Take a city break in Tallinn, an exciting mix of hi-tech and old ways (original) (raw)

Tallinn, home of Skype and a Unesco site, is an exciting mix of hi-tech and old ways

The Estonian capital is a beautiful city with a distinctive Scandinavian feel and if you're feeling adventurous, there's a stunning national park close at hand

Red tops: The roofs of Tallinn's old town

There are three things you learn fairly swiftly upon arriving in Tallinn, the alluring capital of Estonia.

The first is that this is a haven for smartphone users due to the ­omnipresence of its wi-fi connections – sweet, free wi-fi connections – throughout the city.

Whether you’re at the boutique airport located just a few minutes from the centre or one of the restaurants that line the streets, chances are you’ll be able to check the football scores and email your mum.

The second is that Skype was developed in Estonia – and the third is that the locals are very proud of that fact.

This is understandable, of course: if you lived in a country with a population not that much bigger than that of Birmingham, you’d be pleased to have produced one of the most ubiquitous technologies of our time as well.

The techie vibe is ­unexpected, but so strong that we barely even raise an eyebrow when our tour guide for a jaunt around the Old Town turns out to be an iPad.

The device is thrust into our hands by a man with cables emerging from his shirt, who tells us to follow the map and complete challenges to earn prizes later in the day. The game is afoot.

It is a chilly day – Tallinn is a touch further north than Stockholm and has a distinct Scandi feel – but we soon warm up, zipping through beautiful cobbled streets, taking photos and asking questions of strangers.

Wilderness: Lahemaa national park

The Old Town is a Unesco world heritage site and it shows. Some of the barns and warehouses date back to the 11th century and are so well preserved that at times the place feels like a medieval theme park.

Our tour takes us up a winding staircase and into a tower guarded by Old Thomas, a key figure in the city’s history and amusingly portrayed by a member of the local tourist board.

He tells us that the walls around the Old Town used to separate rich from poor, before his character struck a blow for equality during a hunting trip.

A few (inaccurate) goes on his cross-bow and a glug of the local spirit later, we meander over to the stunning ­Alexander Nevsky ­Cathedral, where Old Thomas is immortalised on a weather vane, and then on to the famous confectionary shop, Kalev.

Here we rest our legs while decorating postcard-sized slabs of one of the local specialities: marzipan. The result makes for a memorable souvenir – although a glance at our handiwork is a ringing endorsement for the skills of the professionals.

The evening is spent at Mull, a restaurant run by a former model and local celebrity known simply as Beatrice.

Luxury: The city's Swissotel

In fact, restaurant may be the wrong term: we are actually welcomed into her home, a treasure trove of paintings, champagne bottles and curios.

Elin, our attentive guide, tells us that Estonian heads of state have dined here, but it feels like a well-kept secret. Beatrice can cook, too, and sends us into the night full and satisfied.

We rise early the next day and make the 45-minute trip out of Tallinn to reach the Lahemaa national park.

There is no wi-fi here. Aside from the odd wooden walkway and markings painted on trees to mark paths, this enormous swath of bogland and dense forest is pure wilderness.

We wind our way between frozen ponds, dwarfed by pines. The air is crisp and clean.

This Big Country wonder is the flipside to all the technology of the city. Estonia’s small population means that outside Tallinn the overriding commodity is space. This chimes with the stereotype of the locals as reserved, private people.

Unspoilt: Savour the crisp air of Lahemaa national park

“We invented Skype so people wouldn’t have to actually speak to each other!” jokes Elin.

She also says that the rule of thumb for building houses in the countryside is that you should be able to see only the rooftop of your neighbour’s place. Any closer is too close.

The worlds of technology and nature occasionally collide, however. Warming up at the spectacular seaside restaurant OKO, Elin tells us about a service called Looduskalender, a government-approved website that streams live footage from Estonia’s nature reserves to anyone with a passing interest and a passable internet connection.

You can watch wild bears while doing your morning workout or, like us, swoon over nesting owls while waiting for your starter. It is like a deconstructed, on-demand version of Springwatch, an escape that is only ever a few taps of your smartphone away (looduskalender.ee/en/).

But our attention is soon diverted by the food which somehow manages to trump the views. There is salted whitefish and fresh salmon, soft-shell crab and sawdust ice cream (yes, really). It is at once creative and classic. It is all delicious.

We return to the warm embrace of our hotel, the Swissotel Tallinn, for some R&R and the sauna is most welcome after a morning spent braving the conditions.

Historic: The walls of Tallinn's old town

Suitably refreshed, we head off for our final meal of the weekend. Luckily we don’t have far to go – the ­Horisont restaurant, the third-best eatery in the country according to an annual study, is at the top of the hotel.

The panorama is breathtaking and so is the food. We are treated to a seven-course tasting menu with matched wine from the charismatic sommelier, who revels in talking us through his choices.

We savour lobster, fois gras and beef tenderloin before ending the evening with a sip of the local ice wine. And a cocktail. And maybe another. Who’s counting?

Back at the airport the next morning we browse a swap-shop library, where you can ‘borrow’ a book if you promise to leave one the next time you pass through.

It is more proof that, for all its unexpected technological accomplishments, Estonia is also a country of more understated, human gestures.

Or so I tell my wife via Skype before boarding the plane.

Get there:


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B EST TIME TO GO Tallinn techs some beating this summer and autumn