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physics in entries

The Problem of Qualia Solved, and Other Theological Vignettes

The Solution to the Problem of Qualia On October 25, 2019, I received an email by a person who inquired of me as to what my thoughts were on the nature of qualia (singular: quale), e.g., how and why it exists. This person was stuck in a conundrum because they couldn't understand how qualia could…

An existentialist’s opposition to humanism.

With these few days before I go into hard-core revision, I read up some Sartre and Kierkegaard, to get my mind stimulated. (Or was it a waste of my precious time?) One of the entries in Nausea, by Sartre got my mind on a jog. Jog along-- Mankind, instead of being the central figure on the stage…

Analyzing The Last Post......

The last post was very intense for me, and after trying to sleep some while afterwards, fluid world and dimension dive events had me witnessing 'garbage' '&' 'chaos'. (*Felt my nails blaze in exertion*). That due to the data processing strain.....that accompanied the intensive data analysis.…

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