Stomach feels full: Causes and treatment for tight stomach (original) (raw)

A stomach that feels full often or for no apparent reason could signal an underlying condition, such as gastroparesis. A doctor can diagnose the underlying cause and recommend the most suitable treatment.

Certain conditions affecting digestion and hormones can cause the sensation of a full stomach, which may also lead to bloating in some cases.

This article looks at some possible causes for a full stomach, treatments, home remedies, and when to speak with a doctor.

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A full stomach could occur due to the following factors.

Eating habits

Certain foods are more likely to cause gas after meals, which can lead to bloating or a swollen stomach. These include foods high in fiber. Carbonated drinks may also increase fullness.

If eating habits or certain foods cause stomach fullness, the following tips may help to improve symptoms:


Indigestion describes a group of symptoms that include:

Occasional indigestion is common and may improve with dietary changes. According to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, factors that may cause or worsen indigestion include:

Reducing triggers can help prevent indigestion, along with over-the-counter (OTC) antacids. However, frequent indigestion can indicate an underlying condition that requires treatment.


Constipation can cause the abdomen to feel full and uncomfortable. An individual with constipation may also have:

Constipation is common. In mild cases, eating more fiber, drinking enough water, and exercising can help. People can also use OTC remedies, such as stool softeners or bulk-forming agents.

For some people, doctors may prescribe medication or recommend physical therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction.

Below are some chronic causes of a bloated stomach.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Several factors can cause or contribute to the development of IBS. These include:

IBS treatments may include dietary and lifestyle changes. Doctors may also prescribe medication to help someone manage their symptoms, probiotics, and mental health therapies.

Stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcers can also occur due to long-term use of NSAIDs or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, a rare condition that occurs when tumors in the pancreas or small intestine cause the stomach to overproduce acid.

The most common symptom of an ulcer is dull or burning stomach pain. The pain may occur when the stomach is empty, and it may come and go for days, weeks, or even months. Other symptoms of a stomach ulcer include:

Stomach ulcer treatments vary depending on the cause of the ulcer. Doctors will diagnose and treat the underlying cause. They may recommend avoiding triggers or may prescribe proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

GERD has many causes, including a hiatal hernia or increased pressure on the stomach. Identifying the causes of GERD can help people find ways to feel better. Recommendations include:

Doctors may also recommend surgical therapies or prescribe medications, such as antacids, H2 blockers, prokinetics, or PPIs.


Gastroparesis is a condition that causes a delay in gastric emptying. This means the stomach contents do not empty into the small intestine as they usually would, making the stomach feel full. Symptoms include:

Treatments for this condition may include:

Other causes

Other potential causes of a full, tight stomach include:

There are a wide range of causes for bloating and a full stomach. People should speak with a doctor for a diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment.

Home remedies will not treat all health conditions. Some, including stomach ulcers or gastroparesis, require medical treatment. People with ongoing conditions, such as IBS, may also need help from a dietitian to manage their condition.

People should speak with a doctor for a diagnosis. A doctor will be able to recommend appropriate home remedies that may help with the cause of their bloating.

People with persistent feelings of fullness or bloating in the stomach can speak with a doctor for a diagnosis. If there is no apparent cause, a doctor can suggest home remedies to ease symptoms.

The NHS suggests people should consult a doctor immediately if they have the following symptoms:

If a person’s stomach feels full, they may find relief by changing their eating habits and adjusting their diet. When the bloating is due to indigestion or constipation, OTC products may relieve symptoms.

However, if an individual frequently feels uncomfortably full, and there is no apparent cause, such as eating a large meal, they may have an underlying health condition. A doctor will be able to diagnose the root cause and suggest treatments.