soph (original) (raw)
[this is a public post]
Today, I've blacked out my journal over at Dreamwidth for 24 hours in order to raise awareness of SOPA/PIPA, alongside many other websites, including Wikipedia.
Please note: SOPA is still a threat, despite the news reports recently that it was shelved indefinitely. (Lamar Smith plans to resume SOPA's markup in February.)
I'm only doing this on DW, for two reasons:
a) DW is now my primary home. Most people are watching me there, as far as I know, and keeping LJ up allows me to make posts like this one (which I'll repost to DW after the blackout);
b) LJ doesn't have any way to specify *why* a journal was 'deleted'. This would mean that people might worry about me.
Why am I doing this, even though I'm located in the UK and the bill is a US one? Because most of the sites I use on the Internet are based in the US.
( But Sophie, the bill only affects sites overseas! (Answer: No, it doesn't.)Collapse )
(TL;DR: A "site dedicated to theft of US property" is one located in the US and where the owner(s) have taken 'deliberate actions' to avoid confirming 'a high probability' of copyright infringement. The 'deliberate actions' are left undefined, as is what 'a high probability' means, and this is what makes the bill so dangerous.)
So what happens to a 'site dedicated to theft of US property'? Namely, a complete cutoff from anything that could provide financial support to that site - payment merchants such as PayPal or 2Checkout would be forced to deny payments to the site from its members/subscribers, and advertising networks would be forced to deny the site any ads.
Combine the unspecific nature of the bill with the financial cutoff penalty, and you have a perfect recipe for governmental censorship. And no, of course the government wouldn't use it to shut down YouTube, but they wouldn't need to. Services like YouTube simply cannot afford to fall foul of a law like this, and if the bill passed, it would give the government a *reason* to shut YouTube down. That's all they need, because with the threat of that hanging in the air, they could ask YouTube to do damn well anything and they'd have to comply. Blackmail, in other words.
I'll probably write more on this topic later, but for now, I hope I've given a good explanation of why this would be bad for the Internet as a whole, and why I've chosen to black out my journal for the day.
[edit 9:49pm GMT: For people in the UK, here's a petition on calling on the UK government to condemn SOPA and PIPA: ]
[this is a public post on LJ]
I don't tend to do new stuff explicitly for LiveJournal nowadays, since I'm on Dreamwidth, but LJ came out with an interesting claim recently regarding the lack of a Preview button on the new commenting form:
Since a Preview button isn't easily/quickly possible with the new form, we have made the ability to edit comments available to all account types.
I was honestly a bit baffled by this, because it's actually really easy to add a Preview button. In fact, I knocked up a Greasemonkey script to add one in less than half an hour, and I've never previously touched the new commenting code. (Download here. Greasemonkey script has been tested on Firefox and Chrome; if anybody else knows if it works on other browsers, let me know! To run it on Firefox, you'll need the Greasemonkey add-on. Chrome users don't need any separate addon!)
But at the same time, I don't think LJ are deliberately and shamefacedly lying, because allowing all users to edit comments is going to put a dent in their bottom line. Lots of people find the ability to edit comments incredibly useful, and there's now one less reason for people to have paid accounts.
Rather, I suspect the reason they're not introducing the Preview button on the new form is because the Preview page includes a subject line field, and they seem to be doing their best to want to get rid of subject lines. (Don't ask me why, I have no clue.)
Anyway, I mainly made this post to get this Greasemonkey script out there, because as much as I'd love people to come to Dreamwidth, there are some people who aren't going to want to do so, and being able to preview comments is kind of important. That said, if you do read this, do consider giving Dreamwidth a try. You don't even need an invite code if you sign up before the end of the year, because DW have opened up the create flow for a limited period of time. So come on over and give it a try. :)
[edit (Dec 23rd): I updated the code as there were some cases when the code would pop up a "No can do." message box - if the page wasn't using the new commenting scheme. Please download the new version.]
[edit (Dec 24th): I've learned that stuntpilot99 has made a Stylish style that makes LJ a bit easier to read by replacing the fonts with the fonts used before, slightly widens some margins, and other things. It also puts a soft grey background on everything, but as I don't like that myself, in the version I've got installed I edited it and replaced every instance of "#f7f7f7" with "#ffffff", which makes it white. In any case, go check it out. :)]
This entry was originally posted on Dreamwidth, at You can comment either here or there.
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Date: 2011-02-24 10:27 Security: Public Tags:dreamwidth Subject: Dreamwidth: No code required this week! |
[this post is public on LJ]
I meant to post about this before this week, but there's still a few days left, so.
This week, from February 21st to February 28th, you don't need an invite code to create an account on Dreamwidth, at all. So if you've been thinking of creating an account but didn't want to ask anybody for a code, go ahead and create an account! I'm []([**sophie**]( over there if you want to add me to your reading and/or access lists. :)
This entry was originally posted on Dreamwidth, at You can comment either here or there.
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If you've seen the recent LJ news post, please be aware that it was written from the wrong spec. While I (soph, the original author of this post), am not staff, this has been confirmed officially by staff and the news post has been rewritten accordingly.
Only accounts that have no entries, or have only the initial welcome entry, will be purged.
A new news post is not being made because of the issue with News posts and notifications; the backend would likely crash if two News posts were made so close to each other.
Please repost this! There is a 'Repost this' button at the bottom of this entry.
( More details, including the full specificationCollapse )
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[this is a public post on LJ]
Yesterday marked one year since the disputed, possibly rigged Iranian election in which Mahmoud Ahmedinejad was pronounced the winner, while Mir-Hossein Mousavi, who was projected to be winning, got apparently little support.
Does anyone know any more about it, one year on? My Twitter is still set to "Tehran, Iran" since I haven't heard anything about it finishing.
[edit: By "it", of course, I mean the things that came after the election - the protests, etc. Also, making public on LJ.]
This entry was originally posted on Dreamwidth, at You can comment either here or there.
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Date: 2010-03-31 13:41 Security: Public Tags:psa, sony Subject: PS3 owners take note |
[this is a public entry]
A heads-up to anybody who is running an alternative operating system on a Playstation 3 - Sony will be releasing an update tomorrow that will prevent you from doing this.
As I don't have a PS3 myself, I'm not sure whether you can just choose not to install the update or not, but one assumes that at the very least you'd be able to stop it from getting it in the first place.
[ETA: From the article:
Sony has said the update is optional, but those people that do not install it will no longer have access to features, such as its online games network and the ability to playback certain games or Blu-ray DVDs that require the most up-to-date firmware.
A Sony spokesperson said that gamers would have to "accept" the update before it begins to install.
This entry was originally posted on Dreamwidth, at You can comment either here or there.
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[this is a public post on LJ]
I've just read of data loss *possibly* caused by a recent Windows update, and has so far been experienced by varying people on Windows XP, Vista and 7. Please read the article about it at, and this follow-up post.
If you have any information about it, or it's happened to you, please post about it on there; the more information that can be gained about it, the better.
[edit: I just made a comment on the first post with a transcript of the graphic they link to at the ending paragraph. It needs to go through moderation, but should appear soon. It just annoys me so much that a potential solution is linked to as a graphic. Come ON, people, accessibility isn't that hard. Heck, it was probably harder to screenshot than it would have been just to copy and paste...
Here's the transcript of the graphic, in case it doesn't make it through:
In my case Windows 7 did not delete the files, but for some reason moved them into a hidden system folder.
Enable hidden files and folder and then go to your D: drive (or whatever drive you originally stored the files on before the update) and look for a folder called $INPLACE.~TR . This is a hidden file that on my machine contained all of the files from this drive. I too thought all of my stuff was gone, but inside this folder you will find the structure like so: $INPLACE.~TR-> Machine-> DATA-> Your Files .
Hope this helps.
This entry was originally posted on Dreamwidth, at You can comment either here or there.
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[this is a public post on LJ]
So, the new LJ "promotion" is going on, and it's not really that great. Each Paid+ user gets 10 coupons for $10 off a new Paid account that they can send to others. It doesn't work for renewing a Paid acccount, doesn't work for userpics, can only be used to pay for a one-year account, and the coupon expires in the middle of January if not used.
Essentially, this is hardly a gift at all because all you can do with it is encourage people to spend money that they're not already spending. It's a blatant call for new people to take income from by SUP.
So rather than insult my friends by selecting who might want them and saying "Here, spend some of your money!", I'll offer them here. If anybody was going to upgrade to a Paid account anyway on LJ, let me know and I can send you one of these coupons to make it so you don't have to pay the full amount. If you reply on DW, let me know your LJ username so I can send it to the right place. This offer is open to anybody, not just friends of mine.
If you're enticed by the idea of having a one-year Paid account for $15 and weren't going to upgrade anyway, I can send you a coupon too - just ask - but I'd like to recommend that you try Dreamwidth instead of giving more money to LJ. Let me know if you'd like this and I can gift you an invite code to create a 2-month Paid account at DW, so you can see what it's like. You can crosspost to LJ, too.
This entry was originally posted on Dreamwidth, at You can comment either here or there.
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If you are reading this right now, you have more luxury than someone in Iran could ever hope for right now. If you are watching TV or a video on youtube, updating your status on Facebook, Tweeting, or even texting your friend, you are lucky. If you are safe in your home, and were able to sleep last night without the sounds of screaming from the rooftops, you need to know and understand what is happening to people just like you in Iran right now.
They are not the enemy. They are a people whose election has been stolen. For the first time in a long time, a voice for change struck the youth of Iran, just as it did for many people in the United States only seven months ago. Hossein Mousavi gained the support of millions of people in Iran as a Presidential candidate. He stands for progressiveness. He supports good relations with the West, and the rest of the world. He is supported with ferver as he challenges the oppressive regime of Mahmoud Amedinejad.
On Friday, millions of people waited for hours in line to vote in Iran's Presidential election. Later that night, as votes came in, Mousavi was alerted that he was winning by a two-thirds margin. Then there was a change. Suddenly, it was Ahmedinejad who had 68% of the vote - in areas which have been firmly against his political party, he overwhelmingly won. Within three hours, millions of votes were supposedly counted - the victor was Ahmedinejad. Immediately fraud was suspected - there was no way he could have won by this great a margin with such oppposition. Since then, reports have been coming in of burned ballots, or in some cases numbers being given without any being counted at all. None of this is confirmed, but what happened next seems to do the trick.
The people of Iran took the streets and rooftops. They shout "Death to the dictator" and "Allah o akbar." They join together to protest. Peacefully. The police attack some, but they stay strong. Riots happen, and the shouting continues all night. Text messaging was disabled, as was satellite; websites which can spread information such as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and the BBC are blocked in the country. At five in the morning, Arabic speaking soldiers (the people of Iran speak Farsi) stormed a university in the capital city of Tehran. While sleeping in their dormitories, five students were killed. Others were wounded. These soldiers are thought to have been brought in by Ahmedinejad from Lebanon. Today, 192 of the university's faculty have resigned in protest.
Mousavi requested that they government allow a peaceful rally to occur this morning - the request was denied. Many thought that it would not happen. Nevertheless, first a few thousand people showed up in the streets of Tehran. At this point, it is estimated that 1 to 2 million people were there. (Note: There have been reports that it might have been 3 million-- but nothing is confirmed at this point). Mousavi spoke on the top of a car. The police stood by. For a few hours, everything was peaceful. Right now, the same cannot be said. Reports of injuries, shootings, and killings are flooding the internet. Twitter has been an invaluable source - those in Iran who still know how to access it are updating regularly with picture evidence. Women are being brutally beat.
Tonight will be another night without rest for so many in Iran, no older than I. Tonight there is a Green Revolution.
For more information:
Here - from
Here - on FlickrNEW INFORMATION:
Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish - near constant updates
ONTD_political live post - Collated information, pictures & etc in the commentsON TWITTER:
@Change_For_Iran <-- no tweets for a while, which is worrying :(
@NextRevolution <-- absolutely heartbreakingAlso: SIGN THE GLOBAL PETITION! 25,000 signatures and growing!
دنیارابگوییدچطورآنهاانتخاباتمان دزدیده اند
Tell the world how they have stolen our election
(original post by one_hoopy_frood here, slightly modified by Sophie to add more links and add ALT attributes to photos.)
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[this is a public post]
I'm seeing a lot of misinformation going around LJ regarding the security of LiveJournal accounts, so I want to take this opportunity to correct these.
Myth: Setting a secret question will make your account more secure.
This is false. Secret questions are not intended to make your account more secure; they're intended to give you, the owner, an additional means of getting access to your account in case you forget your password and no longer have access to either your current email or any previously validated email address on your account. Because of this, setting a secret question actually makes your account less secure, by design.
The way secret questions work is that if someone goes to the Lost Information page, LJ will send a password reset email to either the current email on your account, or an email address that was previously validated on the account if you specify one. It will not send email to any other destination, for security. This email does not require the use of a secret question if one is set, so if anyone has access to one of these email addresses, they do not need to know the answer to your secret question to hijack your account.
Once the email has been sent, if the account is not logged into for 5 days, the attacker can return to the Lost Information page, enter the username again, and this time they will be asked for the answer to their secret question. Once this answer is given, the password can be reset.
Thus, if you use a secret question to which the answer is easy to find out (even from, for example, the posts on your journal itself), and do not regularly log in to your account (or even just go on vacation for a week with no Internet access), your account is subject to hijacking. For this reason, any secret question set should not have an answer that is easy to figure out. The best answer to a secret question is one which has absolutely nothing to do with the question.
Please note that logging in means just that - logging in from the login page. Simply using the site does not count as logging in for the purposes of the secret question, so if you get a password reset request you didn't make, you should log out and then back in again to cancel the request.
It should also be noted that the Lost Information request can be sent to any previously validated address on your account, not just to the current address. Therefore, if you set a secret question, you must check your previously-validated addresses regularly in case a hijacker sends a Lost Information request to one of them. (Although if you log into your account within those 5 days, even if by accident, you would cancel the request.) This could be a problem if you are on vacation with only email access, as you could be at risk if you have previously-validated addresses on your account and a secret question set.
Alternatively, you can delete your previously validated addresses - and I'll talk more about that in a moment.
However, the best account security can be achieved by not having a secret question at all, and if you use an email address provided by a free email service online that recycles old usernames, this is the best course of action to take. (examples of these include Hotmail and Yahoo, I believe.) If you already have a secret question, don't worry - you can delete your secret question by simply going to the Secret Question page, entering your password, and clicking the Delete button.
Myth: Setting a secret question can protect you in case your account is hijacked.
This is also false. The owner of an account (read: anybody who has access to the account and who knows the account password) can change or delete the secret question at any time, and even if this wasn't the case, there is still the built-in 5-day waiting period during which the hijacker can simply log in to stop you from getting to use the secret question. As stated above, the point of the secret question is to allow an extra avenue into your account in case it's needed, not to provide extra security.
Myth: Deleting addresses that are previously validated will always increase your account security.
This is only sometimes true. A hijacker will be able to send the Lost Information request to any previously validated address on your account simply by specifying the old email address. In normal circumstances, this doesn't matter since the hijacker would not have control over the address. However, if you have set a secret question, you are still vulnerable to a secret question hijack if you do not check your previously-validated addresses, even if you control the address in question. This is especially true if you do not login regularly. This is true because, as described above, the secret question method will become usable 5 days after it has sent the email, and is cancelled by any login to the account. If you do not see the email that's sent because it's sent to an address you don't check, it's possible that you might not log in in that time.
If you no longer have control over your previously validated addresses, you should always delete them when possible. This will prevent a hijacker from taking over one of these addresses and using it to access your account.
However, if you do not have a secret question set, or you are absolutely sure that the answer to your secret question is secure, then you should only delete those email addresses that are no longer under your control, and no others. The reason for this is that if your account *is* hijacked in some way, these email addresses can be used to help you regain access to your account, and they may be the only such methods of doing so, if the hijacker also took control of your current email account (which is quite possible).
However, with the advent of the ability to delete old email addresses as long as your currently validated one has been in use for more than 6 months, it is possible that an account hijacker could delete your previously validated email addresses quite easily, too. The optimum security, therefore, is gained by having two email addresses that you control and having one of those (a secondary email address) listed as the first validated address on the account. Every 6 months, check whether you can still access this address. If you can, you should delete this address from the 'validated' list, change your LJ email address to that address and validate it, and then after validation switch back to your normal one, which will render the first email address undeletable again. Do not do this unless you have verified that you can still access that address. If you do not have access, you should instead delete that address and find another address to use.
By doing the above, you will ensure that your backup address will never be deletable by account hijackers (and thus will remain usable as a backup address to send Lost Information mails to in case your primary email account is also hijacked) until hopefully a couple of months after the hijack itself, which should give you enough time to regain control of the account and make it secure again.
Feel free to link this post elsewhere; it's public and will remain so.
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[this is a public entry]
Just a PSA - if anybody on MSN is getting random URLs from people taking the form, don't click it. I'm not sure what it is but it's not something that's safe to click.
I'm looking into it right now.
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VoicePost 177K 0:53 | “Okay, so, erm. I guess I need to make this voice post now. Erm... those of you not in LiveJournal Support will probably not know what this is all about, but here we go anyway. This is going to be a public post, so, erm.My name is Ciaran. I am a support administrator. I admin Issue Investigation, so that makes me an Issue Investigation admin. I have admin privs, and I have membership in lj_supportadmin. I enjoy being an admin... especially because in Issue Investigation we don't *have* any simple FAQ references to answer. But if I did, I would enjoy them, even if I had to answer lots of FAQ references.Erm, So yeah, that's it, and I guess I'll hang up now. Er, see ya. Bye.”Transcribed by: |
Or in other words, I'm now an admin in Issue Investigation in LiveJournal Support! And this voice post is kind of a ritual for new admins, hence why this post is public.
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Date: 2007-07-06 21:33 Security: Public Tags:public Subject: Voice Post: |
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VoicePost 115K 0:35 | “Hi again. Erm, this is actually just a test because I've, er, got an SIP client for my mobile phone now, and I can connect to Gizmo on it, and I can, erm... I can, er, make Voice Posts for free now when I'm at home. So I don't need to worry about these, er, charges [...] to a London number - I can do it for free through my home wi-fi. Yay!So, erm, yeah, I'll just post this and see how it goes. Er... yeah. See ya.”Transcribed by: |
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[this is a public post]
Do you listen to Internet radio? If you do, you may have noticed that today most Internet radio stations have gone silent...
...'s a day of silence.
It's only one day... for now. But this is what Internet radio could permanently sound like after July 15th, or soon thereafter, if nothing is done.
A recent ruling increased the royalty rates for Internet radio stations by a massive amount - between 300%-1200%. Most Internet radio stations can't afford that by a long shot; as it is right now, they're struggling to make ends meet.
The worst part is, this royalty increase is retroactively enforced to January 1st, 2006. Most Internet radio stations will no longer be able to broadcast because of this. A lot of them - virtually ALL small and medium-sized stations - will go bankrupt.
If you value Internet radio, this should concern you. Even some of the bigger broadcasters, like (aka. Digitally Imported) won't be able to continue broadcasting. This is serious.
So what can we do? How can we help to combat these rulings?
If you live in the US, your vote counts. is a comprehensive website detailing what can be done. In particular, the most effective thing you can do is to call your senators and representative in Congress to ask them to co-sponsor the Internet Radio Equality Act, S. 1353 in the Senate, and H.R. 2060 in the House. You can find who to call using this page at Simply put in your ZIP code, and if asked, your ZIP+4 (or address if you don't know it).
If you live outside of the US, or even if you do and want to help in other ways too, here are other ways you can help:
You can raise awareness. That's what this post is, for example. Help others to understand just what this is about. While you may not be able to vote directly, your US friends most likely can. You can use the "Tell A Friend" page on SaveNetRadio's site to do this, or you can post about it on your journal, or however you normally would.
Donate to your favourite Internet radio station, or take out a membership if they offer it. Internet radio needs your support, and financial support is one of the better ways you can help. I've been a Premium member of for a week or so now.
Please take a moment to consider this. Internet radio needs your help.
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[this is a public post]
In case anybody is interested, I went back and updated my post from yesterday; it now has something resembling an essay. ;p Go read it if you're interested; it talks about how people with "unusual" problems are misunderstood and ridiculed, and includes a large part about "invisible diseases" such as fibromyalgia and ME.
I'm interested to hear your comments on that post. :)
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[this is a public post]
Maybe you know someone who is not as smart as you, And maybe you laughed - maybe you laughed. Maybe you know someone who can't do the things you do, And maybe you laughed - maybe you laughed.
Well, remember, that someone came from Heaven too, And they are a child of God, the same as you!
Next time you meet someone who's less fortunate than you, Maybe you won't laugh, and maybe they won't cry; Maybe if you're kind, they'll maybe wonder why. They'll maybe feel like laughing too!
Some people can't see at all, and some people can't walk. Some people can't hear, and some can't talk. Some people are different-looking, Some people are strange. Some people hurt all the time, because of things they can't change...
Maybe you know someone who is always left behind, And maybe you laughed - maybe you laughed. Maybe you've seen tears that fall when others are unkind, And maybe you laughed - maybe you laughed.
Well, remember, that someone is loved by somebody too, And they are a child of God, the same as you!
Next time you meet someone who is struggling to get through, Maybe you won't laugh, and maybe they won't cry; Maybe if you're kind, they'll maybe wonder why. They'll maybe feel like laughing too!
-- Janeen Brady, "Maybe You Laughed"
I don't have the album this song is on, and to be honest I'm not sure I'd want to; it's a children's CD and some of the songs sound... not so good. But when I heard this one, I fell in love with it, hee. So true, too.
I've uploaded a version here (note: This is a better version than the one that was linked before :D) - thanks to exor674 for the original file, which came from an audio tape :O So that's why this one isn't really the best-ever quality... but I think it's worth it.
I'm personally of the belief that people can still learn from this song - even at our age. I'm not thinking of anybody in particular - just that the world is still like this. :(
Too often people nowadays don't know how hurtful they can be to those around them who suffer like this, even if it's not intentional. And when it is intentional... well, that's just sad.
For example, a number of very good friends of mine have fibromyalgia or ME (Chronic fatigue syndrome), both "invisible diseases" which nevertheless fundamentally affect their lives. They're "invisible" because if you were to look at them, you wouldn't obviously know that they had a problem. They don't go around with walking sticks or anything, since they don't need them - that's not their problem.
However, because of this, a lot of people don't understand how they can possibly have a problem, since they look fine on the outside. This leads to problems when, for example, they park in disabled parking spaces. Too many people have the idea that parking in a disabled parking space without some sort of visible problem isn't allowed - and worse, they sometimes "make sure" that the person knows that. While they have the best of intentions (that is, trying to keep the spaces free for people who in their opinion *are* disabled), they just don't realise that these people have just as much right to park in these spaces as those in wheelchairs do, and it just causes a lot of grief for the person affected.
Similarly, people try to be encouraging, but end up unintentionally being irritating. An example would be when the person with the disease says to someone else that they just don't have the energy to do something, and the other person is all, "Meh, you look fine to me. You can do it!" The trouble is, they can't, despite appearances, and trying to be encouraging like that is not going to change things, and probably ends up being very irritating, as yet *another* person doesn't understand them.
I could go on about invisible diseases, and similar things that aren't even diseases (like Asperger Syndrome) yet nevertheless cause similar problems for people, but unless people want to hear it, I won't; this is already looking to be a long post and I don't want to make it much longer. If people want me to talk about it though, do let me know.
Of course, those with invisible diseases aren't the only ones affected by this sort of thing. Visible physical deformities, blindness, deafness, and so on are all things that unfortunately invite (and actually can invite even *more*) ridicule and misunderstanding - and that's just not right for anybody.
Now, i'm not intending to put words in the mouths of my friends who have problems like these, especially as I don't have anything quite like them myself - so I'd like to ask people reading this to speak up in the comments about your own experiences, about whether I've got things right here, etc. There's no pressure - if you can't, or don't want to, it's fine. I like to make sure I have the right idea about things like these, however.
If you're interested in knowing more, there are a number of great sites to look at. For invisible diseases, a good resource is ; check out the Spoon Theory while you're there. (Unfortunately, it seems to now only be available in PDF format, it used to be available in HTML too. I sent an email about it; I think there should be a choice, since although PDFs *can* be more accessible than HTML for some people if the PDF is done correctly, they're inaccessible to others, especially as it's a proprietary format.)
For general disability advocacy, the Society: Issues: Disabilities category at the Open Directory Project has a lot of good sites.
I'm a strong advocate for people who are misunderstood in this way. Can you tell?
(on another note, I'm not sure about the "Heaven" in "Well, remember, that someone came from Heaven too"; it doesn't seem to have an H at the beginning, making it sound more like "Well, remember, that someone came from Devon too", but somehow I don't think that's quite right. ;p Anyone know for sure?)
[edited 2009-12-22: The link to the album was out-of-date.]
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[this is a public post]
This post is going to be of interest to UKers only, most likely.
I just got an email from a friend of mine, fledge, giving a link to a petition hosted on the website of 10 Downing Street against a new proposed scheme related to road pricing. It sounds innocent enough until you consider that on this proposed scheme, all UK vehicles would be tracked and movements recorded.
Normally I would call this a hoax, as emails like this are normally fakes. Sadly, however, this one really is legit. I'd never heard of this scheme before now and I'm guessing others haven't either.
The petition is at for those who want to sign. You need to be a UK citizen to do so.
Also, see this blog post from Bruce Schneier for some more interesting thoughts from last December.
[edit: Um, oops, that was from December 2005. I guess it probably doesn't have anything to do with it. Sorry for the confusion.]
Thanks, fledge.
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Date: 2006-12-06 11:56 Security: Public Tags:public, rss Subject: James and Kati - RSS feed created |
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[this is a public post]
In my continuing experimentation with the GIMP, I decided to make my own colorbar.
Yes, it really is. Check if you don't believe me. :) If you want it on your own profile or elsewhere, just use this HTML code:
For those who prefer their colours with "U"s...
Enjoy. :)
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Date: 2006-06-23 11:58 Security: Public Tags:public Subject: Popups on LiveJournal? Say it ain't so. |
[this is a public post]
[to anybody coming here from the no_lj_ads post - hi! The vast majority of my journal is friends-only, so you won't see a lot of public posts from me here. I generally only post publically when there's an issue that I want to vent about that I feel everybody needs to see - like this. Feel free to add me if you like, but I probably won't add you back unless I know you.]
[Update: it looks like my post to no_lj_ads has hit Slashdot.]
Okay, I will. It ain't so. There's been no LiveJournal policy change. Popups are not, as far as I know, ever going to appear on LJ.
So why are some S+ users getting them now?
To cut a long story short, this is because of a certain advertiser - (not linked; don't go there, I don't believe they deserve it) - being sneaky and underhanded. It's not LJ's fault, and I have no doubt that the ad will be gone in a few hours.
The ad itself is for a program that lets you download stuff - you know the sort of thing. The ad is a Flash ad, and masquerades as a banner ad.
Thing is, the Flash ad contains code to open a popup that leads to a very different destination - it's what I assume is an affiliate link that attempts to download and install ErrorSafe on your computer (link is to Symantec's description of it).
This, of course, would be totally against any ad company's guidelines. Masquerading as a banner ad, but discreetly opening a popup - and not only that, but to what people consider malware - is totally against any ad company's guidelines. So how did it get through?
Simple - the ad actually contacts its website in the background, and the site returns a response code that tells it whether to display the popup or not - "popup=1". My guess is that returned "popup=0" while the ad company were testing the ad for conformance to guidelines, and then they turned it back on once it was out in the wild.
This, my friends, is an absolutely despicable way to do things.
So, it's not LiveJournal's fault. No LJ policy change has been made. are the underhanded ones, and the ad company didn't spot the request the ad made. I have every faith that LiveJournal will nuke the offending ad as soon as possible.
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