ATV Today: 17.01.1977: Escaped Prisoner's Murders - William Hughes (original) (raw)
Escaped prisoner William Hughes murders four members of the Moran family at their home in Derbyshire.
Film type:
Colour / Sound
Margaret Hounsell interview with Donald Sprintall, warder from Leicester Prison, about the escape of William Hughes from a taxi that was taking him to court. He escaped after attacking the warders and Mr Sprintall is asked what precautions had been taken before escorting such a dangerous man in this way. He goes on to talk about what happened in the taxi as it was heading towards Chesterfield. Establishing shots of Pottery Cottage at Eastmoor, scene of the massacre of four members of the Moran family which were carried out by Hughes after his escape. Establishing shots of Brett Plastics Ltd., at Staveley, where victim Richard Moran was forced to drive Hughes and where he stole £100 from Mr. Moran's office.
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