Mother Reviews (original) (raw)

Summary A neurotic, twice-divorced sci-fi writer moves back in with his mother to solve his personal problems.

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Summary A neurotic, twice-divorced sci-fi writer moves back in with his mother to solve his personal problems.

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82% Positive
14 Reviews

18% Mixed
3 Reviews

0% Negative
0 Reviews

82% Positive
14 Reviews

18% Mixed
3 Reviews

0% Negative
0 Reviews

This wonderfully wry, painfully funny comedy about a middle-aged boy and his mother is Albert Brooks' most accessible movie. [17 Jan 1997, p.03E]

Simultaneously smart and myopic, sneaky and forgetful, the mother Debbie Reynolds plays in Albert Brooks' Mother always keeps you guessing. [10 Jan 1997, p.F1]

Mother has a slyly subversive premise and a terrific and commandingly comic role for a woman - which immediately sets it apart from most other American films - and Debbie Reynolds pounces on it with such savvy and self-assurance that it reminds us how funny self-possession can be in the right hands. [10 Jan 1997, p.C3]

At least by Hollywood's conservative standards, Mother proves that the wayward son is alive and well -- softer in manner but still a subversive at heart. [10 Jan 1997, p.C1]

There aren't many films which tackle the generation gap between middle-aged kids and their old folks with such unsentimental comic acuity - and Reynolds essays her best role in three decades with delectable good grace and charm.

Brooks brings vast reserves of quarrelsome, hairsplitting hilarity to the story of a man going mano a mano with his sweet little mom.

Mother is a relationship comedy, like Woody Allen's films, and it screams for the smart, elastic pacing that Allen creates. The situations are funny -- 40- year-old John moves into his old bedroom, goes shopping with Mother, is shocked that she has a boyfriend and occasionally curses and smokes -- but his poor timing flattens most of those scenes.

75% Positive
3 Ratings

25% Mixed
1 Rating

0% Negative
0 Ratings

75% Positive
3 Ratings

25% Mixed
1 Rating

0% Negative
0 Ratings

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Production Company Paramount Pictures, Scott Rudin Productions

Release Date Jan 24, 1997

Duration 1 h 44 m

Rating PG-13

Tagline No Actual Mothers Were Harmed During The Making Of This Motion Picture.

Online Film & Television Association

New York Film Critics Circle Awards

• 1 Win & 1 Nomination