Universal Credit explained and how it affects you (original) (raw)

Millions of jobseekers, low-waged parents and the sick and disabled are being moved onto a major new benefits system called Universal Credit.

But calls are mounting to scrap the reform after it left families desperate, debt-ridden and turning to food banks.

The Tory government's welfare chief Esther McVey has admitted some people "will be worse off" - by a suspected £200 a month" - thanks to cuts in the system.

That's prompted Labour figures to suggest it should go entirely - declaring: "The reforms haven't worked."

And she later unveiled £1billion of extra transition payments and increased help for claimants by £1.7billion a year.

The Mirror has launched a campaign to halt a major rollout of Universal Credit before it hits 3million families from July 2019.

So what is Universal Credit, why is it causing such a furore, and are you affected? Here is a basic guide.

Sign our petition to stop the rollout of Universal Credit across Britain and to replace it with a fairer system.

What is Universal Credit?

Tory Iain Duncan Smith launched it in 2013 supposedly to make work pay (


Jeff J Mitchell)

One system to replace six benefits: Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit, Jobseeker's Allowance, Income Support, Employment Support Allowance and Housing Benefit.

Tory Iain Duncan Smith launched it in 2013 supposedly to make work pay.

Who is affected?

37% of claimants are in work - it's very much not just those out of a job (


Getty Images)

If you are claiming any of the six benefits above, you have either been moved onto Universal Credit already, or will be moved onto Universal Credit in the next few years.

This means almost anyone who is a low earner, jobless or sick or disabled. 35% of claimants are in work.

As of September 2018, 1.2million people - mostly new claimants - have been put onto Universal Credit already, depending on when it was introduced in their local Jobcentre.

More than 250,000 of them are under 25.

UC started rolling out to Jobcentres in 2016, at a rate of around 50 a month. It will be offered in every Jobcentre for new claimants by December 2018, and 3million people will be on it by December 2019.

The remaining 3.95million existing benefit claimants, in around 3million households, will then be 'migrated' to Universal Credit from July 2019.

How much can I claim?

Claimants are getting an average of £630 per household per month

The amount you get is worked out through a complex formula.

It depends on your circumstances, but can't go above the overall "benefit cap" of £20,000 per household per year (£23,000 in London).

Current claimants are getting an average of £630 per household per month.

Critics say Universal Credit is worth less than old benefits, so there's a chance you will get less money than you would have done before. More about this below.

How will I be paid?

Universal Credit will be paid once a month, usually into your bank account (


E+ stock picture)

Universal Credit will be paid once a month, usually into your bank or building society account.

The first payment will have a standard delay of five weeks which is supposed to mimic 'normal' work. This has been very controversial - it used to be six weeks.

You can apply for an "advance" payment worth one month's benefit to tide you over, but you must then pay this back over the course of a year.

In the old system, Housing Benefit is sometimes paid directly to your landlord. But under Universal Credit, in many cases, you have to pay your landlord yourself.

If you think this is going to be difficult, you can bring your rent statement to your first meeting at the Jobcentre and ask for the benefit to continue to be paid to your landlord directly. Read more about this here.

Universal Credit is only paid to one representative in the household (


UIG via Getty Images)

Another change is that Universal Credit is paid to one representative in the household. It is not split between members of your home, like old-style benefits.

This means you may have to rely on your partner to share money with you.

Critics say this fans the flames of domestic violence by letting abusive partners control their victims' spending.

If you are worried about being cut off, you can apply for a "split payment" - for more information about these, click here.

Fewer than 20 people in the entire country have done this.

Why was it introduced?

Tory welfare chief Esther McVey and, right, Jeremy Corbyn, who wants it halted

Under the old system, the government said benefits would stop as soon as someone found a job.

That left some people who were working WORSE off than if they had stayed on benefits.

That is because of a "16-hour rule", where payments suddenly dropped away when you worked more than 16 hours a week.

Universal Credit is meant to stop that by having one payment, which "tapers" away by 63p for every extra £1 you earn above £198 a month.

(This amount changes under different circumstances like having children).

This "work allowance" was criticised for being too low, so from April 2019 it is being raised by £1,000 a year.

That will help 2.4million families with children and disabled people by about £630 a year. It will cost the Treasury £1.7billion a year.

What are the problems?

The new benefit coincided with billions of pounds in Tory benefit cuts (


Getty Images)

Universal Credit was brought in at the same time as billions of pounds in Tory benefit cuts, which made it less generous than its design. Those have now largely been reversed after changes in the Budget.

However, before the Budget changes three quarters of claimants struggled with bills - according to the DWP's own figures. Rent arrears soared £115 a head in two trial zones. Food bank use in another area, Hastings, rose 80%.

Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey was said to have admitted privately that millions of families will lose £200 a month.

Charities said UC's policy of paying the head of the household fans the flames of domestic abuse.

And 113,000 people failed to get their first payment within a six-week limit last year.

In June the National Audit Office warned there is no evidence UC was "making work pay" and it may never be value for money.

Ministers unveiled £1.5bn of improvements in November 2017, cutting the six-week wait to five, but critics said it was not enough.

So they unveiled £1bn of extra transitional help and £1.7bn a year in higher "work allowances" - the amount you can earn before benefits are clawed back - in October 2018.

After nine delays UC will only finish its rollout in December 2023.

But it might be too late to reverse it.

In September 2018, Tory ministers warned ditching UC and reverting to the old system would cause "massive disruption" and be “complex and expensive" - because "the changes have become increasingly embedded."

Will I get less money?

It all depends how you've been claiming benefits before (



If you are currently on benefits and moving to UC, you will get "transitional protection". This is worth £4billion across the country, and should ensure your payments don't suddenly drop. However, some elements of this are only temporary.

For more detail of transitional protection click here.

If you claim UC as a new claimant, it is quite likely get less than you would have done under the old system, because transition payments are not available.

You also won't get transitional cash if your circumstances change. Campaigners say this could be something as simple as moving home or getting a new partner.

What is Labour's policy?

Labour's welfare chief Margaret Greenwood with leader Jeremy Corbyn (


Jeff J Mitchell)

The party has launched a full review of the benefit to finish next autumn.

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has said Universal Credit has "got to go" because "the reforms haven't worked".

But there appears to be disagreement over whether scrapping it together is Labour policy. It seems whatever happens, Labour would ditch UC in its current form.

What does the government say?

Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey (



Theresa May's spokesman said: "We are absolutely committed to ensuring people get the help they need while making the welfare system fair for those who pay for it and those who benefit from it.

"We're spending around £3billion on transitional protections to ensure no one loses out if they are moved onto UC.

"This will ensure no family receives less money than they do today."

This statement only covers people who are "moved onto" UC, not those who have new claims or a change of circumstances.

Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey has admitted some people "will lose out".