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peep show in entries
- rionaleonhart
- 2 years ago
Please Explain To Me The Scientific Nature Of The Whammy.
We've almost finished season three of The X-Files! I haven't seen much American television from this era, and I'm struck by the way the shadow of the Vietnam War hangs over The X-Files. In some ways, it's reminiscent of the lingering impact of the Ishbal genocide in Fullmetal Alchemist,…
- rionaleonhart
- 5 years ago
I'm Always Coming Out Of Someone's Television Emotionally.
drawsaurus tagged me on Tumblr for a meme: List your Top 5 Canon and Top 5 Non-Canon OTPs. As the below was originally written for an audience that doesn’t read my Dreamwidth, it might occasionally restate things I’ve said in previous entries. This is tough, actually! I ship pretty much…
- rionaleonhart
- 6 years ago
Fanfiction: Don't Blame the Wrackspurts (Peep Show/Harry Potter)
Peep Show fanfiction! It's been a while. I started writing this fic eight years ago. Title: Don't Blame the Wrackspurts Fandom: Peep Show/Harry Potter Rating: PG-13? Nothing beyond strong language. Wordcount: 4,300 Summary: Mark Corrigan goes to Hogwarts. It's a disaster. “This magic…
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