LII: Downloadable Titles (original) (raw)

LII downloads

Since 1993 the Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School, has published electronic editions of core materials for important law school courses. For the 2008-2009 academic year, the LII offers a wide range of such material - from the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Evidence, to U.S. intellectual property statutes and cases, to an introduction to legal citation. The list also includes the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. These titles are available in multiple formats. Most can be purchased and downloaded directly from the LII's secure server.

The content of all of these publications can be explored and indeed used, without limit, at our website. We offer them on disk as well, for that allows use in important settings (like the classroom and courtroom) not reached by the Net and also delivers functionality not yet possible through remote access.

As in years past these titles have been prepared in PDF and HTML formats.