Righteous Kill Reviews (original) (raw)

Summary A serial murderer walks the streets of Manhattan, targeting violent felons who have fallen through the cracks of the judicial system. All the victims are suspected criminals whose bodies are found accompanied by a four-line poem justifying the killing. The killer’s mission is to do what the cops can’t do on their own—take bad guys off th...

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Summary A serial murderer walks the streets of Manhattan, targeting violent felons who have fallen through the cracks of the judicial system. All the victims are suspected criminals whose bodies are found accompanied by a four-line poem justifying the killing. The killer’s mission is to do what the cops can’t do on their own—take bad guys off th...

I'd like to recognize Russell Gewirtz for a screenplay that boasts humor, an impressive plot twist, and for setting up plenty of room for De Niro and Pacino to get their grooves back in order.

Its failure to live up to even modest expectations is a blow. There's nothing righteous to be found here.

Les deux monstres sacrés réunis à nouveau ! et dans un polar grosso merdo pas trop mal ficelé ma foi. Cependant, il ne s'agit pas de Heat et toute comparaison avec la superbe épopée criminelle serait fort mal venue. Le scénario qui repose un peu trop sur le gros rebondissement de la fin est quelque peu embrouillé ; le fait que les papys soient toujours des inspecteurs sur le terrain nuit également à la crédibilité : la retraite c'est à 80 piges chez les poulets ? ah sans doute trop d'hormones de croissance ! D'ailleurs, le bon Brian Dennehy complète le trio de vieillards mais en tant que patron pilotant un bureau, il détonne moins dans l'environnement. Cela étant dit, on se régale avec Al et Bob et le film sait tenir en éveil. On espérait -relativement à Heat évidemment- bien mieux à dire vrai ou plutôt (presque) aussi bien. Peine perdue mais La loi et l'ordre est tout-à-fait acceptable et permet aux deux stars de s'exprimer un minimum : on a sauvé les meubles !

Criminals get off lightly, die soon after with a "Righteous Kill", veteran detectives on the case. They're too old!!! Pacino & De Niro were great actors but this doesn't really work. Pacino looks like a cross between Paul McCartney & Richard Lewis from Curb your Enthusiasm & De Niro just grimaces his way through it. It is quite predictable but still not the worst thing I've seen all year.

A relatively harmless movie that becomes killing-a-mockingbird sinful for what it does to its leads.

Trudging through a thriller that would have felt warmed over in 1988, the pair investigate a serial killer.

A clutter of recycled cop-movie and serial-killer film clichés.

The movie is hectic, exhausting, and baffling. It's an embarrassment.

There's nothing righteous about this tired and tiresome good cop/bad cop NYPD procedural.

Decent idea with a good cast that could have been great had smarter heads been behind it

Spoiler alert - pairing De Niro and Pacino together does not result in a great film alone. Given the chance to star alongside each other for what, on this outcome, may well be the final time, De Niro and Pacino play a pair of veteran detectives struggling to keep up with a serial killer on the loose. Thinking back I struggle to recall either of their characters actually doing any police work in the slightest, this falls to Donnie Wahlberg and John Leguizamo. Both actors play their characters as nonchalant, wise-cracking smart asses. This is a natural character for Pacino but why both need to appear so is unnecessary and just adds to the feeling that their hearts were not in this fully. That said, the story plods along until the dreadful twist at the end that left me more confused initially than anything else until I recognised how the writer had got away with it. A cheap trick, not in league with the writers previous work (Inside Man), that leaves the viewer feeling disappointed with the previous hour and half serving no purpose but lead up to this charade. Ardent Pacino and De Niro fans may be interested but otherwise steer clear.

I really did not get why the put all those humping scenes in there. In addtion to not adding anything to the story, it was also utterly ridiculous: an aging man (and DeNiro looks his age, 65, in the movie) humping a woman half his age, like a young stud, is not believable. At his age, most men have given up on achieving anything in that arena and just try to keeo their prostate healthy...

You know you're in trouble when you look forward to the scenes that 50 Cent is in. Marvel as two hacks who should be ashamed of themselves collect their paycheques for making little or no effort throughout until Pacino phones in some trademark hysteria and eye-rolling at the end. Gasp as the plot twist which was obvious from the start is revealed to an audience who by this time surely couldn't care less. Cringe as the dodgy sub-plot (she likes it rough) leads to nasty payback. She deserved it, innit. But the audience didn't.

I turned of my new flat screen tv after watching this movie for five minutes. If a movie starts off really bad, you know it can only get worse. So why waste your time siting through this ? Hollywood's assumption that you can just arrange a date between arguably two of the best actors ever and make it work, **** did not quite work out. I would say the best thing about this movie is that you can tell after 55 seconds that it is crap. That way, you have a choice.

Production Company Millennium Films, Emmett/Furla Oasis Films, Grosvenor Park Media, Righteous Productions, Brooklyn Films, InVenture Entertainment, Millennium Films, Open Pictures

Release Date Sep 12, 2008

Duration 1 h 41 m

Rating TV-14

Tagline Most people respect the badge. Everybody respects the gun.

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• 1 Win & 1 Nomination

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