Martin Lindner on LinkedIn: Introducing Eureka Labs (original) (raw)

Martin Lindner’s Post

Verstehen, wie Weiterbildung künftig funktioniert: Wissens- und Lernprozesse im Netz, Bildungsmanagement, Digitale Transformation


#EurekaLabs ist ein Mensch/KI-Cyborg-Bildungs-Startup von Andrej Karpathy, Miterfinder von GPT, und ein sehr kluger und sympathischer KI-Erklärer & -Didaktiker via YouTube und Blog. Wenn ich sowas jemandem zutraue, dann Karpathy. "The teacher still designs the course materials, but they are supported, leveraged and scaled with an AI Teaching Assistant who is optimized to help guide the students through them. This Teacher + AI symbiosis could run an entire curriculum of courses on a common platform. If we are successful, it will be easy for anyone to learn anything, expanding education in both reach (a large number of people learning something) and extent (any one person learning a large amount of subjects, beyond what may be possible today unassisted). Our first product will be the world's obviously best AI course, LLM101n. This is an undergraduate-level class that guides the student through training their own AI, very similar to a smaller version of the AI Teaching Assistant itself. The course materials will be available online, but we also plan to run both digital and physical cohorts of people going through it together."


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