Rowanroot's Journal (original) (raw)

Old Friends

Apr. 23rd, 2008 | 02:26 pm

location: dorm room
mood: lazylazy
music: Zeromancer

I called up an old friend today. We dated briefly in junior high and were friends until my sophomore year of high school. He with a group of my friends tried to form a Pagan Student Alliance at the high school my freshman/sophomore year. The whole ordeal went sour when a lot of internal struggle made people turn their backs on each other and fight. I wish things had gone differently.

Anyways my friend is doing well. He's finally out of the closet and happy as can be. He seemed very happy that I finally contacted him after three years on Facebook. We talked briefly and I expect another phonecall in an hour. It's good to talk to someone after so long. We each had so much to talk about and he was almost in shock that I had not decided to go into the theatre and would instead become a teacher.


Apr. 23rd, 2008 | 02:02 pm

location: room
mood: energeticenergetic
music: Zeromancer

No matter how much I try to see things separately I am always connected different belief systems through their practices and views. In class we've read Dante's Inferno and I was encouraged to look at Purgatorio and Paradisio. When reading the chapter intros of Paradisio I was reminded not only of the spheres' connection to the levels in Qabbalah but also the Idea of becoming one with God connected to Aradian beliefs. We had a speaker in chapel (a mandatory service at the college I attend) who talked about God being in all things not just the creator and her explaination was so naturalistic and pagan in nature that i was moved to tears. It was strange for me to be so moved inside of a Christian instituted church. My class on Medieaval Chinese History is constantly making connections between Christianity, Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, Hindu, and the folk religions of China. My Professor, a self proclaimed christian encouraged his students to set up and ancestral altar to pray at.
I feel that every day my eyes are opened and I want to grab those aorund me with different beliefs and tell them we arent so different really. That we really do believe a lot of the same basic things and wish that they too would see this.

Merry Meet

Mar. 26th, 2008 | 08:56 am

location: dorm room
mood: sicksick
music: Emelie Autumn

A Merry Hello to all who read my journal.
I want to encourage you to all go to my forum
And check out my group. If you live in the Eastern TN area perhaps you would like to meet up with my fiance and I for coffee to chit-chat.
I am an eclectic pagan and my fiance is as well, though he focuses more on sorcery. My main objective is, always, to learn and gain wisdom. I study Greco-Roman, Celtic, and Oriental paths, picking from each the things i feel make the most sense and ring true in my heart.
I am a college student with a history major with which i hope to teach one day in a high school just long enough to develop the funds to open my own inn/shop.
Feel free to message me to talk any time.
Blessed Be