Military & Veteran Caskets | Navy, Army, Marines and Air Force (original) (raw)

Military and Veteran Deserve a Last Tribute a True Heros Casket

It goes without saying that everyone should appreciate those sacrifices that all members of the military, as well as public officials, make for our country, and in retrospect for us, as these selfless and courageous individuals fight for our rights, freedoms, and liberties. However, it is not only they who make sacrifices, but their families as well, as they must forfeit time spent, not to mention memories created, with those loved one's who have gone off to serve their country. We all owe so much, whether we show that appreciation or not, to anyone who dutifully served our country for the better good. With that said, it is only befitting for these brave individuals to receive a beautiful and honorable final tribute when they make the ultimate sacrifice.

Military caskets offer a beautiful selection of, as the name implies, military-themed funerary boxes that will help create that dignified final remembrance that all soldiers, regardless of military branch, rightfully deserve. These caskets feature a breathtaking yet traditional design, which is composed of features based of the certain military branch they represent. They all are adorned with a beautiful, matching, velvet interior, full swing handlebars, sculpted corners, and five-pointed star accents along the base. The Navy, Army, and Marine caskets feature a gorgeous onyx-black finish that is accented accordingly per branch. For example the Navy casket features a silver lining around the lid, interior bedding and pillow, where as the Army version features a beautiful red lining, instead of silver. The Coast Guard and Air Force caskets feature a beautiful patriot blue color with appropriate accents. There is also a Police Man casket, which is blue with silver accents, as well as a Fire Fighter Casket, which is black with red accents. All caskets feature a beautiful insignia in the interior panel, which adds the perfect final touch to these elegantly distinct pieces.

Virgil Goode, perhaps, perfectly captured the sentiment of almost every patriot when he said "We need to thank all of our troops, and particularly those for whom we can never express enough gratitude for they have given their lives so that all of us may be free and that our democracy can be a shining light for the rest of the world." The service that these individuals have provided is truly unappreciated, as we often go through our daily routines without considering the fact that, if it were not for these brave men and women, we would be living in a completely different world. So when one of these courageous individuals loses their life, whether it be in battle or not, they deserve for their memory to be commemorated, and their story remembered. A beautiful military casket can help create an unforgettable, yet peaceful final remembrance of a true modern-day hero.