Leadership Team - Lyneham High School (original) (raw)
The following people can be contacted through Reception: 6142 1176 or by emailing the school at lynehamhs@ed.act.edu.au
- Principal: Jacqui Ford
- Deputy Principal (Students): Brendan Briggs
- Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning): Alex Nagy
- Business and Facilities Manager: Jane Herring
Student Services Executive Teachers
- Student Support: Farah Atallah and Rachel McGann and Susie Boer
- Inclusive Education: Millie Hall
- Student Administration: Joshua Ross
Curriculum - Executive Teachers:
- Languages (English, Indonesian, French and EAL/D): Jodi Adams (Faculty phone number: 6142 1185)
- Mathematics: Peter Freeman (Faculty phone number: 6142 1186)
- HaSS: Hollie Aerts (Faculty phone number: 6142 1188)
- Science: Leanne Claridge (Faculty phone number: 6142 1161)
- Health and Physical Education: Tiahna Slegers (Faculty phone number: 6142 1184)
- Technology: Ben Yuen (Faculty phone number: 6142 1163)
- The Arts: Sophie Raudonikis (Faculty phone numbers: 6142 1169 and 6142 1194)
Year Coordinators
- Year 7: Will Houghton and Lachlan Maxwell
- Year 8: Virginia Wilson and James Moore
- Year 9: Caitlin McDonell and Ryan Nakkan
- Year 10: Daniel Fisher and Kaitlyn Campbell
All year coordinators can be contacted via phone to 6142 1176 or email. Their email addresses are available from the Contact Us page.