Alabandite (original) (raw)


Iron black, brown, greyish black, green; dull brown (tarnished)

Specific Gravity:

3.95 - 4.04


From the Spanish alabandina sulfúrea (sulfuric manganese) + the suffix, -ite, from the greek Λίθος (stone). The modern name alabandite come into use gradually. The term alabandine was first used by the French Mineralogist F. S. Beudant in 1832 in his Traite Elementaire de Mineralogie for a mineral first described earlier from Nagyág (today: Săcărâmb), Romania. The mineral was named as Schwarzerz by the local miners. Beudant derived this name (alabandine) from the Spanish alabandina sulfúrea (sulfuric manganese), a term used by del Rio (1804) for the same substance. del Rio used the term alabandina as a synonym of manganese in his binominal nomenclature (Papp 2004). It is not clear why del Rio used the term alabandicus for manganese, but Papp suggest that it may be related to the usage of both manganese minerals and lapis alabandicus in glass making.
The lapis alabandicus was a purplish black stone found near Alabanda, Asia Minor (near todays Araphisar, Turkey) mentioned by Pliny the elder (23-79) in his Naturalis Historia. Lapis alabandicus was known to be fusible and used in making glass. In some textbook it is suggested that the lapis alabandicus may be identical with the modern alabandite, but this is not confirmed.

Galena Group.

At ambient pressure, alabandite (α-MnS) is the stable MnS polymorph from room temperature up to the melting point of 1655 °C (Staffansson, 1976; Kang, 2010).

Long-form identifier:



Approved, 'Grandfathered' (first described prior to 1959)


2 : SULFIDES and SULFOSALTS (sulfides, selenides, tellurides; arsenides, antimonides, bismuthides; sulfarsenites, sulfantimonites, sulfbismuthites, etc.)
C : Metal Sulfides, M: S = 1: 1 (and similar)
D : With Sn, Pb, Hg, etc.

8 : AmXp, with m:p = 1:1


3 : Sulphides, Selenides, Tellurides, Arsenides and Bismuthides (except the arsenides, antimonides and bismuthides of Cu, Ag and Au, which are included in Section 1)
8 : Sulphides etc. of Cr, Mo, W an Mn

As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Please only use the official IMA–CNMNC symbol. Older variants are listed for historical use only.

Symbol Source Reference
Abd IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43
Ala The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist list of symbols for rock- and ore-forming minerals (December 30, 2019). download


Iron black, brown, greyish black, green; dull brown (tarnished)


Gray-white in polished section; deep green to brown and red in thin slivers.


VHN100=164 - 176 kg/mm2 - Vickers




3.95 - 4.04 g/cm3 (Measured) 4.053 g/cm3 (Calculated)


Isotropic minerals have no birefringence


Wavelength R
400nm 26.1%
420nm 25.9%
440nm 25.5%
460nm 24.8%
480nm 24.2%
500nm 23.7%
520nm 23.2%
540nm 22.9%
560nm 22.7%
580nm 22.5%
600nm 22.3%
620nm 22.1%
640nm 22.0%
660nm 21.9%
680nm 21.8%
700nm 21.8%

Reflectance graph
Graph shows reflectance levels at different wavelengths (in nm). Top of box is 100%. Peak reflectance is 26.1%.

Colour in reflected light:


Common Impurities:


Class (H-M):

m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) - Hexoctahedral

Cell Parameters:

a = 5.2236 Å

Unit Cell V:

142.53 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)


Crystals cubic or octahedral, to 1 cm. Commonly massive, granular.


Lamellar parallel to {111}

Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
Remove metal-metal sticks

Display Options
Black Background |White Background
Perspective On |Perspective Off
2D |Stereo |Red-Blue |Red-Cyan

CIF File Best |x |y |z |a |b |c

Stop |Start

Console Off |On |Grey |Yellow

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0007513 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 1.8 293
0007514 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 3.01 293
0007515 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 3.25 293
0007516 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 3.57 293
0007517 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 5.81 293
0007518 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 7.19 293
0007519 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 8.56 293
0007520 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 7.85 293
0007521 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 11.3 293
0007522 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 11.8 293
0007523 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 12.3 293
0007524 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 13.8 293
0007525 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 17.1 293
0007526 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 20.1 293
0007527 Alabandite McCammon C A (1991) Static compression of alpha-MnS at 298 K to 21 GPa Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17 636-641 1991 21.1 293
0018188 Alabandite Ott H (1926) Die Strukturen von Mn O, Mn S, Ag F, Ni S, Sn I4, Sr Cl2, Ba F2, Praezisionsmessungen einiger Alkalihalogenide. _cod_database_code 1011351 Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 63 222-230 1926 0 293
0011353 Alabandite Wyckoff R W G (1963) Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York rocksalt structure Crystal Structures 1 85-237 1963 0 293

CIF Raw Data - click here to close

Geological Setting:

May occur in large quantities in epithermal polymetallic sulfide veins and especially in low-temperature manganese deposits. An uncommon constituent of a number of meteorites.

Simplified Chinese:硫锰矿

Traditional Chinese:硫錳礦

Other Members of this group:

Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:

Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

Reference List:

Cabral, A.R., Zeh, A., Viana, N.C.d.S., de Castro, M.P., Laufek, F., Lehmann, B., Queiroga, G. (2019) Alabandite (MnS) in metamorphosed manganiferous rocks at Morro da Mina, Brazil: palaeoenvironmental significance. European Journal of Mineralogy 31, 973-982. [with comparison of world-wide localities]

This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Bordj Badji Mokhtar Province Bordj Badji Mokhtar District Bordj Badji Mokhtar Ilafegh 009 meteorite Bischoff et al. (1992) +3 other references
Cuanza Sul Province Seles Catanda Utihohala Campeny et al. (2017)
Eastern Antarctica Buckley Island quadrangle Lewis Cliff Lewis Cliff 87223 meteorite Zhang et al. (1993) +1 other reference
MacAlpine Hills 88136 meteorite Lin et al. (1991)
Victoria Land Allan Hills Allan Hills 84008 meteorite Rosenshein et al. (2006)
Allan Hills 85085 meteorite Makoto Kimura & Ahmed El Goresy (1989)
Elephant Moraine Elephant Moraine 90102 meteorite Fogel (1997)
Grosvenor Mountains Larkman Nunatak 04316 meteorite Keil et al. (2011)
Wisconsin Range Graves Nunataks meteorites Graves Nunataks 12510 meteorite Anzures et al. (2024)
Chaco Province Doce de Octubre Department Gancedo Campo del Cielo meteorite Bunch et al. (1970)
Jujuy Province Humahuaca Department El Aguilar Aguilar Mine Econ Geol (1992) +2 other references
Esperanza prospect Singer et al. (2009)
San Luis Province Coronel Pringles Department Carolina Gallard-Esquivel et al. (2018)
Syunik Province Sisian Dastakert Dastakert Cu deposit Karamyan (1957) +1 other reference
New South Wales Wellesley Co. Delegate Delegate meteorite Ramdohr (1972)
Yancowinna Co. Broken Hill district Broken Hill Worner et al. (et al)
Southern operations Mine Zinc Corporation Mine (ZC Mine) Birch (1999)
Queensland Cloncurry Shire Dugald River Mine Singer et al. (2009)
South Australia District Council of Mount Barker Mount Barker Nairne Rutile occurrence Shepherd Hill Quarry (Brukunga Quarry) J. Graham : "Manganochromite +1 other reference
Western Australia Coolgardie Shire Kambalda Yilmia meteorite Buseck et al. (1972)
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Shire Mundrabilla Roadhouse Mundrabilla meteorite (Premier Downs meteorite) Buchwald (1975)
Upper Gascoyne Shire Mount Egerton meteorite Watters et al. (1979)
Lower Austria Zwettl District Kottes-Purk Elsenreith Graphite mine Richter et al. (1991) +1 other reference
Salzburg Zell am See District Kaprun Brandlscharte Kolitsch et al. (2021)
Krapfkühkarl (Krapfkühkar) Kolitsch et al. (2020)
Aghjabadi District Hindarx Indarch meteorite Brian Mason (1966)
Baltic Sea
Landsort Deep Lepland et al. (1998)
Mogilev Region Babruysk District Bobruisk Ring Structure Levitskiy et al. (2018, July)
Potosí Tomás Frías Province Tinguipaya Municipality Cerro Malmisa San Nicolás Mine Federico Ahlfeld y Jorge Muñoz Reyes (1955)
Amapá Serra do Navio Serra do Navio mines Bello
Minas Gerais Conselheiro Lafaiete Morro da Mina mine Viana +5 other references
Dobrich Province Balchik Municipality Obrochishte Marcus Voigt Collection
Obrochishte deposit Zagyu +7 other references
Kyustendil Province Osogovo Mountains Osogove ore field Ruen deposit Munkov (1968) +1 other reference
Smolyan Province Bellevica deposit Dimitrov (1961)
Madan ore field [MinRec 22 p.439]
Alberta Sturgeon County Abee meteorite Dawson +2 other references
British Columbia Liard Mining Division Cassiar Contact Group occurrence Peatfield (n.d.) +1 other reference
McDame Creek Contact Group R. M. Thompson (1954)
Ontario Renfrew County Greater Madawaska Blithfield Township Blithfield meteorite Keil (1968)
Timiskaming District Cobalt-Gowganda region Cobalt area Bucke Township Hellens-Eplett Mine Reiner Mielke 2014
Québec Abitibi-Témiscamingue Abitibi RCM LaRonde Mine (LaRonde Penna deposit; Penna shaft) Sabina (2003) +1 other reference
Laurentides Deux-Montagnes RCM Oka Husereau Hill GOLD et al. (1986)
Oka complex GOLD et al. (1986)
Montérégie La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM Mont Saint-Hilaire Poudrette quarry (De-Mix quarry; Demix quarry; Uni-Mix quarry; Carrière Mont Saint-Hilaire; MSH) Horváth et al. (1990)
Atacama Chañaral Province Potrerillos Jerónimo Mine Thompson et al. (2004)
Anhui Xuancheng Xuanzhou District Tashan Mn deposit Hunan Metallurgical Geology Research Team 236 (1977) +1 other reference
Beijing Changping District Xihucun Mn deposit (Hsihutsun Mn deposit) Jiuling Zhang (1982)
Chongqing Qijiang District Songzao coal field Seam no. 11 Dai Shifeng et al. (2007)
Xiushan Co. Geliao Mn deposit Qi Zhou et al. (2013)
Rongxi Xiaochayuan Mine (Rongxi Mine) Qi Zhou et al. (2013)
Fujian Longyan Liancheng Co. Liancheng Mn deposit Miaoqian Mine Lisheng Luo (1988)
Gansu Jiuquan Guazhou Co. Huaniushan Mine Jiangguo Yang et al. (2010)
Guangxi Nanning Long'an County Fenghuangshan Ag-Pb-Zn deposit Hongzhong Xu et al. (1997) +1 other reference
Mutuoshan Ag deposit Junzhen Huang (2008)
Guizhou Tongren Songtao County Songtao Mn ore field Daotuo Mn deposit Qi Zhou et al. (2013)
Datangpo Mn deposit Qi Zhou et al. (2013)
Xixibao Mn deposit Qi Zhou et al. (2013)
Yangjiawan Mn deposit Qi Zhou et al. (2013)
Yanglizhang Mn deposit Qi Zhou et al. (2013)
Wanshan District Xiaxi Mn deposit Qi Zhou et al. (2013)
Zunyi Bozhou District Zunyi Mn deposit Varentsov (1996)
Hebei Baoding Laiyuan County Dawan Zn-(Mo) deposit Qiying Wei and Kan Tu (1987)
Hunan Chenzhou Guiyang Co. Liuhe Mn deposit Jiuling Zhang (1982)
Suxian District Dongpo ore field Manaoshan Mine Hunan Metallurgical Geology Research Team 236 (1977) +2 other references
Yejiwei Sn-polymetallic deposit (Yejiwo Sn-polymetallic deposit) Jinyan Yao and Mingchao Wu (1984)
Yizhang Co. Dongpo ore field Shizhuyuan Mine Jingwen Mao et al. (1994)
Xiangxi Huayuan Co. Minyue Mn deposit (Minle Mn deposit) Qi Zhou et al. (2013)
Yiyang Heshan District Tangganshan Mine Hunan Metallurgical Geology Research Team 236 (1977) +3 other references
Inner Mongolia Chifeng City (Ulanhad League; Chifeng Prefecture) Linxi County Guandi Guandi Ag-Au deposit Baisheng Zhang (1998)
Jiangsu Nanjing Jiangning District Xiaowangshan Mn deposit Hunan Metallurgical Geology Research Team 236 (1977) +1 other reference
Jiangxi Jingdezhen Leping Co. Lehua Mn-Pb-Zn deposit Jiuling Zhang (1982)
Liaoning Huludao Jianchang County Bajiazi Zn-Pb-Ag deposit Binggou section Zhao et al. (2003)
Dongfeng section Zhao et al. (2003)
Lugou section Zhao et al. (2003)
Wujiatun section Xue-Hui Xia et al. (1999)
Qinghai Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Dulan County Nagengkangqieergou deposit Chen et al. (2020)
Golmud City (Ge'ermu Co.) Galinge Fe deposit Liu et al. (2024)
Shaanxi Hanzhong Hantai District Tiantaishan P-Mn deposit Hein et al. (1999)
Sichuan Mianyang Pingwu Co. Mount Little Xuebaoding Huya township Huya-Siwangpu Mn deposit Jiuling Zhang (1982)
Youxian District Shikan Mine Jiuling Zhang (1982)
Tibet Shannan Prefecture (Lhokha Prefecture; Lhoka Prefecture) Qusum Co. (Qusong Co.) Luobusha ophiolite ("Luobusa ophiolite") Wenji Bai et al. (2007)
Xinjiang Kezilesu Autonomous Prefecture (Kizilsu Autonomous Prefecture; Qizilsu Autonomous Prefecture) Aketao Co. (Akto Co.; Aqto Co.) Ortokarnash deposit Zhang et al. (2022)
Yili Hasake Autonomous Prefecture (Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture) Aletai Prefecture (Altay Prefecture) Fuyun Co. (Koktokay Co.) Kalatongke Mine (Kalatunk Mine; Karatungk Mine) Zuoheng Zhang et al. (2007)
Yunnan Honghe Jianshui County Baixian Mine Jiuling Zhang (1982)
Zhejiang Hangzhou Lin'an District Changhua Alabandite occurrence Liangming Fan et al. (1983)
Lishui Suichang County Suichang gold mine Zhilingtou Au-Ag deposit (Zhilintou Au-Ag deposit; Yinkengshan Au-Ag deposit) Bente et al. (1993)
Czech Republic
Pardubice Region Pardubice District Chvaletice Prachař +6 other references
Litošice Zak (1956)
Zamora-Chinchipe Province Yantzaza Canton Fruta del Norte Au-Ag deposit an NI 43-101 Technical Report prepared ... +1 other reference
Viljandi County Pillistfer (Pilistvere) Pillistfer meteorite Mason (1966) +1 other reference
Kainuu Sotkamo Kuusilampi deposit Geological Survey of Finland 2008. ...
Talvivaara Sotkamo Mine Loukola-Ruskeeniemi et al. (1996) +3 other references
North Savo Kaavi Luikonlahti Mine Peltonen et al. (2008)
Satakunta Huittinen Hvittis meteorite Rubin +1 other reference
South Ostrobothnia Seinäjoki-Lapua Vittinki Mn-Fe formation Mancini et al. (2000)
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Drôme Nyons Aubres Aubres meteorite Thomas R. Watters & Marty Prinz (1979) +1 other reference
Occitanie Hautes-Pyrénées Aure Valley Le Règne Minéral 47: 5-21
Bagnères-de-Bigorre Vielle-Aure Coustou Mine Ragu (1994) +1 other reference
Louron Valley Aderville Anthony et al. (1990)
Montagne d'Azet Lacroix (1900)
Bavaria Swabia Ostallgäu District Schwangau Neuschwanstein I meteorite (Neuschwanstein meteorite) Russell et al. (2003) +2 other references
Brandenburg Havelland Ribbeck meteorite - (n.d.) +1 other reference
Saxony Mittelsachsen Striegistal Gersdorf Segen Gottes Erbstolln Mine (Segen Gottes Mine) A. Frenzel (1874)
Thuringia Greiz District Kauern Lichtenberg Absetzer dump Witzke (1999)
Ashanti Region Obuasi Gold Project Ashanti Mine Mineralogical Magazine 1990 54 : 617-627
Western Region Tarkwa Nsuta Mine (Insuta Mine; Nsuta-Gaywin Manganese concession; Nsuta-Wassaw) Mineralium Deposita Volume 34 Issue 3 (1999)
Attica East Attica Lavreotiki Lavrion Mining District Elaiochori Villia mines Petrascheck (1977)
Velatouri Siri mines Siri granodiorite outcrop Branko Rieck collection
Central Macedonia Chalkidiki Aristotelis Kassandra mining district Stagira Kanellopoulos et al. (2024)
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Drama
Avannaata Cap York Cape York meteorite Kracher et al. (1977)
Bihar Muzaffarpur District Parsa meteorite Fogel (2005)
Rajasthan Jodhpur Division Barmer District Malani Igneous Province Sarnu-Dandali F. Wall (1993)
Uttar Pradesh Basti District Gorakhpur Bustee meteorite Bull. Soc. Franç. Minéralo. ... +1 other reference
Haifa District Mount Carmel Ma et al. (2023)
Liguria Genoa Ne Cassagna Mine ? Balestra (2016)
Molinello Mine 415. +2 other references
Reppia Gambatesa Mine Redazione (2005)
Statale Scrava Mine (Statale Mine) //
La Spezia Province Maissana Mt. Alpe Monte Alpe Mine ? Castellaro et al. (2011)
Molise Campobasso Province San Massimo Selva Piana Boni et al. (1976) +1 other reference
Aichi Prefecture Kitashitara County Shitara Taguchi mine Mayumi Yoshinaga (1963) +2 other references
Nishio City Hazu manganese district Fukuoka (1981)
Akita Prefecture Ohmori mine Fukuoka (1981)
Semboku District Taisei mine (Ou'ishi mine; Oishi mine) Sadanaga et al. (1974)
Ehime Prefecture Iyo district Tobe-cho Furumiya mine Fukuoka (1981)
Fukushima Prefecture Yama District Nishiaizu-machi Kuratani mine Fukuoka (1981)
Gifu Prefecture Ajiro mine Donald E. Lee (1955) +1 other reference
Gunma Prefecture Agatsuma District Kusatsu Shirane mine Yoshikawa +1 other reference
Atago mine Fukuoka (1981)
Kiryu City Mogurazawa mine Am Min 66:638 +3 other references
Shohwa mine (Showa mine) FUKUOKA et al. (1977) +1 other reference
Kurosakaishi mine Fukuoka (1981)
Kurumazawa mine Fukuoka (1981)
Midori City Seta Hagidaira mine Dr. Matsuo Nambu ore collection (curated at Geological Survey of Japan) +2 other references
Hanawa mine FUKUOKA et al. (1977) +1 other reference
Konakayama mine Fukuoka (1981)
Rito mine (Ritoh mine) FUKUOKA et al. (1977) +2 other references
Nakanoyama mine Fukuoka (1981)
Sanyoh mine Fukuoka (1981)
Hokkaidō Prefecture Ishikari Subprefecture Sapporo City Teine Mine 島倉広至 et al. (2015)
Oshima Subprefecture Futami District Yakumo Kumaishi Tatehira mine Tomohiro Morishita (2011)
Yagumo mine (Yakumo mine) Introduction to Japanese Minerals (Geological Survey of Japan, 1970)
Sankei mine Fukuoka (1981)
Shiribeshi Subprefecture Furubira District Inakuraishi mine Symposium sobre Yacimientos de Manganeso +1 other reference
Shakotan Peninsula Oue mine (Oye mine; Ohe mine; Ooe mine; Oe mine) Fukuoka (1981)
Sorachi Subprefecture Yuubari mine (Yuubaridake deposit; Yubaridake deposit) Suzaki et al. (1969) +1 other reference
Tamamori mine Fukuoka (1981)
Hyogo Prefecture Yabu City Yabu-cho Yamanaka mine Fukuoka (1981)
Iwate Prefecture Kamaishi City Hongo mine (Hongou mine) Fukuoka (1981)
Kuji City Yamagata Takamatsu mine Dr. Matsuo Nambu ore collection (curated at Geological Survey of Japan)
Taki mine Fukuoka (1981)
Kunohe-gun Noda Noda-Tamagawa mine Katsu Kaneko (1956) +1 other reference
Kuzumaki Fujikura mine Dr. Matsuo Nambu collection (curated at Geological Survey of Japan)
Namiita mine Dr. Matsuo Nambu ore collection (curated at Geological Survey of Japan)
Shimohei District Fudai Mitsune mine Fukuoka (1981)
Iwaizumi Hijikuzu mine Dr. Matsuo Nambu ore collection (curated at Geological Survey of Japan) +1 other reference
Shintamagawa mine Dr. Matsuo Nambu collection (curated at Geological Survey of Japan)
Kagoshima Prefecture Oshima District Setouchi-cho Nishikata mine (Kudadon mine) Fukuoka (1981)
Yamato village Yamato mine ? Petrov (n.d.)
Kyoto Prefecture Kizugawa City Hokkejino Am Min 85:242-250
Mie Prefecture Iga City Yamada mine Fukuoka (1981) +1 other reference
Miyagi Prefecture Onikobe-Hosokura mining district Nuruyu-Tozawa gold-silver zone Narita (1963)
Miyazaki Prefecture Nishiusuki District Hinokage Shimozuru mine Fukuoka (1981) +1 other reference
Takachiho Toroku Mine Fukuoka (1981)
Nagano Prefecture Kamiina District Hamayokokawa mine (Hamayokogawa mine) Katsu Kaneko (1956) +1 other reference
Matsumoto City Yagisawa mine Yoshinaga (1959) +1 other reference
Okinawa Prefecture Ishigaki City Senkaku Islands (Diaoyudao Islands; Diaoyutai Islands) Okinawa Trough Yonaguni Knoll IV Hydrothermal Field Kaul et al. (2005) +1 other reference
Saitama Prefecture Chichibu City Urayama Hirogawara mine (Hirogawarasawa) K. Nishikubo et al. (2005)
Shiga Prefecture Gamo District Yaei mine Fukuoka (1981)
Kusatsu City Ioi mine Symposium sobre yacimientos de manganeso et al. (1956) +2 other references
Takashima City Takashima mine Fukuoka (1981)
Shimane Prefecture Kanoashi District Tsuwano Toyoka mine Fukuoka (1981)
Tochigi Prefecture Dainichizawa mine Fukuoka (1981)
Hokkohji mine 加藤昭 (1980) +1 other reference
Juuniyashima mine Fukuoka (1981)
Kanuma City Kaso Mine Akira Kato (undated manuscript) +2 other references
Kusagyu Oashi mine (Ou'ashi mine)
Takanosu mine Fukuoka (1981)
Kuranosawa mine Fukuoka (1981)
Nikko City Ashio Kyurasawa mine Fukuoka (1981)
Nomine mine Fukuoka (1981)
Takahira mine Fukuoka (1981)
Tottori Prefecture Mizutani mine Fukuoka (1981)
Ou'idani mine (Oidani mine) Fukuoka (1981)
Yamagata Prefecture Mori mine Dr. Matsuo Nambu ore collection (curated at Geological Survey of Japan)
Yamaguchi Prefecture Fukadani mine Fukuoka (1981)
Hata mine Fukuoka (1981)
Iwakuni City Kiwada mine Okamoto collection (curated at the Geological Survey museum, Japan)
Wagi mine (Waki mine) Mayumi Yoshinaga (1963) +1 other reference
Kinko mine Lee (1955) +2 other references
Kudamatsu City Fukumaki mine Fumitoshi HIROWATARI (1961) +2 other references
Kuga District Furujuku mine (Furushuku mine) Dr. Yohachiro Okamoto collection (curated at Geology Museum, Geological Survey of Japan) +1 other reference
Kusugi Mine Lee (1955)
Zohmeki adit H. Momoi (1964)
Takamori mine H. Momoi (1964)
Tennoh mine (Tenno mine) H. Momoi (1964)
Tsutsumi mine Fukuoka (1981)
Yamaguchi City Miyano mine Dr. Yohachiro Okamoto collection (curated at Geology Museum, Geological Survey of Japan)
Jambyl Region Burultas deposit - (1993)
Issyk-Kul Region Inyl'chek Range Muzeinyi Valley Rhodonite occurrence L.A. Pautov data
Atsimo-Andrefana Ampanihy District Fotadrevo Green Giant Vanadium Property Manga Di Cecco (2013)
Green Giant Vanadium Property Di Cecco (2013)
Chihuahua Aquiles Serdán Municipality Santa Eulalia Mining District
Durango Topia Municipality Topia Santa Cruz Mine Panczner (1987)
Hidalgo Pachuca Municipality Pachuca de Soto (Pachuca) Rosario Mine Panczner (1987)
Mexico Jiquipilco (Xiquipilco) Toluca meteorite Bunch et al. (1970) +1 other reference
Michoacan Angangueo Municipality Mineral de Angangueo Santa Bárbara Mine Panczner (1987)
Puebla Tepeyahualco Municipality Alchichica Cerro Tlachiaque Preciosa Sangre de Cristo Mine (Preciosa Sangue de Cristo Mine; Preciosa Mine) Dana 7:I:208 +1 other reference
Sierra de Tepeyahualco Prieta Mine Panczner (1987)
Sonora Onavas Municipality Vanrusselt (2023)
Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra Region Tarfaya Province Daoura-El Hagounia Cercle El Hagounia Caïdat Al Haggounia 001 meteorite A. J. Irving et al. (2010)
ǁKaras Region Oranjemund Constituency Rosh Pinah Rosh Pinah Mine von Bezing (2007)
New Zealand
Otago Region Clutha District Akatore Creek Read et al. (1971) +1 other reference
Waikato Region Hauraki District Waihi Martha Mine (Waihi Mine) Morgan
Adamawa Mayo-Belwa Mayo Belwa meteorite Watters et al. (1979)
Bauchi Toro Gumau Okoli et al. (2023)
Northwest Africa Meteorites
Northwest Africa 5217 meteorite (NWA 5217) Bunch et al. (2008)
Telemark Skien Flekkeren Jamtveit et al. (1997)
Trøndelag Midtre Gauldal Fløttum Mine Nilsen (1978)
Pacific Ocean
East Pacific Rise Juan de Fuca Ridge complex Southern Gorda Ridge Escanaba Trough Tuomo Törmänen (2005)
Punjab Province Bahawalpur District Khairpur meteorite Mason (1966)
Khushab District Adhi Kot meteorite Mason (1966)
Sindh Province Khairpur District Jajh deh Kot Lalu meteorite Klaus Keil & Christian A. Andersen (1965)
Ancash Bolognesi Province Aquia District Pachapaqui mining district Gomi (2009)
Arabia Mine Hyrsl et al. (2003) +1 other reference
Huallanca District Chiurucu San Martín Mine Lavinsky (n.d.)
Huanzala Huanzala Mine Imai et al. (1985) +1 other reference
Huaraz Province Huaraz District Huaraz Santo Toribio mine Olivo et al. (2003)
Arequipa Castilla Province Orcopampa District Econ Geol (1984)
Caylloma Province - (n.d.)
Cajamarca Cajamarca Province Encañada District Michiquillay Michiquillay Cu-Au-Mo deposit Singer et al. (2008)
Junín Yauli Province Morococha District Crowley et al. (1997)
La Libertad Santiago de Chuco Province Quiruvilca District Quiruvilca Mine Crowley et al. (1997)
Lima Oyón Province Oyón District Uchucchacua area Uchucchacua Mine Economic Geology November 1990 v. 85 ... +2 other references
Pasco Pasco province Cerro de Pasco Atacocha mining district Crowley et al. (1997)
Lower Silesian Voivodeship Legnica County Chmielewski et al. (2016)
Lublin Voivodeship Zamość County Zaklodzie meteorite The Meteoritical Bulletin et al. (August, 2000)
Alba County Roșia Montană Roşia Montană Tamas +5 other references
Bihor County Nucet Băiţa mining district Cristiana L. Ciobanu et al. (2016)
Caraş-Severin County Brebu Delineşti deposit Hârtopanu et al. (1996)
Hunedoara County Brad Mustari Musariu Cu-Au deposit Afifi et al. (1988)
Certeju de Sus Săcărâmb (TL) Clark (1993) +4 other references
Josephi adit (Joseph adit) - (n.d.)
Suceava County Iacobeni Tolovanu Tolovanu (Tolovan) Mn deposit Hîrtopanu (1997) +1 other reference
Bashkortostan Sibay Yuzhno-Faizulinskoe Mn deposit (South Faizuly deposit; South Faizulino deposit) Brusnitsyn (2006)
Buryatia Yeravninsky District Ozernoe ore cluster Solongo B deposit Vladimirskaya (1974)
Chelyabinsk Oblast Korkinsky District Korkino Sharygin et al. (2010)
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Chaunskii District (Chaun) Chaunskij meteorite (Chaunskiy meteorite) Zaslavskaya et al. (1991, March)
Kabardino-Balkaria Elbrussky District Tyrnyauz Urban Settlement Tyrnyauz Mo-W deposit Kulikov et al. (1989)
Kamchatka Krai Yelizovsky District Mutnovskoe [Der Aufschluss 1995:4 p163-180] +3 other references
Krasnoyarsk Krai Enisei Range (Yenisei Ridge; Enisei Ridge) Olimpiada Mine Silyanov et al. (2022)
Evenkiysky District Kuzmovka complex Sokol et al. (2019) +1 other reference
Taymyrskiy Autonomous Okrug Taimyr Peninsula Putoran Plateau Norilsk-Talnakh Mining Region Talnakh Cu-Ni Deposit Mayak Mine
Oktyabrsky Mine Am Min 66:638-639 +3 other references
Kurgan Oblast Vargashinsky District Pesyanoe meteorite Thomas R. Watters & Martin Prinz (1979)
Lake Baikal area Tazheranskii Massif Sharygin et al. (2010, September)
Middle Urals Ulutelyaksk deposit Gribov (1972)
Murmansk Oblast Khibiny Massif Olga Yakovleva et al. (2009)
Kaskasnyunchorr Mountain Barkov et al. (2000) +1 other reference
Nenets Autonomous Okrug Yugorskii Peninsula Pai-Khoi Range (Paikhoi; Pay Khoy) Silovayakhinskoye occurrence Старикова (2011)
Primorsky Krai Dalnegorsk Urban District Dalnegorsk Nikolaevskiy Mine Grant et al. (2001)
Sakha Oymyakonsky District Suntar-Khayata Range Kongor river Vysokogornoe Mn deposit Kokin +4 other references
Polar Yakutia Bulun District Lena River Basin Verkhoyansk Range
Sverdlovsk Oblast Karpinsk Urban Okrug Kosva massif Sharygin et al. (2014)
Serovsky District Turya river Tur'insk Vorontsovskoe deposit (Vorontsovsk gold deposit; Vorontsovka deposit) American Mineralogist +5 other references
Sysertsky District Borodulinskoe deposit Brusnitsyn (2000)
Sedel'nikovo Malosedel'nikovskoe deposit Brusnitsyn A.I. (2000)
Yekaterinburg Kurganovo Kurganovskoe deposit Brusnitsyn A.I. (2000)
Tuva Belaya Zima REE-Nb deposit Sharygin (2016) +1 other reference
Saudi Arabia
Najran Region Wadi Qatan C. F. Blain (1978)
Banská Bystrica Region Brezno District Heľpa Koděra (1986)
Detva District Vígľašská Huta-Kalinka Rojkovičová
Rimavská Sobota District Tisovec Magnet hill Hurai et al. (2011)
Žarnovica District Hodruša-Hámre Hodruša-Hámre mines Rozália Mine Ferenc Š. et al. (Štiavnické vrchy, Slovenská republika)
Košice Region Gelnica District Gelnica Gelnica - Cechy Pauliš P.
Perlová dolina (Grellenseifen) Háber et al. (SGR)
Žakarovce Koděra (1986)
Košice-okolie District Zlatá Idka Pauliš P.
Rožňava District Čučma Čierna Mine Koděra (1986)
South Africa
Eastern Cape Chris Hani District Municipality Intsika Yethu Local Municipality St. Mark's meteorite Mason (1966)
Free State Fezile Dabi District Municipality Moqhaka Local Municipality Moab Khotsong Mine D. Pienaar. (2014)
Limpopo Waterberg District Municipality Mogalakwena Local Municipality Mokopane Sandsloot mine Holwell et al. (2006) +1 other reference
Northern Cape Namakwa District Municipality Khâi-Ma Local Municipality Aggeneys Gamsberg zinc mine Schouwstra +6 other references
Postmasburg manganese field
ZF Mgcawu District Municipality Kgatelopele Local Municipality Daniëlskuil Daniel's Kuil meteorite Keil (1968)
South Korea
Gyeonggi Province Hwaseong City Sambo Mine Econ Geol (1984)
North Gyeongsang Province Bonghwa County Janggun mine Imai et al. (1982)
Yeonhwa mines Yeonhwa I Mine Taebaek deposit So +2 other references
Canary Islands Las Palmas Province Fuerteventura Coello et al. (92) +9 other references
Fuerteventura Basal Complex Casillas et al. (2011)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife Province Tenerife Los Blanquitos Dill et al. (2023)
Poris de Abona Dill et al. (2023)
Kassala Gash delta Khor Temiki meteorite Theo Ntaflos (1988)
River Nile Almahata Sitta meteorite Michael Zolensky et al. (2010)
Dalarna County Hedemora Garpenberg Garpenberg Norra Mine Grensman et al. (2001) +1 other reference
Lappberget Tiu (2019) +1 other reference
Östergötland County Finspång Doverstorp ore field Sätra Mine Zakrzewski et al (1982) +1 other reference
Södermanland County Nyköping Tunaberg Tunaberg Cu-Co Ore Field
Värmland County Filipstad Nordmark Odal Field Moss mine Nysten (2003)
Västmanland County Sala Municipality Sala Sala Silver Mine Öhman (2003)
Uri Reuss Valley Amsteg Amsteg power station Pfaffensprung-Amsteg water tunnel Stalder et al. (1998)
New Taipei City Ruifang District Fu-Shan Gold Mine
Sughd Gissar Range Faiziev +2 other references
Arusha region Ngorongoro District Ol Doinyo Lengai Mineralogical Magazine 1997 61 : 779-789 +9 other references
Manyara Region Babati District Ufana meteorite Mason (1966) +1 other reference
Simanjiro District Lelatema Mountains Merelani Hills John A. Jaszczak +3 other references
D-Block Mine Anon (2015)
Namalulu tsavorite deposit Feneyrol et al. (2012)
Eastern Region Soroti Soroti meteorite Ramdohr (1972)
England Cornwall Lanivet Bodmin Wheal Mary (Bodmin Consols; Bodmin United) Golley et al. (1995)
Tintagel Golley et al. (1995)
Donetsk Oblast Volnovakha Raion Volnovakha river basin in: Jambor et al. (1920) +1 other reference
Arizona Cochise County Bisbee Anthony et al. (1995)
Calumet and Arizona group of claims (Calumet and Arizona Mining Company group of claims) Junction Mine Keith (1973)
Higgins Mine Wilson (1930) +3 other references
Queen Hill Copper Queen Mine Anthony et al. (1995)
Chiricahua Mountains California Mining District (Chiricahua Mining District) Hilltop Mine Anthony et al. (1995)
Humboldt Mine (Bradshaw Arizona Mine; May Mine; Hyde & Scott Mine) Hewett (1930) +2 other references
Oregon-Prompter mine group Oregon Mine Hewett et al. (1960) +1 other reference
Tombstone Mining District Lucky Cuss Mine Dana 7:I:208. +7 other references
Tombstone Anthony et al. (1995)
Coconino County Meteor Crater area Canyon Diablo meteorite Ramdohr (1972)
Winona Winona meteorite Mason et al. (1967)
Santa Cruz County Patagonia Mountains Harshaw Mining District Alum Gulch Trench and Josephine Mine group (Josephine Mines; Trench group of claims; Lunch Cans prospect) Trench Mine 253-254 +6 other references
Haggin shaft Hewett (1930) +1 other reference
World's Fair Mine (Henry Ford Mine; Bonnie Carrie Mine) Anthony et al. (1995)
California San Diego County Murdoch et al. (1966)
Santa Clara County Black Wonder Mining District East Foothills San Jose Mine Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 106 +5 other references
Colorado Boulder County Forest Home Lode (Forest Home & Cold Spring) Eckel et al. (1997)
Dolores County Rico Mountains Rico Mining District (Pioneer Mining District) C.H.C. Hill Mountain Springs Mine (Rico Argentine) Eckel et al. (1997)
Silver Creek Rico Argentine Mine - (2005)
Gunnison County Dorchester Mining District Taylor Park Italian Mountain Eckel et al. (1997)
Lake County Leadville Mining District Eckel et al. (1997)
Mineral County Creede Mining District ? Eckel et al. (1997)
Amethyst vein Commodore Mine Econ Geol (1984)
Park County Alma Mining District Eckel et al. (1997)
Montezuma Mining District Manhattan Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Whale Mine Eckel et al. (1997)
Pitkin County Snowmass Area Bionaz Group - (2005)
San Juan County Eureka Mining District Gladstone Bonita Peak Sunnyside Mine group Rocks & Min.: 63: 366-384. +1 other reference
Summit County Argentine Mining District Peru Creek Area Vidler Tunnels West; Queen of the West - (2005)
Montezuma Mining District (Snake River Mining District) Queen-of-the-West Mine (Mountain Lion; Greenhorn; Silver Queen; D & G Property) Dana 6: 65 +1 other reference
Kansas Norton County Norton County meteorite Am Min 67:132-136 +3 other references
Pawnee County Larned meteorite Irving et al. (2010)
Kentucky Whitley County Cumberland Falls meteorite C. W. Neal & M. E. Lipschutz (1981)
Louisiana Winn Parish Atlanta meteorite Mason (1966) +1 other reference
Massachusetts Hampshire County Plainfield Betts Manganese Mines (Anson Betts Mine; Plainfield Manganese Mines; Taconic Manganese Mines) Plante (1992)
Missouri Newton County Granby Ore Block 111 - (2005)
Montana Jefferson County Alahambra Mining District (Golconda Mining District) Helena-Jefferson Mine (Hog Mine) - (2005)
Wickes Mining District Dana 7:208
Silver Bow County Butte Mining District (Summit Valley Mining District) Guilbert and Zeihen +1 other reference
Emma Mine Jenkins et al. (2002)
Travona Mine undefined
Nebraska Cass County Eagle Eagle meteorite Olsen et al. (1988) +1 other reference
Nevada Nye County Hot Creek Range Morey Mining District Keyser Mine Kleinhampl et al. (1984)
Morey Mine American Eagle and Cedar Vein - (2005)
Magnolia vein - (2005)
Tybo Mining District Kleinhampl et al. (1984)
Pershing County Mineral Basin Mining District Thomas mine - (2005)
Wild Horse Mining District Piute - (2005)
White Pine County Seigel Mining District (Siegel Mining District) Siegel Creek Mine (Siegel Mines) - (1976) +1 other reference
New Jersey Sussex County Franklin Franklin Mine Frondel (1972)
New Mexico Santa Fe County New Placers District Carnahan Mine (Lincoln-Lucky Mine) Northrop et al. (1996) +1 other reference
Sierra County Kingston Mining District Harley (1934)
Lady Franklin Camp Black Colt Mine NMGS 37th Field Conference +1 other reference
Lady Franklin Mine Northrop et al. (1996) +1 other reference
Socorro County Hansonburg District Northrop et al. (1996)
Taos County Picuris District Harding Mine - (2005)
North Carolina Alleghany County Sparta Bald Knob Bald Knob deposit Rocks & Min.: 60:130-135.
Ashe County Ore Knob Ore Knob Mine - (2005)
Ohio Clark County Springfield Enon meteorite Ramdohr (1972)
Oregon Jackson County Gold Hill Mining District Shamrock Mine (Chisholm Copper; Shamrock Manganese) - (2005)
South Carolina Lee County Bishopville Bishopville meteorite Thomas R. Watters & Marty Prinz (1979)
Tennessee Cocke County Cosby's Creek meteorite Ramdohr (1972)
Texas Ector County Odessa Odessa craters Bunch et al. (1970) +1 other reference
Jefferson County Fannett Fannett Dome (Fannett Dome Mine; Fannett Dome Sulfur Mine; Fannett Oil Field) Smith (1991)
Matagorda County Matagorda Gulf Hill Mine (Big Hill; Old Gulf) Smith (1991) +1 other reference
Wharton County Newgulf Boling Dome (Boling oil field; Newgulf Sulfur Operations) Smith (1991)
Virginia Pittsylvania County James River-Roanoke River Mn-Fe-Ba Mining District Hutter Mine (Herter Magnetite Mine) Tracy et al. (2003)
Washington Clallam County Lake Crescent Area Crescent Mine Cannon (1975)
West Virginia Grant County Landes Landes meteorite Meteoritics
Tashkent Chatkal-Kuraminskii Range Koshmansay River Lamproite diatreme Yusupov et al. (2009)
Western Sahara
al-Saqiyah al-Hamra'a (Saguia el Hamra) Itqiy meteorite Patzer et al. (2001)
Hadhramaut Governorate Kaidun meteorite Meteoritical Society Meeting 447-448 (1994) +1 other reference
Masvingo Bikita District Nolan property Nikischer (2023)