Qalat Payeen, Bandar Abbas County, Hormozgan Province, Iran (original) (raw)

Qalat Payeen, Bandar Abbas County, Hormozgan Province, Irani

Regional Level Types
Qalat Payeen Dome
Bandar Abbas County County
Hormozgan Province Province
Iran Country



Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

27° 17' 49'' North , 56° 3' 55'' East

Latitude & Longitude (decimal):

Mindat Locality ID:


Long-form identifier:



Other/historical names associated with this locality:

Qalat-e Bala


قلات بالا, شهرستان بندرعباس, استان هرمزگان, ایران


قلات بالا, مقاطعة بندر عباس, هرمزغان, إيران


قلات پایین, Hormozgan, Iran


قلات بالا, صوبہ ہرمزگان, ایران

The salt dome near the village of Qalat-e-Payeen is situated 24 km NW of the harbor of Bandar Abbas. It was also known as Qalat-e Bala in Bosák et al. (1998). The highly deformed and concentrically structured plug, 4 km in diameter, is composed of numerous hills of light colored (whitish, yellowish, pink, greenish) rhyolite to rhyodacite with porphyritic texture, tuffs (ash, sandy and lapilli-bearing varieties) and ignimbrite. They are heavily altered and highly fractured and contain fluorapatite, fluorite, hematite, zunyite and cubes and pyritohedrons of limonite after pyrite. There are also green metamorphics with epidotized and hematitized fractures. Purple to brown shales to siltstones are only sometimes interbedded with sandstones. A few meters of light to dark gray carbonate beds (limestone, dolomitic limestone and dolostone) are also exposed.

Select Mineral List Type

Standard Detailed Gallery Strunz Chemical Elements

Commodity List

This is a list of exploitable or exploited mineral commodities recorded at this locality.

Mineral List

7 valid minerals.

Detailed Mineral List:

FluorapatiteFormula: Ca5(PO4)3F
FluoriteFormula: CaF2
GypsumFormula: CaSO4 · 2H2O
HaliteFormula: NaClReferences: Bosák, P., Bruthans, J., Filippi, M., Svoboda, T., & Šmíd, J. (2016). Karst and caves in salt diapirs, SE Zagros Mts.(Iran). Acta Carsologica, 28(2).
HematiteFormula: Fe2O3
PyriteFormula: FeS2
ZunyiteFormula: Al13Si5O20(OH,F)18ClDescription: Joan Rosell - Rosell Minerals XRD and XRF confirmation.

List of minerals arranged by Strunz 10th Edition classification

Group 2 - Sulphides and Sulfosalts
Pyrite 2.EB.05a FeS2
Group 3 - Halides
Halite 3.AA.20 NaCl
Fluorite 3.AB.25 CaF2
Group 4 - Oxides and Hydroxides
Hematite 4.CB.05 Fe2O3
Group 7 - Sulphates, Chromates, Molybdates and Tungstates
Gypsum 7.CD.40 CaSO4 · 2H2O
Group 8 - Phosphates, Arsenates and Vanadates
Fluorapatite 8.BN.05 Ca5(PO4)3F
Group 9 - Silicates
Zunyite 9.BJ.55 Al13Si5O20(OH,F)18Cl

Other Regions, Features and Areas containing this locality

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