Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Reviews (original) (raw)

Summary As the world falls, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by the Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she put...

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Summary As the world falls, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by the Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she put...

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is not likely to make the same rounds at the Academy Awards as its predecessor. But it remains a winning formula. And when someone tells you that it has the best action sequences put to film—believe them.

The chassis may look familiar but there is a very different engine driving Furiosa from that of Fury Road: it’s a rich, sprawling epic that only strengthens and deepens the Max-mythology. It shall ride eternal!

Un poema epico post-apocalittico!Un racconto mitologico delle Wasteland che più volte sa 'scalare la marcia' passando da una narrazione con ritmi più lenti a travolgenti scene **** film sottovalutato ma destinato a diventare un cult di questo **** finale di stampo allegorico-mitologico è una degna conclusione della moderna Odissea di Furiosa raccontata da un Omero 'custode della storia' di questa indimenticabile eroina.

Chris Hemsworth played the opposite role was the right choice and Main character AnnaTaylor agreed Young Furiosa

More than its predecessors dating back to 1979’s lean, brutal “Mad Max,” “Furiosa” highlights the silliness and savagery of toxic men playing “Lord of the Flies” in the rubble of humanity.

If it lacks the narrative compression and nonstop forward motion of Fury Road, Furiosa never skimps on the other main features one comes to a Mad Max movie for: deranged production design and thrilling action.

With Furiosa, however, [Miller] chooses to follow the playbook he penned less than a decade ago. Consequently, the results are—for better and worse—only as epic as you’d expect.

While 'Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga' is highly entertaining, it fails to capture the chrome-painted perfection of 'Mad Max: Fury Road.' Instead, we end up with a bloated epic that focuses too much on world building and not enough on its titular character.

It’s awful. But it could be where movies are going — into a wasteland.

《Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga》(2024), good storyline, good acting from Anna Joy Taylor & Chris Hemsworth ,good action ,good fight, good production, good sound effect, good cinematography & special effect,1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣% or A+

I didn’t love this film but I didn’t hate it. It looked more fake than Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), I realise that it had a lot of CGI but it actually all looked like it was meant to be there, in Furiosa it looked like they were in a studio most of the time. The film is a lot slower than the previous film focussing on story rather than action and the story isn’t the most engaging but it’s okay. Fury Road told more in the first 15 minutes than Furiosa did in the first hour. The problem with origin stories is that you know the outcome so the danger is less. Then at the hour marker there is an incredible sequence that looks better than anything from Fury Road, so you could feasibly skip the first hour and not miss much. Some elements of this film are better than Fury Road like the look but overall it’s lacking in comparison. The fifth act was not needed and went on so long and drawn out without telling that much, so you can skip the last 30 minutes too. Realistically it's a 4 out of 10 if it wasn’t for the excellent action in the middle. If I was going to put them in order it would be Fury Road, Mad Max (2015 video game), Mad Max 2 (1981), Mad Max (1979), Furiosa and finally Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985).

Certainly the best of the franchise (aside from Mad Max 1), although not good generally. Much better than the previous film. The child Furiosa was better than the adult! Chris Hemsworth saved the film almost single handedly - others were pretty dull in comparison.

The film is a large helping of nonsense. Mad Max must be turning in his grave. The film is impossible to follow and insulting almost, perhaps that is the intention, of the intelligence of the viewer. Had to watch it in two segments. Couldn’t stay awake long enough to watch it all in one go. Even one of my fav actresses, Anja Taylor-Joy, couldn’t save it.

Well in short, everything that made the old movie good is utterly missing here. Vastly different cinematography, weak script, lacking atmosphere/vibe and too many crappy green screen cg scenes. Looks like the movie had a quarter of the budget than the previous one. Everything just feels cheaper and dumber. Chris Hemsworth's character is an annoying bozo. Anna Joy Taylor just does what she does best and just stares the **** of of every scene with those big alien eyes. Film literally ends with narrative exposition dump. Very nearly just stopped watching halfway though cause it was so obvious it was ****.

Production Company Warner Bros., Domain Entertainment, Kennedy Miller Mitchell

Release Date May 24, 2024

Duration 2 h 28 m

Rating R

Tagline Remember her.

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