Lituanistika | Simple search (original) (raw)
- Choose appropriate search field: Any word; Author; Title; Source; ISBN, ISSN, DOI, etc.
- Set the required search method: All – texts containing all the words will be found; Phrase – the text will be searched as a phrase; Any – text that contains at least one of the request words will be found.
- Improve your search results by selecting one or more filters on the left side of the results list if necessary.
- Lithuanian and Cyrillic alphabet, as well as other foreign languages characters can be replaced with Latin, e. g. unabhangigkeitserklarung (unabhängigkeitserklärung); svietimas (švietimas); spoleczne (społeczne); historiografija (historiogrāfijā); Ornament (Орнамент)
- If search results do not match your request please click the button . The request text will be marked in yellow.
- After selecting the All or Any:
- take advantage of the possibility to change characters. Replace one character with a question mark (?) and several characters with an asterisk (*). The change is possible at the beginning, middle or end of the word, e.g. wom?n; wom?n; histor?; scien*; lithuan*;
- skip hyphens when entering ISSN, ISBN, DOI (the search will work with hyphens, however the results will be better without).
- The search result is given a match number, which is calculated according to formulas as in e.g. [8.32].
Note: drag and drop to change order
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