Nobel Prize - News and Scientific Articles on Live Science - Page 6 (original) (raw)

Latest about Nobel Prize

null Stem Cell Discoveries Snag Nobel Prize in Medicine ByJeanna Bryner published 8 October 12 The duo found what scientists thought was impossible - that specialized cells could go back in time to become immature cells.

Medicine & Drugs

Physicist Richard Feynman won the Nobel Prize, worked on the Manhattan Project and was featured on a U.S. Postal Service stamp. FBI Files on Famous Physicist Released ByLive Science Staff published 15 June 12 Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman caught the attention of the FBI during the early Cold War.

Physics & Mathematics

nasa hubble supernova snprimo Ancient Star Explosion is Most Distant of Its Kind ByNola Taylor Redd published 12 January 12 A 9-billion-year--year-old star explosion may yield clues about the expansion of the universe.


nobel prize physics Nobel Winners Keep Eyes on the Real Prize: Solving Dark Energy Riddle ByDenise Chow published 8 December 11 Three astrophysicists hope that breakthroughs in dark energy studies will come within the next decade.

Dark Energy

Missing Image for Do Nobel Prize Winners Become Wealthy? BySamantha Murphy published 11 October 10 The inventions and discoveries of Nobel Prize winners often make huge contributions to society, but many of the laureates don't actually financially benefit from their discoveries.

Physics & Mathematics

Missing Image for For Wonder Material Graphene, Nobel Prize is Just The Start ByStuart Fox published 6 October 10 Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov split the Nobel in Physics for their work on a carbon compound called graphene.

Physics & Mathematics

null Q&A: Discoverer of Dead Gay Duck Sex ByClara Moskowitz published 5 October 10 Before he won in 2003, Dutch biologist Kees Moeliker had never heard of the Ig Nobel prizes.


Missing Image for Nobel Prize Awarded for 'Green Chemistry' ByMalcolm Ritter published 5 October 05

Planet Earth


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