Communities ratings (original) (raw)
| 1 | ohnotheydidnt Celebrity Gossip With Commentary | | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | 2 | adski_kafeteri all things amazing | | | 3 | omonatheydidnt OMONA THEY DIDN'T! Endless charms, endless possibilities ♥ | | | 4 | vintage_ads Vintage Ads | | | 5 | mfu_canteen Man From UNCLE Canteen | | | 6 | thelast_verse Maybe the last verse? | | | 7 | potus_geeks Presidential History Geeks | | | 8 | binky_betsy The FOOBiverse! | | | 9 | anime_birthdays お誕生日 おめでとう. С Днём… | | | 10 | rppartnerfinder Role Play Partner Finder | | | 11 | capspiration daily multi-fandom screencaps inspiration | | | 12 | unlikelydt Дэвид Теннант, его роли и наша любовь Архив текстов из группы ВК | | | 13 | ontd_football Appreciating the sport and the fine people who play it! | | | 14 | su_herald The Sunnydale Herald | | | 15 | arashigoodies Everything Arashi | | | 16 | kittypix Kitty Pictures | | | 17 1 | photo_scavenger 52 Themes, Endless Ideas | | | 18 1 | potterfests For all Harry Potter fests, communities, challenges, fests, exchanges, etc. | | | 19 2 | grande_caps | | | 20 3 | camelot_drabble A Weekly Prompt Community for Merlin | |