Arcane (original) (raw)

Summary The animated series based on the League of Legends follows the origin of two League champions in the prosperous city of Piltover and the underground district of Zaun.

Season 1 Premiere: Nov 6, 2021

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Summary The animated series based on the League of Legends follows the origin of two League champions in the prosperous city of Piltover and the underground district of Zaun.

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Even if you have no interest in picking up any kind of gaming console, do yourself a favor and give Arcane a try. It has more mature storytelling and emotional resonance than many live-action shows do right now. And it deserves to be lauded as the new benchmark for what can be done when it comes to successfully translating worthy videogame universes into a different medium while refusing to dumb down or simplify complex storytelling. Arcane is a world worth getting lost within.

Even if you’re not a gamer, or a fan of League of Legends, Arcane will be more than entertaining enough to hold your interest, with an interesting story backed by amazing animation.

Better than it has any right to be. A powerhouse of stylized animation, compelling characters, gray morality, and gripping action sequences. League of Legends and Imagine Dragons both made palatable.

I was sat on the couch, bored out of my mind scrolling through Netflix and stumbled upon Arcane, a series I had heard good things about. One episode turn into two, two in to three, and by the end of the day I had watched the entire thing. There has never been another film, TV show or video game that has made me feel so emotional before. I had no attachments to these characters beforehand, I've never played LoL (until finishing the show compelled me to do so) but now the two main characters Vi and Jinx are up there as two of my favourites of all time. I cannot bring myself to rewatch the show because I simply do not want to re-experience even half of the emotional crash I felt when watching for the first time - I'll be rewatching it just before season 2 releases (which is the final season for some reason, I'd happily watch 8 seasons of Jinx and Vi's story). This is the type of show that justifies your Netflix subscription. Please watch this show.

Arcane is a s stunning masterpiece. Everything from graphics, characters, storytelling to music is on the point. Each act ends with a blast and awsome cliffhangers that makes you rush to the next one. Unlike League, where it originates from, i belive that it can be loved and enjoyed by everyone regardles if they know the game or not. It blows me away every time i watch it and i am looking forvard to season 2 and other projects. 100/10 nothing can beat Arcane

Wimin stronk! Good only for those who like to be subliminally emasculated while being entertained by great visuals and art design

[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]

Visually stunning and technically excellent in many ways. This series is let down by bad writing, boring and unbelievable characters, poor story structure, questionable pacing and baffling music choices. A better story with more interesting characters could have compensated for tropes and cliches.

Мне было скучно. Первый мульсериал, который я частично проматывала, потому что и так превосходно знала, что сейчас произойдёт. А если и не знала, то мне было всё равно, ведь я так ничего и не почувствовала к пустым персонажам.

Production Company:

Initial Release Date: Nov 6, 2021

Number of seasons: 2 Seasons

Rating: TV-14

Annie Awards

• 9 Wins & 9 Nominations

Primetime Emmy Awards

• 4 Wins & 5 Nominations

International Online Cinema Awards (INOCA)

• 1 Win & 2 Nominations