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kino in entries

"Luchs" (Рысь) by Laurent Geslin, 2021

Посмотрели совершенно потрясающий фильм о рыси швейцарца Laurent Geslin (не знаю, как правильно транскрибировать фамилию *()) Он 12 лет наблюдал за рысями в лесах швейцарского кантона Юра, у него есть специальная платформа, которая поднимается по дереву на 10 - 12 метров, на ней он проводил много…

das schönste paar (the most beautiful couple)

my hkiff 2019 officially begins today with das schönste paar. this gripping thriller tells the story of how a couple copes with the torment of a traumatic experience. the story opens in michael haneke's "funny game" fashion. in a certain way, the wife's trying to running away from this…


this is the 1st time i arrived soooo late at the cinema that i missed the first half of a film! there were only 2 screenings of mario here in hk and the screening i went to today was the second one. i made the wrong decision of taking the bus instead of the mtr, and gosh there was this rather…

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