Aenigmatite (original) (raw)

- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.


apports des donnees radiometriques (K/Ar) +6 other references


Andrade (note preliminaire) +1 other reference

Andrade (note preliminaire) +1 other reference


Harris et al. (2002)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-967948.html) [Straumsvola complex](/loc-155834.html)

Harris et al. (1993)

Smith (1959)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1326418.html) [Greene Complex](/loc-333624.html)

Proceedings of the VII International ... +1 other reference

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1326584.html) [Hallett Peninsula](/loc-333633.html)

Harrington et al. (1967) +1 other reference

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1326514.html) [Malta Plateau](/loc-281779.html)

Müller et al. (1991)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1326085.html) [Mason Spur](/loc-333594.html)

Kyle (1990)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1326429.html) [Monteagle complex](/loc-333625.html)

Proceedings of the VII International ... +1 other reference

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1326071.html) [Mount Morning](/loc-333593.html)

Martin et al. (2013)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1324971.html) [Mt Morning](/loc-333472.html)

Martin et al. (2010)

Rowley et al. (1990)

  * Executive Committee Range
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325709.html) [Mount Cumming](/loc-333556.html)

LeMasurier (1990)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325721.html) [Mount Hampton](/loc-333559.html)

Woolley (2019)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325659.html) [Mount Hartigan](/loc-333552.html)

LeMasurier (1990)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325681.html) [Mount Sidley](/loc-69228.html)

Woolley (2019)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325689.html) [Mount Waesche and Chang Peak](/loc-333554.html)

Woolley (2019)

  * Flood Range
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325822.html) [Mount Berlin](/loc-333581.html)

LeMasurier (1990)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325799.html) [Mount Bursey](/loc-333577.html)

LeMasurier (1990)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325795.html) [Koerner Bluff](/loc-333579.html)

LeMasurier (1990)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325811.html) [Mount Moulton](/loc-333580.html)

Adie (Ed.)

  * McCuddin Mountains
     * Mount Flint
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325765.html) [Reynolds Ridge](/loc-333570.html)

LeMasurier (1990)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1325605.html) [Mount Takahe](/loc-333546.html)

LeMasurier (1990) +2 other references


Cundari (1973) +3 other references

Wellman et al. (1974) +1 other reference

Knutson +4 other references

Mineralogical Society of America - ... +8 other references

Mineralogical Society of America - ... +3 other references

Mackenzie et al. (1970)

Wellman et al. (1974) +3 other references

Mineralogical Society of America - ... +3 other references

Stevens +3 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1363946.html) [Maleny Volcanic Field](/loc-17481.html)

Bryan et al. (1973) +3 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1363966.html) [Noosa Hills](/loc-343694.html)

Bryan et al. (1973) +3 other references

Bottrill et al. (2008)


Edwards (1938) +6 other references


Levitskiy et al. (2018, July)


Guarino et al. (2021) +1 other reference

Vilalva et al. (2010)

Rosa et al. (2018)

de Barros Gomes et al. (2017)


Koch (E41) +1 other reference

Lasserre (1978)

November 2001 +4 other references

Marzoli et al. (Africa) +8 other references

Marzoli et al. (Africa) +12 other references +18 other references

Jérémine (1941) +6 other references

Jérémine (1943) +2 other references



  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-316107.html) [Mount Edziza](/loc-72147.html)

Yagi et al. (1974)

Martin et al. (1988)

Miller (1988) +1 other reference

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-139995.html) [Red Wine Alkaline Complex](/loc-25756.html)

Curtis et al. (1977) +1 other reference

  * Seal Lake alkaline complex (Letitia Lake)
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-645096.html) [Mann 1 (Letitia Lake)](/loc-210522.html)

GSC database locality No. 4100 +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-698334.html) [Mann 2 (Ten Mile Lake)](/loc-25758.html)

GSC database +1 other reference

Miller et al. (1995)

Sheard et al. (2012)

Sheard (2010) +1 other reference

Mitchell (1991)

  * Pic Township
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-872770.html) [Downey occurrence](/loc-254922.html)

Sabina (1991)

Wallace et al. (1990) +1 other reference

Canadian Micro Mineral Association (CMMA)

Finley (1930)

Currie (1985) +2 other references



Zhang et al. (2012)

Orris et al. (2002)

  * Xichang County
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1329135.html) [Taihe intrusion](/loc-225538.html)

Shellnutt et al. (2010) +1 other reference

Zhang et al. (Eds.) +6 other references


Pedersen et al. (1975) +1 other reference


Richard +3 other references

DR Congo

Kanika et al. (1981) +3 other references

implications sur l'évolution magmatique et structurale. Geologische Rundschau (1) +7 other references


Hashad et al. (1979) +1 other reference

Stern et al. (1985) +3 other references


Barberi et al. (1972) +3 other references

Tazieff et al. (decembre 67-fevrier 68) +4 other references

Dakin et al. (1971) +2 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1425164.html) [Badda Volcano](/loc-406696.html)

Di Paola (between 7º00' and 8º40' lat.north) +3 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1425120.html) [Bora-Bericcio Volcanoes](/loc-406691.html)

Di Paola (1976)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1425154.html) [Sagatu Ridge](/loc-406697.html)

Di Paola (between 7º00' and 8º40' lat.north) +3 other references

Mohr (1962) +1 other reference

Brotzu et al. (Main Ethiopian Rift) +3 other references

  * Corbetti Volcanic Complex
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1425283.html) [Urji Volcano](/loc-406717.html)

Mohr (1966) +2 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1424995.html) [Fantale stratovolcano](/loc-406684.html)

Gibson +6 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1425009.html) [Koni Volcanic Centre](/loc-406685.html)

Mohr (1962) +1 other reference

Pagliani (1940)

Comucci (Africa orientale) +4 other references

Mohr (1962) +2 other references

Gaeta et al. (1991) +1 other reference

Federated States of Micronesia

the evolution of a young hot spot trace across old Pacific Ocean crust. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (1) +2 other references


Lindholm et al. (toim.)


Brousse +15 other references

Chubb (1927) +6 other references

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-1420672.html) [Tubuai Islands](/loc-192941.html)

Brousse et al. (1980) +8 other references

Lacroix A. (1931) +3 other references

LEGENDRE et al. (2003)

I et al. (5) +6 other references

Nougier (1972) +21 other references

aspects petrologiques. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (5) +5 other references


Bøggild (1953) +1 other reference

Petersen (2001) +1 other reference

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-184.html) [Kangerluarsuk Fjord](/loc-1960.html)  (TL)

Clark (1993) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1015880.html) [Kringlerne](/loc-191122.html)

Larsen (1977)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1295441.html) [Qeqertaussaq Island](/loc-190675.html)

Otter (2023)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-545034.html) [South Coast Pegmatite](/loc-190677.html)

Soerensen (1962)

  * Tunulliarfik Fjord
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-123342.html) [Naujakasik (Naajakasik)](/loc-1963.html)  (TL)

Bøggild (1953) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-487552.html) [Tuperssuatsiat Bay](/loc-21780.html)

Bøggild (1953) +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-547383.html) [Hiortdahlite-bearing pegmatite](/loc-191075.html)

Roda Robles et al. (2001) (1999)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-157084.html) [Puklen complex](/loc-30297.html)

Marks et al. (2003)

Brooks (2011)

Woolley (1987) (1999)


Sándor et al. (2005)

Harangi et al. (1993) +4 other references


Jørgensen (1980) +1 other reference

Jakobsson (1979)


Leelanandam et al. (1980) +4 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1334782.html) [Settupalle pluton](/loc-335760.html)

Madhavan et al. (1981) +5 other references

Bhushan +6 other references

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1471555.html) [Siwana granite](/loc-413515.html)

Mondal et al. (2021)


Melluso et al. (2014)

Araña et al. (1974)

Foerstner H. (1881) +15 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-968701.html) [Cuddia Mida (Cuddia di Mida; Kuddia Mida)](/loc-271048.html)

Mineralogical Society of America - ... +2 other references

Stoppa et al. (1997)


The Mineral Species of Japan (5th ed)

Kuno (1960) +1 other reference

The Mineral Species of Japan (5th ed) +6 other references


Hackmann +3 other references

Ridolfi et al. (2006)

Hackmann +3 other references

Webb +2 other references

Sanders (1963) +1 other reference

Truckle (Scale 1:125000) +2 other references

Baker (1958) +2 other references

Baker (1958) +5 other references

Nash et al. (1969) +7 other references

Matheson (1966) +2 other references

Baker (1958) +2 other references

Baker (1958) +2 other references

Baker et al. (1988) +1 other reference

Dodson (1953) +4 other references

Fairburn (1963) +1 other reference

Rix (1973) +4 other references

Baker (1963) +13 other references

Ministry of Energy and Regional ... +4 other references

Baker (1967) +1 other reference

Williams (1966) +6 other references

Saggerson (1991)

Macdonald +2 other references

Davies et al. (1987) +9 other references

Scott (1980) +4 other references

McCall (1967) +6 other references

Jennings (1971)

Thompson et al. (1963) +5 other references

McCall (1967)

Schoeman (1949) +1 other reference

Williams (1991)

Shackleton (1946) +2 other references

Shackleton (1945) +1 other reference

Hackman et al. (1989)

Shotton et al. (1974) +5 other references

Smith (1938) +4 other references

Webb +1 other reference

Mason et al. (1957) +1 other reference

Key (1987)

Key (1987)

Shackleton (1946) +4 other references

Weaver et al. (1972) +1 other reference

Smith (1938) +3 other references

Smith (1938) +1 other reference


Piccoli (1970) +6 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-969939.html) [Kaf El Khalef](/loc-271189.html)

Lustrino et al. (2012)


James +8 other references

Mukosi (2012)

Lacroix (1922) +2 other references

  * Antsirabe
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1428726.html) [Ambohimirahavavy Alkaline Complex](/loc-374445.html)

Lacroix (1922) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-320859.html) [Ampasibitika](/loc-73116.html)

Behier (1963)

Lacroix (1922) +5 other references

Lacroix (1922) +2 other references

Lacroix (1923) +2 other references



Garson (n.d.) +5 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-772549.html) [Mulanje Massif (Mlange Massif)](/loc-126532.html)

Woolley (2001)

Garson et al. (1969)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1429787.html) [Nkalonje Hills](/loc-407539.html)

Garson (1963) +1 other reference

Bloomfield (Compiler) +6 other references (n.d.)


Black et al. (1979) +2 other references

J.F. Sauvage (pers. comm. 1985) +1 other reference

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1430195.html) [Tessalit Volcanic Complex](/loc-407620.html)

Ba et al. (1985) +1 other reference



Brearley et al. (1998)

Richards (1966)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-967800.html) [Socorro Island](/loc-270922.html) +3 other references


Sokol (2007) +1 other reference

G.M. Tsareva data

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1277452.html) [Khalzan Buregte Zr–Nb–REE deposit](/loc-248772.html)

Kempe et al. (2015) +1 other reference

     * Mount Ulyn Khuren
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-402444.html) [Tat'yana pegmatite](/loc-125723.html)

Kartashov P.M. et al. (Mongolian Altai)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-464650.html) [Tsakhirin Khuduk Y-Zr-Nb deposit](/loc-145632.html)

Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) +1 other reference


Choubert et al. (pontien) +4 other references


Teale et al. (1923)

Teale et al. (1923)

Hunting Geology & Geophysics Ltd . ... +8 other references


... +1 other reference

Verwoerd (1967) +3 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1270569.html) [Klinghardt Group](/loc-307472.html)

Kaiser (Ed.) +4 other references

New Zealand

Railton et al. (1990)

Osborne Hutton (1956) +6 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-385090.html) [Omapu Bay (Western Bay)](/loc-122208.html)


  * [ⓘ](/locentry-384947.html) [Opo Bay (South East Bay)](/loc-122157.html)


  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-385105.html) [Taratimi Bay (Crater Bay)](/loc-122209.html)


Sewell +7 other references

Railton et al. (1990)

Railton et al. (1990)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1218882.html) [Logan Point Quarry](/loc-271054.html)

Mineralogical Society of America - ...

  * Otago Peninsula
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1369605.html) [Dunedin Volcano](/loc-344289.html)

Turner et al. (1960) +7 other references

Tulloch et al. (1990) +2 other references


J. Fabriès and G. Rocci

consequences. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France (6) +4 other references

Black +3 other references


Black (1963) +2 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1433799.html) [Goure Ring Structure](/loc-408481.html)

Black (1963) +2 other references


Bennett et al. (1984) +3 other references

Bennett et al. (1984) +1 other reference

a link between the Younger Granite districts of Nigeria and S Niger. Journal of the Geological Society (1) +2 other references

Turner +1 other reference

North Korea

Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)

Suzuki (1938)


Dietrich et al. (1965)

Larsen et al. (2010)

  * [ⓘ](/locentry-531965.html) [Østre Brattholmen](/loc-50674.html)

Andersen et al. (1996) +1 other reference

Andresen et al. (2018)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-477005.html) [Jahren Feldspar Quarry (Jaren Feldspar Quarry)](/loc-32937.html)

Åsheim (1994)

Larsen et al. (2010)

  * Østerøya
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-1338740.html) [Eian](/loc-206018.html)

Berge (n.d.)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1225737.html) [Vesterøya](/loc-33452.html)

Grew et al. (2008)

     * Auve
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-920334.html) [Vardåsen South](/loc-242497.html)

Knut Edvard Larsen (2023)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-185.html) [Buer](/loc-2465.html)

Åsheim et al. (2008) +1 other reference

     * Framnes
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-674415.html) [Framnes School](/loc-217636.html)

Larsen et al. (2010)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-619239.html) [Rødsåsen](/loc-206011.html)

Berge et al. (2002)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-924013.html) [Holtanskogen](/loc-263808.html)

Knut Edvard Larsen collection # 1833 +1 other reference

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-931875.html) [Holtåsen](/loc-265062.html)

Berge (n.d.) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-619194.html) [Husebyåsen prospect](/loc-55303.html)

Berge et al. (2002) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-674414.html) [Husefjell](/loc-146387.html)

Larsen et al. (2010)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-255404.html) [Kariåsen](/loc-13727.html)

Berge et al. (2002)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-809707.html) [Rambergåsen](/loc-239379.html)

Knut Edvard Larsen (2023)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-765550.html) [Tveitan](/loc-146900.html)

Knut Edvard Larsen (2023)

     * [ⓘ](/locentry-723799.html) [Urderåsen](/loc-229628.html)

Åsheim et al. (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-71018.html) [Vøra](/loc-12277.html)

Raade et al. (1980) +1 other reference

Papua New Guinea

Smith (1976) +1 other reference


Comin-Chiaramonti et al. (2016)


Abdel-Monem et al. (1975) +11 other references

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-318859.html) [Água de Pau Volcano](/loc-25769.html)

Ridolfi et al. (Sao Miguel, Azores Islands)

  * Ribeira Grande
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1033478.html) [Pumice quarry](/loc-190526.html)

Alves (n.d.)

  * Vila Franca do Campo
     * [ⓘ](/locentry-1573729.html) [Água de Alto](/loc-433547.html)

Alves (n.d.)

Weston (1964) +6 other references

  * Angra do Heroísmo
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-967492.html) [Caldeira-Castelinho Ignimbrite Formation](/loc-270873.html)

Jeffery et al. (2016)

Alves (n.d.)

Assunção et al. (gnaisses hastingsíticos) +4 other references


Hirtopanu (2006)


Starikova et al. (2017)

David Zakharov specimen +1 other reference

Akimenko et al. (2014, September)

[World of Stones 95:5-6

     * Astrophyllite Stream
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-845250.html) [Pegmatite](/loc-226250.html)

Arzamastsev et al. (2008)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-845242.html) [Khibinpakhkchorr Mountain](/loc-13573.html)

Azarova et al. (2009)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-574364.html) [Kitchepakhk Mountain](/loc-195868.html)

Konopleva et al. (2008) +1 other reference

  * Koashva Mt
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-574391.html) [Koashva Open Pit](/loc-2672.html)

Konopleva et al. (2008)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-245026.html) [Kukisvumchorr Mt](/loc-2675.html)

Pekov et al. (2004)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-574436.html) [Marchenko Peak](/loc-10164.html)

Konopleva et al. (2008)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-761488.html) [N'orkpakhk Mt](/loc-17153.html)

Takai et al. (2011)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-574329.html) [Poachvumchorr Mountain](/loc-194747.html)

Konopleva et al. (2008)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-430973.html) [Rasvumchorr Mt](/loc-2662.html)

Am Min 79:1011 +1 other reference

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-483410.html) [Takhtarvumchorr Mt](/loc-21747.html)

Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) +1 other reference

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-845451.html) [IGC Stop 6-3](/loc-250656.html)

Arzamastsev et al. (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-845428.html) [Locality no 53 (IGC Stop 6-2)](/loc-250655.html)

Arzamastsev et al. (2008)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-574335.html) [Vantomnyutsk Mountain](/loc-194758.html)

Konopleva et al. (2008)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-574430.html) [Yudychvumchorr Mountain](/loc-194759.html)

Konopleva et al. (2008)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-557181.html) [Yukspor Mt](/loc-2663.html)

Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-720756.html) [Material'naya Adit](/loc-21751.html)

Pavel Kartasov photo +1 other reference

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-574352.html) [Yum'echorr Mt (Yumjechorr)](/loc-156747.html)

Konopleva et al. (2008)

Zozulya et al. (2022)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-181.html) [Selsurt Mountain](/loc-2693.html)

[World of Stones 95:5-6

Arzamastseva et al. (1999) +1 other reference

Litasov et al. (2017) +1 other reference

Grapes et al. (1979)

Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

Bell +20 other references

C. Harris et al. (1982)

Mineralogical Magazine (1952)

Baker et al. (1967) +6 other references

Saudi Arabia

du Bray +3 other references

Quick (1983) +1 other reference

Baker et al. (1973) +1 other reference

Pellaton et al. (and Explanatory Notes) +1 other reference

Harris et al. (1980) +1 other reference


Baker (1963) +1 other reference

South Africa

Woolley (2001)

        * Ledig village area
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1609621.html) [Pilanesbergite type locality](/loc-435003.html)

Dal Bo et al. (2024)

South Korea

Kim +7 other references


Capdevila et al. (1974)


Journal of Conference Abstracts

Zaitsev A.N. et al. (2010) +1 other reference


Pearce et al. (1990) +9 other references


Tindle (2008)

Day (1999)

Harrison et al. (1987) +1 other reference


Dubyna O.V. et al. (2020)


Robinson (1913)

  * Navajo volcanic field
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-245254.html) [Navajo County sector occurrences of the Navajo volcanic field](/loc-52249.html)

Laughlin et al. (1986) +1 other reference

Smith (1988) +1 other reference

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-681140.html) [Big Rock Quarry (3M Quarry; Arch Street Pike Quarry)](/loc-7795.html)

Henry Barwood - unpublished (2010)

Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 473. +2 other references

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-679802.html) [Unnamed Aenigmatite occurrence \[1\]](/loc-219237.html)

Murdoch et al. (1966)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-679803.html) [Unnamed Aenigmatite occurrence \[2\]](/loc-219238.html)

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Livingston (2020)

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  * York
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-769171.html) [Mount Agamenticus](/loc-237445.html)

King et al. (1994)

Gleba (2008)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-165636.html) [Great Haste Ledge (Great Haste Island)](/loc-32075.html)

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MacDonald et al. (2019)

USGS Open-File Report 02-189

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     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1572149.html) [San Antonio Mountain](/loc-433434.html)

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Smith (2016)

Micro Probe Volume VI Number 8 +1 other reference


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Manasse (1908) +3 other references

Zolensky et al. (2003)

Gass et al. (1968) +1 other reference