Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024) season 1 Reviews (original) (raw)

Avatar: The Last Airbender accomplishes a rare feat for a live-action adaptation of an animates series: It brings new people into its world while giving fans of the original more than enough to keep them watching.

It’s easy to take small jabs at its shortcomings compared to the animated show. However, despite its imperfections, it still manages to make good on the sturdy bones of this tale, expressing the personal journeys wrapped up in this grandiose, world-threatening quest.

It’s AMAZING ………………………./…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….………

Loved the focus on the characters and making the story more focused - as a fan of the OG i cant complain.

Kids can forgive a lot and the sometimes-shaky effects work won’t detract from the story. But adults coming to this “Avatar” might be disappointed. From the performances (occasionally stunted and wooden young actors) to the general gee-whiz tone, “Avatar” is an OK but not amazing adaptation.

It’s solid entertainment: fast-moving, action-packed, with decent fight scenes and some appealing performances, all done on a generous Netflix budget. Don’t expect subtlety – this is aimed at children so the characters and plot are broadly drawn.

Rather than offer a bold take on this material to excite a new generation, the creative team opted instead to go through the motions, spending millions to recreate something that already exists and which will satisfy neither fans old nor new.

Its thin writing and lack of emotional resonance provide a poor distraction from its technical flaws, reiterating that there's no good reason for this remake to exist in the first place.

The new “Avatar” is a regretful mess in its first season. Both too slavish to the original and too far removed from it, the new “Avatar” fails in every way. And it’s infuriating.

As someone who admires the original, I find this show to be a faithful adaptation. Albert Kim has made some changes that improve the adaptation for a serialized live-action drama, yet I'm pleasantly surprised by how much of the essence of the original show's first season he managed to capture in this series' debut season – the writing is masterful. The fundamental traits of the characters remain intact, and in certain instances, even enhanced. The visual effects are remarkable, and the acting is commendable. As a fan I am utterly grateful and cant wait for season 2!

Avatar: The Last Airbender, despite all its artificiality, is an average project that manages to bring back my childhood. While the series succeeds in keeping the audience entertained, it also succeeds in chilling with the rawness of its characters and the jarring dialogues.

Avatar The Last Airbender, as a fan of the Animated series, this show has both positive sides as well a lot of negative sides. First the good: - The CGI is well done, the bending is done perfectly and felt true to the animated series. - The locations like South and North Water tribes as well as Omashu were straight out of the animated series! - The boats, armor and weapons, again perfection! - The bond between Zuko and his uncle is even better than in the animated series, and both actors did it perfectly! I would argue they carried the entire show! But that's where the good ends. Sokka, Aang, and Katara's actors were not that great. Their acting was what I'd call "low budget". Not just that, characters and entire story archs like Haru were just completely removed! That's a problem you will keep seeing over and over. Entire archs, plots and important lessons that the animated series taught the audience were all completely removed, remixed and distorted. It is hilarious that these progressive lessons were removed for not being "woke" enough. It makes no sense, Sokka does not have any character growth at all that makes sense, Aang learned absolutely nothing and Katara is the only one who has some sort of growth. There is a reason why the original creators left the show, and it's painful to see why. A good attempt, and probably a good show for those unfamiliar with people who never watched the animated show. But as a fan, this is yet another example of hollywood taking a game or anime and turning it into something that it's not. Hopefully Season 2 stays more loyal to the animated series, if not, they should just cancel it all together.

Might be one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. Some of the actors are pretty good like A or high B tier and then some are like Z tier. So you can go from line to line where you're being pulled in and then the next line you're completely tossed out by a monotone voice with no feeling whatsoever. One of the most jarring and uncomfortable things I've ever watched. Story: 6/10 because it generally sticks to the original plot but removed a lot of the life lessons. Graphics: 7.5/10 Pretty good with some jank here and there but not bad for TV. Acting: 3/10 I can watch a show with bad actors and I can watch a show with good actors. But a show with a mix like this is just uncomfortable and ruins everything. Dialogue: 5/10 Sometimes too preachy for a show that has decided to filter out any kind of character development by removing all flaws off screen.

At least they got the cast right and we didn't end up with an all-white cast like we did with Shyamalan's movie. The rest is just a strange mockery of a near flawless show, with changes that make little to no sense, amounting to nothing but damage to the plot, characters and overall quality of the show. Please stop making these awful live-action adaptations and focus on creating new art, rather than treading on old ground and trampling on other people's work.