Standards | Librarians and Archivists Commitment to Excellence and Leadership | Library of Congress (original) (raw)
Resource Description Formats
- BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework Initiative)
Linked data model, vocabulary, and tools for expressing bibliographic data - EAD (Encoded Archival Description)
XML markup designed for encoding archival finding aids - Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF)
Comprehensive date/time definition for the bibliographic community - MADS (Metadata Authority Description Standard)
XML markup for authority data from MARC 21 records and original authority data - MARC 21 formats
Representation and communication of descriptive metadata about library items - MARCXML
XML representation of MARC 21 data - MODS (Metadata Object Description Standard)
XML markup for metadata from existing MARC 21 records and original resource description - VRA Core
XML schema and data format description of visual culture and images that document them
Digital Library Standards
Technical metadata for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - AudioMD and VideoMD
XML schemas for technical metadata on audio- and video-based digital objects - METS (Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard)
Structure for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata - MIX (NISO Metadata for Images in XML)
XML schema for encoding technical data elements required to manage digital image collections - PREMIS (Preservation Metadata)
Data dictionary and supporting XML schemas for core preservation metadata needed to support the long-term preservation of digital materials. - TextMD (Technical Metadata for Text)
XML schema that details technical metadata for text-based digital objects
Information Resource Retrieval Protocols
- CQL (Contextual Query Language)
Formal, user-friendly query language for use between information retrieval systems - SRU/SRW (Search and Retrieve URL/Web Service)
Web services for search and retrieval based on Z39.50 semantics - Z39.50
Supports information retrieval among different information systems
Information Resource Retrieval Standards
- ISO 639-2
Codes for representing names of languages (Part 2: Alpha-3 code) - ISO 639-5
Codes for representing names of languages (Part 5: Alpha-3 code for language families and groups) - ISO/DIS 25577 Information and documentation (MarcXchange)
- ISO 20775 Schema for holdings information
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
The U.S. ISSN Center, part of the international ISSN Network, assigns International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN) to serials published in the U.S. The ISSN is a standard identifier for serials (e.g., journals, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, annuals) whether published in print, online or other media. Each medium version is assigned a separate ISSN.
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Metadata for Digital Content
Developing institutional policies and standards at the Library of Congress.
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Recommended Formats Statement
Best practices for ensuring the preservation of, and long-term access to, the creative output of the national and the world in both analog and digital formats.
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