations inspired by its many Resolutions.