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beer in entries

Around The World in 80 Beers Episode 210: 4 Pines Nitro Stout

Pours very black and opaque, with a small, tan head of fine bubbles. No carbonation visible First Sip: Mild malts with a slightly bitter, dark chocolate and coffee flavour. Very mild hops flavour which lingers for ages. Medium mouth-feel, with a slight tingle on the tongue. This is nice.…


I turned forty yesterday… sometime before March I threw out that my fortieth birthday would be nice if it was anchored in beer and board games — get a bunch of people who like one or more of those things and want to celebrate with me and make a day of it. We had a scale down a bit but both of…

Around The World In 80 Beers Episode 204: Longstocking Autumn Ale

Pours a moderately cloudy, mid brown colour. No carbonation visible but a very large head (Pour fail!) First Sip: moderately malty and a bit bready, with a little light citrus flavour. Mild hops which linger for quite some time. Nice carbonation tingle on the tongue. Medium mouth-feel. So I…

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