Oktyabr'skoe Mo-U Deposit, Strel'tsovskoe Mo-U ore field, Krasnokamensk, Krasnokamensky District, Zabaykalsky Krai, Russia (original) (raw)

Oktyabr'skoe Mo-U Deposit, Strel'tsovskoe Mo-U ore field, Krasnokamensk, Krasnokamensky District, Zabaykalsky Krai, Russiai

Regional Level Types
Oktyabr'skoe Mo-U Deposit Deposit
Strel'tsovskoe Mo-U ore field Ore Field
Krasnokamensk - not defined -
Krasnokamensky District District
Zabaykalsky Krai Krai
Russia Country

Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

50° 5' 30'' North , 118° 14' 58'' East

Latitude & Longitude (decimal):

Long-form identifier:



Name(s) in local language(s):

Октябрьское месторождение

Located 12km SE of Krasnokamensk.

Select Mineral List Type

Standard Detailed Gallery Strunz Chemical Elements

Mineral List

10 valid minerals. 3 (TL) - type locality of valid minerals. 1 erroneous literature entry.

Detailed Mineral List:

BatiferriteFormula: BaTi2Fe3+8Fe2+2O19References: Mineralogical Society of America - Handbook of Mineralogy
Bauranoite (TL)Formula: Ba(UO2)2(OH)6 · 1-2H2OType Locality: References: Rogova, V.P., Belova, L.N., Kiziyarov, G.N. and Kuznetsova, N.N. (1973) Bauranoite and metacaltsuranoite [metacalciouranoite] - new minerals of the group of hydrous uranium oxides. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 102: 75-81. Anthony, J. W. et al. (1997): Handbook of Mineralogy, Vol. 3, 46 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
Calciouranoite (TL)Formula: (Ca,Ba,Pb)U2O7 · 5H2OType Locality: References: Rogova, V.P., Belov. L.N., Kiziyarov, G.N., Koznetsova, N.N. (1974) Calciouranoite, a new hydroxide of uranium, Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 103(1): 108-109. Anthony, J. W. et al. (1997): Handbook of Mineralogy, Vol. 3, 46 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
IlsemanniteFormula: Mo3O8 · nH2OReferences: Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) analytical data.
Metacalciouranoite (TL)Formula: (Ca,Ba,Pb,K2)U2O7 · 2H2OType Locality: References: Rogova, V.P., Belova, L.N., Kiziyarov, G.N., Kuznetsova, N.N. (1973) Bauranoite and metacaltsuranoite [metacalciouranoite] - new minerals of the group of hydrous uranium oxides. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 102(1): 75-81. Anthony, J. W. et al. (1997): Handbook of Mineralogy, Vol. 3, 46. Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
NatrozippeiteFormula: Na5(UO2)8(SO4)4O5(OH)3 · 12H2OReferences: Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) analytical data.
ProtasiteFormula: Ba(UO2)3O3(OH)2 · 3H2OReferences: (USSR) (Vol. 303, No. 5). Belova, L. N., & Rogova, V. P. (1988, January). First occurence of protasite in the USSR.[A new uranium mineral]. Pervaya nakhodka v SSSR protasita. In Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR Anthony, J. W. et al. (1997): Handbook of Mineralogy, Vol. 3, 46
QuartzFormula: SiO2References: Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
Quartz var. ChalcedonyFormula: SiO2References: Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
TengchongiteFormula: Ca(UO2)6(MoO4OH)2O2(OH)4 · 9H2OReferences: M.E. Ciriotti (2005) Probed
UraniniteFormula: UO2References: Anthony, J. W. et al. (1997): Handbook of Mineralogy, Vol. 3, 46
Uraninite var. PitchblendeFormula: UO2References: Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) analytical data.
UranophaneFormula: Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2 · 5H2OReferences: Anthony, J. W. et al. (1997): Handbook of Mineralogy, Vol. 3, 46

List of minerals for each chemical element

H Hydrogen
H Bauranoite Ba(UO2)2(OH)6 · 1-2H2O
H Calciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb)U2O7 · 5H2O
H Ilsemannite Mo3O8 · nH2O
H Metacalciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb,K2)U2O7 · 2H2O
H Protasite Ba(UO2)3O3(OH)2 · 3H2O
H Natrozippeite Na5(UO2)8(SO4)4O5(OH)3 · 12H2O
H Tengchongite Ca(UO2)6(MoO4OH)2O2(OH)4 · 9H2O
H Uranophane Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2 · 5H2O
O Oxygen
O Bauranoite Ba(UO2)2(OH)6 · 1-2H2O
O Calciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb)U2O7 · 5H2O
O Quartz var. Chalcedony SiO2
O Ilsemannite Mo3O8 · nH2O
O Metacalciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb,K2)U2O7 · 2H2O
O Uraninite var. Pitchblende UO2
O Protasite Ba(UO2)3O3(OH)2 · 3H2O
O Quartz SiO2
O Natrozippeite Na5(UO2)8(SO4)4O5(OH)3 · 12H2O
O Tengchongite Ca(UO2)6(MoO4OH)2O2(OH)4 · 9H2O
O Uraninite UO2
O Uranophane Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2 · 5H2O
O Batiferrite BaTi2Fe83+Fe22+O19
Na Sodium
Na Natrozippeite Na5(UO2)8(SO4)4O5(OH)3 · 12H2O
Si Silicon
Si Quartz var. Chalcedony SiO2
Si Quartz SiO2
Si Uranophane Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2 · 5H2O
S Sulfur
S Natrozippeite Na5(UO2)8(SO4)4O5(OH)3 · 12H2O
K Potassium
K Metacalciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb,K2)U2O7 · 2H2O
Ca Calcium
Ca Calciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb)U2O7 · 5H2O
Ca Metacalciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb,K2)U2O7 · 2H2O
Ca Tengchongite Ca(UO2)6(MoO4OH)2O2(OH)4 · 9H2O
Ca Uranophane Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2 · 5H2O
Ti Titanium
Ti Batiferrite BaTi2Fe83+Fe22+O19
Fe Iron
Fe Batiferrite BaTi2Fe83+Fe22+O19
Mo Molybdenum
Mo Ilsemannite Mo3O8 · nH2O
Mo Tengchongite Ca(UO2)6(MoO4OH)2O2(OH)4 · 9H2O
Ba Barium
Ba Bauranoite Ba(UO2)2(OH)6 · 1-2H2O
Ba Calciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb)U2O7 · 5H2O
Ba Metacalciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb,K2)U2O7 · 2H2O
Ba Protasite Ba(UO2)3O3(OH)2 · 3H2O
Ba Batiferrite BaTi2Fe83+Fe22+O19
Pb Lead
Pb Calciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb)U2O7 · 5H2O
Pb Metacalciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb,K2)U2O7 · 2H2O
U Uranium
U Bauranoite Ba(UO2)2(OH)6 · 1-2H2O
U Calciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb)U2O7 · 5H2O
U Metacalciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb,K2)U2O7 · 2H2O
U Uraninite var. Pitchblende UO2
U Protasite Ba(UO2)3O3(OH)2 · 3H2O
U Natrozippeite Na5(UO2)8(SO4)4O5(OH)3 · 12H2O
U Tengchongite Ca(UO2)6(MoO4OH)2O2(OH)4 · 9H2O
U Uraninite UO2
U Uranophane Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2 · 5H2O

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