Midnight... in my Stream of Conciousness (original) (raw)

I have been doing research on the planet where we are currently located, Taanab.

I found an article here... http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Taanab

First colonized in 2,320 BBY, Taanab was once a world covered in thick, inhospitable jungle, similar to Felucia. During the New Sith Wars, the Brotherhood of Darkness captured the planet. The planet was especially known for its roba steak. Captain Mullinore was from the world.

Huff Darklighter once employed farmers from Taanab, as well as Bandomeer and Salliche, to staff his underground hydroponic gardens on Tatooine.

The Battle of Taanab took place over its skies five months after the Battle of Yavin. In the battle, Lando Calrissian defeated attacking pirate raiders from Norulac.

Years later, Jedi Knight Jaden Korr went to Taanab to discover more about the operations going on there by the Disciples of Ragnos. Jaden battled a mutant rancor which the Disciples intended to release in a populated place so they could pillage the area during the chaos.

Rogue Squadron veteran Wes Janson was a native of Taanab. He named the Taanab Yellow Aces after the world.
/end article excerpt/

I beleive I will be working on buying up some roba steaks to take out to sell. Any one else want in on this?

Captain Lucky