My Immortality (original) (raw)

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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded indefying_death's LiveJournal:

Saturday, March 25th, 2006
5:40 pm the oh-so-many reasons as to why I hate subeta! ok, so I have been playing subeta, well, was playing, for about over 3-4 months, and for what? Somy account can get frozen even though I did not break the limit of warnings. First off, I received one warning for posting too much on the forums or using chat speak - somethinglike that. Should that really be an offense?!? Chat speak is just easy, and I just had a lot to shareabout subeta being "great" and other such conversation. But ok, fine - I understand I forgot to readthe rules, and I deserved that warning - but only ONE warning - not THREE! That's right. Subeta'swonderful staff gave me 3 warnings for the same offense even though I immediately stopped.Then I get another warning for trying to cheat! Cheat? Is it my fault that Dark Matter Dice is suchhorribly programmed game that the page wouldn't load right, and I try to click reroll, and it says mygame has ended for trying to cheat!?! How absurd! That's 4 warnings - and the same thing happensagain, so I get another warning. I can't believe that game! I emailed the staff about my problems, andthey tell me I have another account! I DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER ACCOUNT! They gave arandom friend from my friendlist saying it was another account - someone who I probably talkedwith for a couple hours! I had many friends on subeta, so why not say ALL those people are myother accounts!? Give me a break.I swear, I get so frustrated with people who love subeta. Don't count on it people,you'll just get your account frozen even though you dedicated to playing it for months. I was evenplanning on buying a gold account - so glad I didn't. I don't want to give a dime, a penny to that sitethat wasted hours of my life. I just want some type of "justice". I just want my account back becauseit was unfairly frozen - the staff needs to get their facts straight. KEITH - I'D GIVE YOU HALF A MILLIONsp TO UNFREEZE MY ACCOUNT AND MAKETHINGS FAIR AGAIN. AND THAT'S NO WAY TO DIMINISH THE POLICY OF THE SITE -THAT'S JUST TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT. HONESTLY, I NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITHYOU, IT'S JUST YOUR GOSH-DARN STAFF! Current Mood: aggravated beyond all measures (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, January 21st, 2006
7:09 pm I finished both! I have finally completed 2 more songs for my band! I'm so happy! ---> (see):Dlol. Anyways, I just very proud of myself, and I'm so proud of my friends for actually going through with their band and trying to make it! They have t-shirts in progress for $10 and I think they have a gig at the Cobalt soon! I'll post the date when I find out more, but I'm just so happy! :D Current Mood: Bands in progress.... (Comment on this)
Friday, January 20th, 2006
8:52 pm AIM fun.... This person in one of my communities posted about this, and u just have to read it for the heck of it. I'd prefer less of the cussing, but still, it's hilarious. Check it out 4 yourselfAIM FUNCurrent Mood: Great link above! Haha! (Comment on this)
Monday, January 16th, 2006
8:59 pm I created it myself! Ok, here is my own quiz/result thing I created myself! I'm so happy! Check out my results!What is your rockstar life? by defying_deathYour nameYour boyfriendBilly Martin (Good Charlotte)Your exBilly Martin (Good Charlotte)Your best friendEric Dill (The Click Five)Number of fans466,436Albums sold162,068Popularity with the world: 2%How tight your band is (with each other): 35%How long you will last (years)19How much $ you make$529,376Who you will marryPeter Wentz (Fall Out Boy)How strong your marraige is: 82%Quiz created with MemeGen!Here's another one I made!How you are known at school by defying_deathYour nameYour boyfriend isA punkThe guy who secretly adores you isA gothHow many friends you have11Your teachers....Ignore youPopularity at school: 15%Your "thing" that people know you byThe way you flash a smilePeople like you becauseYou're funYour best school subjectJournalism(writing for your school's paper)People know you for/from(rep)Tagging the school wallsQuiz created with MemeGen! Current Mood: Take the quiz! (Comment on this)
5:46 am Interesting fun.... Your Punk-rock Life by MestUpChickyYour BoyfriendSebastien Lefebvre (Simple Plan)Your Best FriendTony Lovato (Mest)Your ExMark Hoppus (Blink-182)Your Role ModelSebastien Lefebvre (Simple Plan)Your NameQuiz created with MemeGen![HASH(0x8ce3748)](  Which rock song are you most like?brought to you by Quizillawill be adding more later, but for now this is all i got. :) Current Mood: what quizzes have2say about me (Comment on this)
Sunday, January 15th, 2006
11:10 pm Who's on your hitlist? My friend started this, but I want to see what all you other LJ users have to say. Who's on your hitlist? I got the devil people, for Halloween. I mean, all those Bit-O-Honey candies for Reeses! Not happening, not on my watch. Or, like my friend, I could vouch to Cupid. Not one of my greatest friends, lol. Current Mood: my holiday hitlist (4 Comments |Comment on this)
7:44 pm The Shofar.... Ok, all you Jews out there know what the Shofar is, right? And for those of you that don't know, it's a ram's horn that you blow through on certain Jewish holidays. Anyways, my mom got one for Hannukah, and I blew through it and I actually did it! It's extremely hard though! I'm serious! You can't just blow through it, you have to peerce your lips to it and blow. I finally did it after like the 10th time! I'm so proud of myself! OMGosh! Cool, yeah. So tty'all later. Bye! :) Current Mood: YES! I can blow the shofar!!!! (Comment on this)
5:38 pm Claim your band and song now! Ok, so join the community and claim your band and song today - the 1st_unique community that is. 1 band, 5 songs per person. :)HURRY BEFORE SOMEONE STEALS YOU SONGS AND BAND! Current Mood: HURRY! CLAIM YOUR MUSIC NOW! (Comment on this)
1:38 pm Ok, here's some more fun 4u. More quizzes - I made the 2nd one myself! :)Cheerful, you're a fantastic company! But you're kinda disorganized...I pitty your mother! You love parties and meet all your friends, tend to be caused loss of memory...Friendly Girl:Cheerful, you're a fantastic company! But you'rekinda disorganized...I pitty your mother!Huhuhu! You love parties and hangin' out withall your friends What's your anime-girl steriotype?!brought to you by Quizilla**Your Prefs**Pepsi or Coke?PepsiTattoos or Piercings?PiercingsChocolate or Vanilla (Ice Cream)?ChocolateWhat is your favorite type of music?Punk-Rock/AlternativeWho's your all-time fave band?Good CharlotteFavorite Sport:BasketballDo you play an instrument?No. Trying to learn how to play the electric guitar thoughElements: Fire or Water?WaterWhat's your ideal date?date? Having fun. Going to a movie or laser tag or surfing. Something we can laugh about. Favorite Book:Raven's GateFavorite Show:Crossing JordanFavorite Movie:Corpse BrideFavorite Actor:Johnny Depp or Steve ValentineFavorite Actress:**I dunno.**Favorite Animal:Wolf **Your Ideal Dude**Hair Color:**Black or Brown - messy and hot.**Eye Color:Ice Blue or Bright Green - preferably3 Needed Traits:able to make me laugh, is fun, and is lovingPreferable Stereotype(i.e.jock, punk, prep)punk, because they have a lot of funHow He/She Would Charm You:**SURPRISE ME. Not with a fancy dinner, but maybe going surfing or waking me up early with breakfast to play videogames.**Most Important Feature and/or Quality:Feature - smile. Quality - honesty and loyalty and edgy/adventurous **The Real You**Your ideal/dream job(s):Rockstar or song write or dolphin trainerWhat You Would Name Your Son:Jack, Elijah, Casey, or BrianWhat You Would Name Your Daughter:Emma or FaithYour Perfect/Ideal Date:**Having a nice dinner followed by a fun action or comedy movie - maybe a horror flick so I can hold on to his arm. lol.**Your Dream Wedding:On the beach, with tons of friends and family, and then we'd go to Hawaii for our honeymoonYour Perfect/Ideal Car:An old-school mustang!CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS! Current Mood: content - for now. lol. (Comment on this)
12:08 am Quiz Mania Ladies and Gents' Here's a whoooooole bunch of quizzes for you to enjoy, because I was bored, had nothing to do online, and well, just feel like posting 'bout it on my livehjournal, so have fun! (and no, they aren't ALL Good Charlotte quizzes!) :).,.,.,.Dude your ok, but you could brush up on your GC ..::Good Charlotte Lyrics Quiz::.. \*I Dare You To Take This One\*brought to you by QuizillaGood!YOU ARE THE ULTIAMTE!after me.(Cj) ??Do you know your Good Charlotte??brought to you by QuizillaHASH(0x8d2bc88)You must be a big fan of lil billy cos you knowloads another billy from good charlotte quiz!brought to you by Quizillayou are real punk. you have my outmost respectare u a punk(not one of those wannabes who like good charlotte and shyt)brought to you by Quizillafox girlthe fox is your true demon are smart andsexy,you do grab a lot of attentions!you aregenerous and people likes know well howto deal with different situations too.^^ What is your true demon form?girls only(with anime pics)brought to you by QuizillaHASH(0x8dfc624)u r the emotion of sadness. what emotion r u (with beautiful anime pics)brought to you by QuizillaHASH(0x8b898f8)you are a maiden of the moonyou very pretty yournick name is the iron maid if you were anime what would you look like?(now with pics)brought to you by QuizillaHASH(0x8d2ccc4)You're Skittles. You're a colorful and popularperson who loves hanging out with friends What type of Candy are you?brought to you by Quizillaangel of the nightangel of the night-->Your the thinker in your little group, you love themoon and the world after the sun sets, yourrepresented by the owl, a night time stalker,and your color is dark blue. You stay mainlyemotionless, not cold but not all that friendlyeither thats what makes your friends difficultto deal with. What are you the angel of?? (beautiful anime pics)brought to you by QuizillaCurrent Mood: bored - so heres some quizzes (Comment on this)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
11:27 pm Got a band? Anyone have a band out there? Post away if u do. I'm planning on starting my own someday(hopefully someday soon like my friend did). What's your band's name? What music does your band look to(play)? Just type about your band if you want. Maybe we can be good rivals someday! Lol. So yeah, post away. Oh!and check out my community! Rockers/musiclovers/animelovers/artists/anyone needed. haha. Yeah, talk later. Bye. Current Mood: feeling artistic (Comment on this)
1:19 pm Nice and famous Anyone ever watched "Everybody Loves Raymond"? I used to watch it constantly, and now I just watch it every so often. If you have, do you remember the character on the show, Robert? Raymond's brother? The cop? His real name is Brad Garret. Well, I met him yesterday at Baskin Robins and he's such a nice guy. He acts nothing like Robert, and is quite a gentleman. He was with two of his kids and before I left, engaged with my mom in conversation (I was with my mom and friend). Anyways, he's a very nice guy, very friendly, which makes me think that he's just really cool. I'm not a fan of his, but I recognized him right away, and he's pretty cool.P.s. Check out my new community and please join if you like it. Thanks. Current Mood: excited, Brad Garret's so nice (Comment on this)
Friday, January 6th, 2006
11:53 am Learning the ropes Hey, just made this LJ for my subeta friends/cult members. I'm still working on the webbie u guys - :). I made a new community too, pretty darn awesome if u ask me, (considering I just started it). So please join, I'd love to have, and if u don't want to join, just amuse me and check it out. lol. Or you could add me to your friends list, but I'll leave that up to you because I don't want to go "friend searching" all over LiveJournal. Talk later, bye! ^_^(About the community)It's alot about music, art, sports, whatever you like really. But mainly I dedicated it to music(particularly rock, but any music is fine). Current Mood: my community rox! (Comment on this)