'My weight meant vile troll targeted me - but it made me determined to change' (original) (raw)

'My weight meant vile troll targeted me - but I was inspired to make incredible change'

Lexy Ellis said she never dreamed she could lose seven-and-a-half stone and become fit and a passionate snowboarder, after she spent her school years pretending to be ill whenever she was due to have PE

Lexy Ellis - Before

A woman who spent her childhood nicknamed 'the chubby kid with the blonde hair' said she found determination to lose weight after a vile troll targeted her online.

Lexy Ellis from Salford, Manchester, said she never dreamed she could lose seven-and-a-half stone to become fit and a passionate snowboarder, after she spent her school years pretending to be ill whenever she was due to have PE.

The 44-year-old said she hated sport because she could never keep up and was always picked last for team games, and by her late teens the mum said she was a size 14 to 16.

Lexy said: "By my 20s that had increased to a size 18 to 20. I would always feel lonely even when I was surrounded by other people.

"I would cancel on friends before a night out because I’d be surrounded by clothes I’d tried on and rejected because I didn’t feel good in them.

Lexy Ellis - After (



Lexy Ellis, 44, is a Slimming World Consultant and lives in Salford (



"The truth was I rarely felt good in anything. Of course, the invites dwindled because I never wanted to go out so I’d often turn to my most trusted friend – food. But I was a terrible cook, so everything came from a packet or a takeaway."

In time, Lexy met the father of her children and they went on to have two wonderful boys, Addison and Coby, who are now
14 and seven.

She said: "My ex-partner is naturally slim so although the cosy nights in and meals out didn’t affect his waistline, they certainly affected mine. And each of my pregnancies only added to the weight gain. Everyone said: 'Oh it’ll soon drop off once the baby arrives.' But of course, it didn’t, and I ended up in a very low place after my second child was born. I remember taking the kids on a Christmas boat ride and as I climbed on the driver mumbled “uh oh”. I felt so ashamed that I went home that night and sobbed.

"I later saw a woman running down the street and I thought how powerful and strong she looked. It was a world away from how I felt in that moment. I wanted to look and feel like she did. Then there was my final straw. Someone I used to go to school with commented, “still fat?” on one of my recent photographs on Facebook. That was it. I was filled with such rage and determination that I joined a Slimming World group the very next day.

Lexy enjoys snowboarding now (



"In fact, it felt like the universe had been telling me to join one near where I live in Salford for a while. I passed a banner for a group every day on my way to work, but I told myself that I didn’t have the confidence to join and, besides, it probably wouldn’t work anyway."

A couple of days later, Lexy was stuck in traffic behind a car with a big Slimming World logo on the back. She said: "And then just before the Facebook comment, I saw a poster in my local supermarket. I was like, “OK! I get the message!” I think one of the reasons I was so reluctant to try Slimming World was because I had tried so many different diets before and never had much success. You name it, I’d tried it. The cabbage soup diet, calorie counting and meal replacements. I even invented my own diet where I only ate fruit.

"I’d always fall into the same pattern of losing about half a stone, losing motivation because I felt unhappy (and hungry) and then piling all the weight back on again.

"I was so nervous walking into my Slimming World group for the first time, but I was greeted straight away with a smile and a cup of tea. One of the members looked at me kindly and said, “This is going to change your life”. And she wasn’t wrong.

"At first, I found it quite hard to believe that I could eat so much and still lose weight. To me, losing weight had always meant feeling starving and miserable. I couldn’t believe it when I learned the Slimming World’s Food Optimising eating plan meant I could eat potatoes. There was just one problem though – I had no idea how to bake a potato."

Lexy added: "That’s where the group really came into its own. There was never any judgment about my distinct lack of cooking skills just care, advice and support – and recipes.

"I left with the perfect baked potato recipe, and I was so excited to come back the following week and let them all know I’d baked my first potato. Everyone was so pleased for me, especially when I also lost four-and-a-half pounds that week.

"As I steadily lost weight, I started to feel so much better about myself – both mentally and physically. It made me think back to those dreaded PE days, especially when my Consultant told me about Slimming World’s physical activity support programme, which helps members to create a personal plan to increase their activity levels steadily.

"I had a flashback to the woman I saw powerfully running down the street and wondered if just maybe, one day that could be me. Back before I’d lost weight I’d had a go at snowboarding. It was a sport I loved the idea of but the experience wasn’t a positive one. I was so out of breath and my knees were in agony afterwards. Now that I was feeling so much stronger and healthier, I decided to give it another go. This time around, snowboarding was everything I hoped it would be.

"Nothing beats the feeling of landing a great jump or racing down the slopes."

Lexy runs the Langworthy Slimming World groups in Manchester (



After a few months of snowboarding, Lexy had some photographs taken and said she couldn’t believe the person in those snaps was her. She said: "I looked just like that woman I’d so admired running down the street – strong, fit and powerful.

"Snowboarding did wonders for my body too, pretty soon I had arm definition that I could have only dreamed of back in my 20s. The best thing is my boys can join me in my active hobby too – we love to go snowboarding as a family as well as enjoying more active days out I would have shied away from before I lost weight.

"Sadly, the boys’ dad and I have since separated but we still have a great relationship and he’s been really supportive of my weight loss journey. Being a single mum can be difficult, but it’s much easier now that I’ve got the energy to keep up with them and the cooking skills to fill their bellies with healthy food. My boys give me all the motivation I need. I still attend my Slimming World group each week – in fact I have gone one step further and launched a group of my own in Langworthy, Salford. I love helping my members to achieve their dreams – it means so much as I know exactly how it feels to stand in their shoes.

"Thinking of myself as an inspiration to others just blows my mind, it’s an honour to think that I have helped others to feel as great as I do now. It’s also such a flexible role, so I can always be around for the boys if they need me. When I think about my future now, I feel so optimistic. I’m ready to start dating again and I’ve been on a fantastic holiday with my boys in Benalmadena, southern Spain, where I felt confident and happy in my swimwear.

"When I think back to the Lexy who felt sad and lonely, I just want to give her a big hug and say, “it’s all going to be OK”. Some of my lowest moments made me the woman I am today, and I wouldn’t change that for the world."