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birth control in entries

Cramping after BM. Did it move?!

Hey all, thank goodness this place exists. I hope it’s still active enough to get some help. 27 years old, never given birth don’t plan to anytime soon (hence the IUD) I had my kyleena IUD placed on the 21st of June. It’s my first time. I had it inserted during my “period,” from the pill, but I…

Five things for Friday

Review of book on abortion in early modern Italy: When Abortion Was a Necessary Sin: The history of abortion in Catholic Italy as described by Christopoulos was largely familiar from what I already knew about Protestant England, Germany, and the United States. These western contexts, which share…

Wednesday has had another meedja person wanting to talk about The Same Historical Figure

What I read Finished Blacklist - one of the better ones, I thought. Re-reads of KJ Charles, Gilded Cage and The Ratcatcher's Daughter. Lucy Pollard, Margery Spring-Rice: Pioneer of Women’s Health in the Early Twentieth Century (2020), which is written by A Descendant, and has the…

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