Braxton Hicks vs. Real Labor Contractions: Differences (original) (raw)

What do Braxton Hicks vs. real contractions feel like?

In both Braxton Hicks and real labor contractions, the lower abdominal area and/or groin seem to tighten or squeeze, and then relaxation follows.

How can I tell the difference between Braxton Hicks vs. true labor?

Braxton Hicks

True labor

SLIDESHOW Stages of Pregnancy: Week by Week See Slideshow

How long do Braxton Hicks last? How long do real labor contractions last?

When should I call my doctor, doula, or midwife if I think I may be in labor?

Before you are 37 weeks pregnant you should contact your care provider, obstetrician, or go to the hospital if you have labor contractions that are becoming more frequent (every 10 minutes or sooner) and painful. You should also seek medical assistance if you have abdominal pain, low back pain, cramping, a feeling of pressure in the pelvis or lower abdomen, vaginal bleeding, or a change in vaginal discharge.

After the 37th week, your healthcare team will advise you when you should call them or go to the hospital. With true labor, the contractions will happen regularly and become stronger, lasting about 30 to 90 seconds, and do not go away. Always contact your obstetrician or midwife if your water breaks, you have vaginal bleeding, are experiencing severe pain, or have any change in your symptoms that is concerning.

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