Lawmen: Bass Reeves (original) (raw)

Summary The anthology drama series created by Chad Feehan spans the life of Bass Reeves (David Oyelowo) from enslavement to becoming first Black U.S. Marshal west of the Mississippi.

Season 1 Premiere: Nov 5, 2023

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Summary The anthology drama series created by Chad Feehan spans the life of Bass Reeves (David Oyelowo) from enslavement to becoming first Black U.S. Marshal west of the Mississippi.

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Oyelowo himself is a strong anchor for the series, and Bass Reeves wouldn't work half as well as it does without his presence over everything else. That said, some characters effectively make their mark even though they may only just be passing through in terms of the overall season.

At times, it threatens to tip Lawmen into humourless pastiche – particularly given that the script generally hews to a terse tradition (“He died brave.” “He lived brave”). But the rare point of view and the care taken with the story, to say nothing of its basis in real-life achievements, save it.

I haven't watched a western show since Deadwood (Westworld doesn't count) and I hadn't planned on doing so. But the cast seemed interesting, so I gave it a shot. It is now one of my favorite shows. I'm not a big fan of the time jumps or Bass' home life, but the rest is really good. It definitely helps that David Oyelowo is cool af.

Woke about what? Too many sympathetic minority characters in a series about a black hero? Too many white supremacists?? Baloney, it's just solid entertainment.

As an introduction, “Bass Reeves” makes the convincing argument that the Western can expand without a total reimagining.

Lawmen: Bass Reeves benefits from a sturdy performance by David Oyelowo at its center, effectively strikes the balance between tough talk, gunplay, and sentiment typical of a Tyler Sherdian production, and offers some perspective on a formative era of US history.

"Bass Reeves” kicks off what Paramount clearly hopes will be an ongoing franchise with a solid if unspectacular opening salvo, without fully doing justice to its intriguing subject. The real test, frankly, will come when “Lawmen” tries to reload.

An oddly disjointed series with very little voice or perspective, Lawmen: Bass Reeves benefits tremendously from David Oyelowo‘s central performance and from Sheridan’s impressive ability to attract high-profile guest stars for underwritten non-roles.

This is, again, one hell of a story, but it’s one hell of a story specifically because of factors that this telling of it glosses over in favor of mediocre versions of familiar material, which in many scenes wouldn’t play any differently with a white hero.

Little heavy handed with the religion, I get the old west was heavily religious but yeesh. Otherwise this is pretty good, 2nd episode introduces some new characters and is generally much better than the 1st.

Man, today's entertainment industry can sure insert some WOKE B.S. into a story, which is too bad as there are colerful stories and characters about the end of the Civil War and the U.S. Marshals who came from that mess. However, it is a western and does have the usual western themes. We rate this a: "if you like westerns then tune in and watch, while your credulity is stretched a bit it could be a lot worse."

Not a very good story. Almost entirely fictional and most of it just making drama out of nothing. The main bad guy is entirely made up. Skip this one, very disappointing.

Bass Reeves tells a story. That's it. No characters worthy of an emotional investment. The ones lost to tradegy are just like "and his maybe step son gets shot". **** 2 years forward... cut 1 year forward. This is a PANDERING series. Period.

Production Company:

Initial Release Date: Nov 5, 2023

Number of seasons: 1 Season

Rating: TV-MA

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