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Poinsettias in July

Sorry I'm behind again on LJ again. I've been dealing with dehydration (dry mouth, exhaustion, etc, etc). I'm drinking plenty of water now and lots of coconut water, too. I'm feeling a little better but I'm still not back to normal yet. These are my two poinsettias that have survived since…

Ant "Agriculture", Gardeners, Farmers and Coevolved Plants that Grow Ant Dwellings

I read these article from top to bottom, fascinating! Myrmecophily ([...] literally "ant-love") is the term applied to positive interspecies associations between ants and a variety of other organisms, such as plants, other arthropods, and fungi. A domatium (plural: domatia, from the Latin…

The Predator of my Predator is my Friend

[T]he lima bean has adapted to live in many different climates around the world.[23] One of these adaptations includes a particularly effective induced herbivory defense. The lima bean is able to signal to the carnivorous natural enemy of herbivores, the carnivorous mite, mediated by HIPVs…

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