Shhh... it Happened (original) (raw)

Finally! one of these fuckers is accurate. [Feb. 10th, 2007|08:59 pm]killsuave_kitty
[mood** |crazycrazy]You Are 91% Misanthropic**You are misanthropic to the point of being scary. In your view, people are a disease.You may want to lighten up a little - before you become a super villian!
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hello [Feb. 1st, 2006|10:32 am]killsuave_kitty
[**mood** |sicksick]Still alive. Just barely. Explain later.Is any one interested in some mice? Or know of anyone who is? They are not feeders and are very friendly. Problem is that some one gave them to me as a gift and one turned out to be female so 2 turned into 12. Well if anyone is interested let me know, they'll be seperated by sex in 2 weeks.Later.
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(no subject) [Apr. 11th, 2005|03:55 pm]killsuave_kitty
[**mood** |dorkydorky]Thanks sweetie >^,^< ffffffffff______uuuuuuu ffffffffff '''''''''
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(no subject) [Mar. 31st, 2005|04:04 pm]killsuave_kitty
[**mood** |amusedamused]I was happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, andwe'd decided to get married.My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and mygirlfriend was a dream!There was only one thing bothering me, very much indeed. That one thingwas my fiancées younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twentyyears old, wore tight mini skirts and low cut blouses. She would regularlybend down near me and I enjoyed many pleasant views of her underwear.It had to be deliberate... I didn't notice her doing this near anyone else.One day the sister called and asked me to come over to check thewedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived and whispered to me thatsoon I was to be married, and she had feelings and desires for me that shecould not overcome. She told me that she wanted to make love to me - justbefore I got married and committed my life to her sister. I was in totalshock and couldn't say a word.She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want to goahead with it just come up and get me." I was stunned. I was frozen in shockas I watched her go up the stairs. When she reached the top, she pulleddown her panties and threw them down the stairs at me.I stood there for a moment, then turned and went straight to the frontdoor. I opened the door, stepped out of the house, and began walkingdirectly toward my car. My future father-in-law was standing outside.With tears in his eyes, he hugged me and said: "We are very happy thatyou have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for a better man for ourdaughter.Welcome to our family!"The moral of the story is...Always keep your condoms in your car.
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(no subject) [Feb. 17th, 2005|07:33 pm]killsuave_kitty
[mood** |determineddetermined] [music** Dean Martin]Alot has happend. Been having alot of fun with RI guy(Bob). Then almost died when a car flipped 2 ft infront of me and caused a five car accident so bad I watched a family die infront of me and had to do police reports on I93 saturday. Same day went to Boston w/ atomicdarling untill midnight then drank a bottle of rum and ate chocolate cake and green mac and cheese (do you have all the pics, did they come out good?).Went on date with Bob and hung out w/ my brother on V-day,took him to my waterfall with adam. Jumped off a cliff to save the mountain dew(yes a real cliff, ask anyone I'm nuts and do that shit for fun). In another freak accident a tree slit my wrist in proper suicide fashion(ever have that feeling someone is trying to curse you with bad luck, well I know who you are and that you read this you'd best fucking stop before I take steps and I thouroghly enjoy doing it by ANY means possiable)), and my dads ceremony, and a coffee date with Iarwain. Tuesday was uneventful. Wednsday Bob drove up to go with me for my school interviews because he heard I was nervouse(so sweet of him). I've been accepted, start in March. Now I'm back untill tomorrow, when I can gaurentee more adventure, Napolion will be there, so as of now I am making him not exist(good advice atomikdarling). as to prior mentioned person, this is the ONLY warning, enough bullshit, fight me like a man already!Loves to all, bye for now.Oh, and Thanks atomikdarling for creating the new photo of me that is my new icon. You rule! I love it!
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(no subject) [Feb. 7th, 2005|02:26 pm]killsuave_kitty
[**mood** |amusedamused]Borrowed from kattalla. Funny as hell.
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(no subject) [Feb. 7th, 2005|02:17 pm]killsuave_kitty
[mood** |blankblank]KKinkyIImportantLLightLLazySSloppyUUsefulAArtyVVainEExquisite_KKeenIIntelligentTTechnologicalTTechnologicalYYoung**Name Acronym GeneratorFrom
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(no subject) [Feb. 7th, 2005|02:14 pm]killsuave_kitty
[**mood** |confusedHalf asleep]Informationi killsuave_kitty is a restricted area. Authorised personel onlyFrom
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Imortal through their memories [Feb. 7th, 2005|11:36 am]killsuave_kitty
[**mood** |contemplativecontemplative]Just contemplating again. How people leave a mark on other people. I don't mean from physical maiming either. I mean the possibility of effecting their entire life just by knowing them. Any one who is around any one else for a long time ultimately effects them, but what about the stranger you may never meet again who's one sentence effected your life or way of thinking. It has happend to me before on a few occasions. Like the artist I met in Lowell when I was only 8 or so. She had me do a doodle on a buisness card, and decided off that that I would be an artist one day. At that point in my life no one else believed my work, they thought it must be traced because I was so young. It felt good to receive the credit for the first time, it left an impact. Or in Aswan at the papyrus institute, waiting outside. I drew a portrait for two men in a five minute time slot. I thought nothing of it except that the drawing wasn't that great. I gave it to him, he flaunted that drawing to everyone in the institute and treasures it still. I found the last part out from my friend whom I still write to. Apparently the two men never forgot my name and the picture hangs on the wall. There are just so many more moments,good and bad. I have a bad habit of talking to strangers and every one else, so I hear and tell so many stories and pieces of advice daily. I now wonder how many people around the world remember me, because I remember them.Some had changed my views in a single moment, I wonder if I've done the same to them.And of coarse I love all my long term friends whom obviously effected me as well, couldn't forget them if I tried...but do they remember me in the same way? Does Anyone have thoughts on this? I encourage you to comment if you do.
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(no subject) [Feb. 3rd, 2005|11:46 am]killsuave_kitty
I am Jack the Ripper. Come here, my pretty ...Which Evil Criminal are You?A Rum and Monkey crime.Hey dwerenat, you try this one. please.
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