Man, 77, stalked widow he met on cruise and hounded her with gifts and proposals (original) (raw)

Douglas Dabb, 77, made 330-mile round trips to see 77-year-old Wendy Winstanley in Sandback, Cheshire, and sent her a letter within which he said he hoped she would fall victim to a serious road accident

Douglas Dabb, 77, made 330-mile round trips to see Wendy Winstanley, also 77

Douglas Dabb, 77, made 330-mile round trips to see Wendy Winstanley, also 77

An elderly man who hounded a widow with gifts and proposals of marriage after they met on a cruise holiday has walked free from court.

Douglas Dabb, 77, made 330-mile round trips to see Wendy Winstanley, also 77, in her home town of Sandbach, Cheshire, and would turn up unannounced at her local church whenever she was volunteering at events.

She rebuffed his advances, but the retired Hitachi worker then sent her abusive messages and cards wishing her a "horrible birthday."

He also sent a letter where he wished her ill health and hoped she would fall victim to a serious road traffic accident.

During her ordeal Ms Winstanley asked fellow parishioners to act as lookouts for her in case he turned up at church services or fairs.

She was so fearful of her unwanted admirer that she was said to be "white as a sheet" and sobbing to her local vicar when Dabb managed to sneak inside the building while she stood in the pews area.

Wendy (pictured) met Douglas on a cruise holiday (


Wendy Winstanley/ Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

At Warrington Magistrates' Court, Dabb admitted stalking Mrs Winstanley and was fined £288.

Laura Simpson, prosecuting, said: "The defendant and the victim met on a cruise approximately five years ago, whereby they struck up a friendship.

"He visited her on one occasion for a sightseeing tour before going back to his home in South Wales.

"There were a number of incidents which have caused distress to the victim. In June 2021, the victim began a relationship with another male.

"The defendant queried if he could stay over and she said she didn't feel it was appropriate with the new relationship. The defendant's behaviour then changed towards the victim.

"He sent her a birthday card with nasty comments, wishing her bad health and wishing her a horrible birthday. He left flowers and a card taped to a gate post."

Dabb outside Warrington Magistrates' Court (


Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

He admitted stalking Mrs Winstanley and was fined £288 (


Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

She added: "In October, she warned her church group about the defendant. She was concerned about what he may do next.

"Then in November, she was managing a stall at her church fair when she saw the defendant. This is in Sandbach - the defendant lives in South Wales.

"She was distressed and broke down in front of the vicar. She was frightened by the defendant's behaviour. Later that day he hand-delivered a package to her home and also later sent another letter regarding the package.

"At Christmas time he sent her a card, and in February another envelope containing tea bags. She believes this relates to a conversation she had with the defendant on the cruise where she said that she did not like tea.

"In March, she was at the church when she saw the defendant. He was asked to leave but he only did so when police were called.

"It made her distressed and she cried. In interview, the defendant made full admissions to the harassment."

Dabb, who lives near Aberdare, South Wales, had no previous convictions.

Dabb was ordered to complete 25 days of rehabilitation activity with the probation service (


Google Street View)

Asking for a restraining order, Ms Simpson said that there was "high culpability" due to the offence taking place over a "prolonged period" and harm was caused to the victim due to the distress she suffered.

In mitigation for Dabb, defence solicitor Taryn Reay said: "He was a man of previous good character and unfortunately he loses that before the court today.

"He's 77 years of age and has never been in trouble with the court before. He has led a trouble free life and I am as sure as I can be that he will not trouble the courts again."

Ms Reay added: "He met the complainant on a group holiday and they were friends.

"They went on at least 12 holidays, some alone and some as a group. The friendship was very good. Not overly good, they were just good friends.

"Then he asked to stay on her sofa. She had offered previously but he felt that if she was in a relationship he would back away.

"He asked several times 'Are you in a relationship?' But she did not tell him she was in a relationship.

"This is not an excuse because, regardless of whether she had told him or not, his behaviour was inexcusable.

"But it simply explains why a man of 77 years of age who has never been in trouble before behaved in this way. What he wanted was for her to say 'I am in a relationship' and whether he should be in contact or not.

"He understands that there cannot be any more contact and to his credit there has not been any contact since March 20. This was a friendship that was good that went incredibly wrong on behalf of Mr Dabb."

Dabb had worked between 1964 and 2000 for Hitachi and after retiring he cared for his mother for seven years.

"Following her passing away, given that he was retired, he started travelling, and this is where the holidays started to happen," Ms Reay said.

"He likes to go on sleeper trains to travel to different parts of the country."

Dabb was ordered to complete 25 days of rehabilitation activity with the probation service as part of an 18-month community order.

He was also ordered to pay costs and a victim surcharge of £215.

"You can appreciate that this type of behaviour, getting to 77 and causing distress to this person, is not acceptable, is it?" Chairman Alf Bean said.

"It is really a pity that you have blotted your copy book and got yourself a criminal record."

No order for compensation was made, nor was a restraining order put in place.

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