Pneumonia: Symptoms, causes, and treatments (original) (raw)

Pneumonia is an inflammation of one or both lungs, typically due to a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. With pneumonia, the tiny air sacs inside the lungs fill with fluid or pus, leading to coughing, chest pain, and breathing difficulties.

Anyone can develop pneumonia. The people most at risk of developing pneumonia are young children, older adults, and people with preexisting medical conditions that weaken the immune system. These same groups of people are also at increased risk of developing complications of pneumonia.

This article outlines the symptoms of pneumonia in adults and children and its causes, diagnosis, and treatment. We also provide information on pneumonia risk factors, complications, and prevention.

Pneumonia types differ depending on their cause. The different types and their associated causes include:

Regardless of the cause of pneumonia, the signs and symptoms will be similar.

Walking pneumonia is a non-medical term that describes a mild case of pneumonia with cold-like symptoms. The condition is so-called because people with this type of pneumonia typically do not require bed rest and can continue their usual daily activities.

Despite the name, people with walking pneumonia should rest as much as possible to speed up their recovery. Resting also reduces the risk of spreading the pneumonia-causing pathogens to other people.

Most people with walking pneumonia begin to feel better within 3–5 days. They can take over-the-counter (OTC) medications to ease any symptoms during this time.

Treatment for pneumonia depends on the type and severity of the pneumonia.

The main types and their associated treatments include:

Doctors commonly prescribe OTC medications to help manage the symptoms of pneumonia. These can help with the following symptoms:

Whatever the cause of pneumonia, it is important that people rest and drink plenty of fluids. Staying hydrated helps thin out thick phlegm and mucus, making it easier to cough up.


Hospitalization for pneumonia may be necessary if symptoms are severe or a person has a weakened immune system or other serious illness.

In the hospital, people may receive intravenous antibiotics and fluids. They may also need a supplemental oxygen supply.

In most cases, a child’s immune system will protect them from developing pneumonia. If a child does develop pneumonia, it is usually due to a virus.

Symptoms in children may include:

Toddlers may complain of pain in their chest or stomach and vomit after coughing.

Treatment includes plenty of rest and a regular fluid intake. A doctor may suggest OTC medications to help ease symptoms such as abdominal problems or coughing, but these medicines will not help treat pneumonia.

Adults should not smoke around children, especially if the child has pneumonia.

Pneumonia is typically due to infectious pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. These pathogens can spread via coughing and sneezing or by contaminating surfaces that people touch.

In most cases, a person contracts pneumonia-causing pathogens by breathing them into the small air sacs, or alveoli, within their lungs. The immune system responds by sending white blood cells to attack the infection, which triggers inflammation of the alveoli. The alveoli fill with fluid and pus, causing pneumonia.

People most at risk of developing pneumonia are those who:

Pneumonia can cause complications.

These are more common among the following groups of people:

Other possible complications of pneumonia include:

There are two different vaccines to help prevent pneumococcal disease, the most common bacterial cause of pneumonia.

The vaccines protect against a wide variety of pneumococcal infections. While they may not completely protect older adults from pneumonia, they can significantly reduce the risk of pneumonia and other infections caused by S. pneumoniae, including blood and brain infections.

There are two pneumonia vaccines available. As discussed below, healthcare professionals offer them to different age groups:

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is a pneumococcal vaccine that doctors may refer to as Prevnar or PCV13. Doctors recommend PCV13 for the following groups:

Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine

The pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine is a pneumococcal vaccine that doctors may also refer to as Pneumovax or PPSV23. Doctors recommended PPSV23 for the following groups:

Other preventative measures

Along with vaccinations, doctors recommend the following measures to help prevent pneumonia:

To diagnose pneumonia, a doctor will usually ask about a person’s symptoms and medical history and carry out a physical examination. The physical exam may include listening to the chest through a stethoscope and measuring blood oxygen levels using a pulse oximeter attached to the finger.

A doctor may suspect pneumonia if they hear the following when listening to the chest through a stethoscope:

If doctors suspect pneumonia, they may order additional tests, including:

Pneumonia is usually due to an infection (bacterial, viral, or fungal). People can also develop pneumonia after inhaling contaminated food, water, or saliva into their lungs.

This lung condition is more common among young children, older adults, and people with preexisting medical conditions that affect their organs or weaken their immune systems. These groups also have an increased risk of serious complications of pneumonia. As such, they should take extra measures to help prevent pneumonia, which may include receiving a pneumococcal vaccine.

Whatever the cause of pneumonia, treatment includes getting lots of rest and drinking plenty of fluids.

A doctor may recommend additional treatments depending on a person’s pneumonia type, symptoms, and overall health. People should contact their doctor if their symptoms persist or worsen.