Sleeping Dogs Reviews (original) (raw)

Summary An ex-homicide detective (Russell Crowe) with memory loss is forced to solve a brutal murder, only to uncover chilling secrets from his forgotten past.

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Summary An ex-homicide detective (Russell Crowe) with memory loss is forced to solve a brutal murder, only to uncover chilling secrets from his forgotten past.

Sleeping Dogs has pacing problems, and the direction is competent but not particularly stylish. What holds the film together, and what holds our attention to the very end, is the powerful performance by Russell Crowe as a man haunted by demons he can’t quite remember.

Sleeping Dogs, starring Russell Crowe as a retired cop with Alzheimer’s disease, is a half-rusted scrap heap of a detective mystery. It’s patchy, it’s badly lit, it’s glum, it’s overloaded with suspects, and it’s almost proud of its contrivances. Yet in its logy, booby-trapped way, it keeps you watching.

важко дивитися на виконавця головної ролі в тому фізичному стані, до якого він себе довів і занапастив. Але довіра до Кроу зберігається за рахунок ранніх ролей. Як колишній поліцейський я здогадався хто вбив професора і в кінці фільму був винагороджений. Рекомендую. Фінал неймовірний

[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]

Russell Crowe continues to prove that he’s better than the B-grade projects he’s now offered, but his convincing performance isn’t enough to elevate this surprise-free mystery.

While a few of the actors give decent performances, it is not enough to overcome the stilted writing.

Everyone in almost every scene either looks lost or annoyed, never genuine. Except for Crowe, who grumbles his way through another film with deceptive ease, finding occasions to ground even a miserable film like this one.

The result is a clunky, overwrought thriller which leans heavily on cliche.

Crowe himself, as usual, is the best thing in the film, once again upgrading less than optimal material with his indelible screen presence.

I find the movie captivating from start to end The performance of R Crowe is great as his **** pace could've been better but generally the movie is enjoyable .

Not a masterpiece by any means but an interesting film. Decent writing and good acting for the most part. Very interesting and not a very predictable story. I would even say it's very good movie based on todays standards. Definitely worth the watch.

O tom é bem burocrático, mas particularmente gostei muito da atuação centrada e convincente do Russell, que tira leite de pedra de um roteiro que, à primeria vista, parece confuso, mas é muito linear e de fácil assimilação. Note-se que todos os emaranhados da trama são resolvidos numa única cena, e nem se explica como convencer as autoridades da veracidade dos fatos. Ainda assim, a reviravolta do caso e o papel crucial de Russell, por mais previsível que tenha sido, conferiu um charme ao filme, fechando bem o seu arco.

(Mauro Lanari) At the end of the 20th century, cinema was invaded by films about identitarian problematic. "The Matrix", "Fight Club", "Memento", "Spider", Soderbergh from "Bubble" to "The Informant!" didn't have much new to say about the so-called philosophy of the subject, which was substantially stuck at Locke's British empiricism: the self would be a narrative process of mnemonic (re)construction. What if memories deceive us as psychopathology, psychiatry, neuropsychology, neurology teach? Disciplines that provided screenwriters with material to represent the old theme in innovative audiovisual ways. However, with the Jason Bourne saga we have reached a point of no return: when the detective movie or the action thriller intersects the dementia/amnesia movie, we now fear self-deceptivity as a predictable epilogue. This directorial debut is no exception and does not benefit the excellent performance of an aged Crowe.

The Crowe man delivers an adequate performance, but Sleeping Dogs put THIS old dog to sleep!

Production Company Gramercy Park Media, Nickel City Pictures, Gala Media Capital, JaiD7 Pictures, Screen Australia, Cutting Edge Group, Film Victoria, G2 Dispatch, Highland Film Group (HFG)

Release Date Mar 22, 2024

Duration 1 h 50 m

Rating R