What are pingbacks? (original) (raw)

Pingbacks are a way to keep track of links on LiveJournal to your public entries or to your LiveJournal username (or both). Pingbacks help LiveJournal users know who else on LiveJournal is linking to their public content in entries or mentioning their username in entries or comments. The pingback feature only works for links from within LiveJournal itself; external pingbacks are not supported at this time. The feature is also only for personal journals; communities cannot use the pingback feature.

You can manage your preferences for this setting under the Privacy tab on the My Account Settings page. The setting you choose under the Privacy tab is the default setting for all your future entries. There are four options:

The pingback system is mutual; when you choose to receive pingbacks, you are also choosing to send pingbacks to others when you link to their content or usernames.

Note that there can be a delay of up to 15 minutes after an entry or comment that will generate a pingback is posted before the pingback arrives. Pingbacks for links to entries appear as screened comments and need to be unscreened before they are visible to anybody other than the journal owner. Pingbacks for username links are sent as emails, as there is no associated entry on which to post a comment.

Last Updated: April 25th, 2013

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