Sofiya Mine, Nikitovka Hg deposit (Nikitovka ore field), Gorlovka, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine (original) (raw)

Sofiya Mine, Nikitovka Hg deposit (Nikitovka ore field), Gorlovka, Donetsk Oblast, Ukrainei

Regional Level Types
Sofiya Mine Mine
Nikitovka Hg deposit (Nikitovka ore field) Deposit
Gorlovka Municipality
Donetsk Oblast Oblast
Ukraine Country



Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

48° 21' 5'' North , 37° 59' 24'' East

Latitude & Longitude (decimal):

Long-form identifier:



Name(s) in local language(s):

шахта София

The article referred to in the external links does not contain much information (Google Translate):
"The Nikitovskoye mercury deposit, discovered in 1879 along the dumps of ancient mines, is located in the central part of the ore field of the same name in the Donbass. The extraction of mercury ores at the deposit, which began in 1886, ceased in the late 1990s. The richest cinnabar mineralization is observed in antimony-mercury vein ore bodies. In addition to cinnabar, stibnite, quartz, and dickite, and sometimes pyrite and marcasite, were constantly observed in many of them (Artemenko, Bagataev, 1988)."

Select Mineral List Type

Standard Detailed Gallery Strunz Chemical Elements

Mineral List

6 valid minerals. 1 (TL) - type locality of valid minerals.

Detailed Mineral List:

List of minerals arranged by Strunz 10th Edition classification

Group 2 - Sulphides and Sulfosalts
Cinnabar 2.CD.15a HgS
Group 4 - Oxides and Hydroxides
Quartz 4.DA.05 SiO2
Group 5 - Nitrates and Carbonates
Calcite 5.AB.05 CaCO3
Group 7 - Sulphates, Chromates, Molybdates and Tungstates
Ferrohexahydrite (TL) 7.CB.25 FeSO4 · 6H2O
Melanterite 7.CB.35 Fe2+(H2O)6SO4 · H2O
Group 9 - Silicates
Dickite 9.ED.05 Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4

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