Hackathons/Handbook/Mentoring program/Wikimania 2017 - MediaWiki (original) (raw)

We are attempting to match some people with projects and mentors in advance so we can have fewer newcomers at this matching session in order to give more personalized support. This is done by email. Newcomers email organizers and let them know what areas they are interested in, organizers respond and match them with a project or buddy.

There will be two morning Mentoring sessions in Montreal:


The intention of both the Wednesday and Thursday morning sessions are to spend time with newcomers and people who don’t know what to work on. In the session we will match newcomers with mentors, suggest contacts who are not in the mentoring session, suggest featured projects, or help to come up with a hackathon plan for each participant.

30 min mentor session in advance to intro program / create posters

Newcomers will walk around review topics on their own before introductions from mentors.

What they are working on or what they can help with. We will then ask newcomers to go to the mentor / presenter that they most identify with. TC members can help match people who still don’t know where to go.

Issues from Vienna solved for Montreal:

If we have a small group of newcomers on Wednesday or Thursday we just spend time talking to them and making suggestions. Nothing formalized.

DISCUSS Pros / Cons of each? Other ideas for matching??

We have defined mentors as different things at different events, so we are attempting to define all of the things that could be considered "mentoring" in Montreal.

Mentors do not need to commit to only working with newcomers.

Mentors can work on their own projects

Mentors can come and go from the help desk, helping as they choose

In the past Wikimedia hackathon organizers have tried various approaches to mentoring and buddy systems but the Wikimedia Hackathon 2017 was the first time we intensively formalized the process. WMAT hired a contractor who spent a large amount of time developing and implementing the program.

A lot of effort was put into the program in advance by setting expectations for the mentors and newcomers as well as creating a specialized newcomers/mentors program.

Take aways Vienna from Feedback Survey regarding mentoring program:

Mentoring Program and Newcomers


What worked well with the mentoring program?

What should be improved about the mentoring program?